Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1889: Be the vanguard and destroy you

Su Wei suddenly took a step forward, bowed to this handsome and disobedient man, and the words whispered so that everyone in the room was shocked to drop his chin.

Even Jermir's face changed in fright, and for a long time he didn't return.

Less headed?

Let Wei Wei call the young man!

Even Wei Wei, one of the four leaders of the Dark Soul Organization, must respect and respect the man!

At this moment, not only was Jamie stunned, all the students around, including 211 who said that Sidi was a wild man, were stupid on the spot.

At this moment, there was only one doubt among the crowd, who is this man who made Wei Wei bow his head?

"Yeah." Si Yi grabbed Yun Jian's little hand, and he gently played Yun Jian's little hand in the middle of the big palm. He stared at her from beginning to end, but replied indifferently. .

After this remark, Si Yi rubbed Yun Jian's delicate little hand. He didn't look up at the crowd, but the innate aura made everyone present had to stare at him.

After a few moments of silence, Si Yi began to speak. The indifferent appearance seemed as if nothing in the world could enter his eyes except Yun Jian:

"I heard that someone just said I was a wild man?"

Si Yi said, pointing Yun Jian's small hand toward his big palm, his fingers interlocked.

His note is so beautiful, it is beautiful everywhere, beautiful, and beautiful.


The note under him is the most beautiful.

If Yun Jian knew that Si Yi was thinking about it at the moment, she estimated that she would beat him fiercely.

There is no need to speculate on Si Yi's thoughts. Since Si Yi said this, it means that he is angry now.

This makes Si Yi most angry, but he is not a wild man.

But ...

211 just said that his note, hiding a wild man?

The meaning of this statement can be understood as Yun Jian hiding other men besides him?

Of course, Shi Yi believes that Yun Jian will not do this at all.

However, the 211 who said these words intentionally made everyone think that such words were unpleasant to hear.

"Let's be the master, I'll dispose of the waste now!" Even Wei Wei, who had always been as calm as iron, listened to Si Yi's words, and now he couldn't help but sweat a little in his forehead.

After Wu Wei spoke, he took out a pistol directly from his belt and pointed his muzzle at 211.

None of the people around him talked about Wei Wei's name of Si Yi Shao as head of the family, and it was related to whether Si Yi would be the leader of the dark soul organization.

Xi Wei really only listened to the leader of the Dark Soul organization.


How could the leader of the Dark Soul Organization be here?

How could it be seti?

After all, Shi Yi's age is here.

The people around you are all old fritters. Generally, the more ordinary people, the more quasi-realistic you can guess, and the people around this circle are old fritters. They will only think things more and more complicated.

Could it be that this man standing next to Yun Jian is a hidden world leader of the Dark Soul organization? Higher status than the four leaders of the Dark Soul Organization?

But even if it is so false, everyone present will not associate the identity of the leader of the dark soul organization with Si Yi.

The older the churros, the more you think about it, and the truth is farther away from them.

"Ah! Gun! Gun! Ahh! Don't, don't kill me ..." 211 Seeing Wei Wei actually aimed the pistol's muzzle at herself, she shuddered all over, and turned and ran.

211 didn't expect that today he just wanted to make Yunjian ugly, and then he reported his own merit and was praised.

But she had no idea that she had caused the killing.

However, before 211 ran out here, a shot in the hands of Wei Wei hit the 211 heart with a "bang", and it was exactly the same.

Everyone around was frightened and took a hard breath. The group of women with 211 saw 211's eyes wide, and fell to the ground unconsciously, all covering their mouths and scared to move.


211, dead!

Compared to the people around him, Jamie's mind is obviously much more delicate. He has already guessed half, about the identity of Si Yi ...

Suddenly, Jempel couldn't get a definitive affirmation, but Wei suddenly turned his head and looked at Jemir, and warned him solemnly:

"You better not see anything, or you will start a war with my dark souls! Then I, Wei Wei, must act as a vanguard and destroy you!"

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