Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1909: Go to the gods, the mainland channel

If Yun Jian's words just weren't scary enough, then this sibling just gave the woman a crit.

How did she know!

The woman thought this way and asked: "How do you know who I am! The master met you on earth, I have never met you, how do you know that I exist!"

"Speak truth after drinking, his old man except me, only you apprentice." Yun Jian narrowed his eyes and hooked.

Apparently, it was the man of Barry Gao who spit out the truth before drinking and shook Yun Jian out of a female apprentice beside Yun Jian.

As soon as the woman heard it, three black lines flashed through her forehead.

There was a feeling of being betrayed by a stupid master.

The woman did not immediately feel that she had been arrested during this follow-up and recognized her identity. I am sorry that the master entrusted me with her request.

"Well, now that you recognize me, I won't hide it." The woman turned to look at Yun Jian.

Seeing Yunjian's eyes is an ancient woman's face.

Women have a strong fragrance of books, but their bodies are so charming that they can't stop men.

The innocent face, coupled with the beautiful **** and fat buttocks, looked cold and gentle, and there was a little mystery in the sexy.

I have to say that if ordinary people control these kinds of factors, it will definitely feel strange.

But everything is open to women, but there is a unique beauty that makes people want to be eye-opening.

Even Yun Jian couldn't help blinking.

"I've heard that you are the only apprentice besides me except for me. Strictly speaking, you are my little sister." After the woman said, she stretched out her hand toward Yun Jian, and said very boldly:

"The first time I met, I was a desolate face, the first disciple under the seat of the main continent of the gods."

The woman who professes to be a wild face is very bold and has a refreshing taste of a heroine among women.

Yun Jian listened to this, squinting slightly, reaching out to hold one.

She rarely shakes hands, and the person who can shake her hands must be someone she would like to know.

After Yun Jian shook hands, he narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly: "Yun Jian, the daughter of the Witch Clan of Yulong Continent, Witch God."

After Yun Jian's remarks, the two met for the first time.

Hearing this, Huang Yan said: "I know you, the master asked me to check a lot of your information. From the earth to the central continent, I kept monitoring you. I never thought I would be exposed from the beginning."

Lei Yan said, pulling an arc.

Yun Jian is not stupid, naturally it is impossible to guess the identity of the teacher.

Fangyan also said just now that she is the first disciple under the main **** seat of the **** continent, that is to say, the master is the master **** of the **** continent.

When Yun Jian was a witch god, she had been to the **** continent. Maybe some specific things haven't been restored yet, but she still knows what the main **** of the **** continent represents.

The Lord God of the Continent is the master of the previous God Continent and the father of the Lord God.

The cloud corner of the cloud that knows the truth is a tear.

It is really inappropriate to think of the old urchin-like child of the Master, and the identity of the Lord God of the continent.

"Originally, after you found me, I should take you directly to the **** continent, but I was not strong enough. When I arrived, the master opened the passage for me to leave the **** continent. The master would come back to pick me up three days later. "Huang Yan said solemnly.

"I can drive." Yun Jian answered.

"What?" Fang Yan frowned.

"I can drive to the land of the gods." Yun Jian repeated it in detail.

After listening to the frightened face, he really shouted:

"I have heard about your original strength rumors in the **** continent, and have also beheaded and killed the gods of my **** continent. I always thought that you could go to the **** continent. Someone let you in. After all, it can open the **** continent. The gods of the channel, no more than ten people in our **** continent!

"And everyone, except Lord God, is at an age that is similar to or older than the master! And if you are young, you can really open the channel!"

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