Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1910: Abandoned Law Enforcement

Huangyan was slightly shocked.

Anyway, she is also the **** of the gods' continent. Even if she is shocked, she won't show on her face.

So they went to the entrance to the **** continent.

To travel to the **** continent, the teleportation array must be turned on at the designated location.

And the number of people who can open the teleportation array at the designated place will not exceed ten in this world.

In addition to Yun Jian, the other people are the gods of the **** continent!

However, even if it is Yunjian, if you want to open the passage to the **** continent, you must also pass that designated place to open the teleportation array to the **** continent.

Desolation came out from the **** continent, which is the main god, that is, the Barry Gao man opened the passage at the designated place.

The designated place leading to the mainland of the gods is the Tan family headed by the three major families in the central mainland ...

Meanwhile, the hunting school.

Ye Ling spent so many years at the hunting school. She had very few things that belonged to her. There were only two pieces of clothes to change and almost nothing else.

Like the dead 211, and the group of women who were with 211, have also spent so many years in the hunting school.

But 211, or the beautiful clothes of the 211 group of women, have all the jewelry, and they are all luxury goods that can sell for a good price.

This is because those things were obtained by the 211 and the women, using their own bodies in the hands of men.

Ye Ling simply packed her things in the girl's dormitory, and stood excitedly waiting for Wei Wei downstairs.

She can finally leave the hunting school!

At this moment, the excitement in Ye Ling's heart cannot be described by words.

Xu Wei was almost out of control and saw Ye Ling standing downstairs in the girl's dormitory waiting for herself. He walked up in three or two steps and wanted to help her with her luggage.

"No, no, I can mention it myself." Ye Ling clutched his luggage with both hands, and wanted to refuse Wei Wei's kindness.

However, Wei Wei was a baggage that carried Ye Ling with both hands, and could not refuse to carry Ye Ling with her luggage.

Just after boarding on Wei Wei ’s Maserati sports car, Ye Ling held her luggage and asked her: “Where are we going? Can I go home?”

"Tourism." Qi Wei still cherishes words, and simply responds to Ye Ling.

tourism? Ye Ling froze.

If Adam or Xueying is here, it is estimated that he would have to be stunned when he heard Wei Wei's words.


In the past, when Adam and the Snow Eagle organization went on a tour together, Wei Wei refused but simply.

The reason is just a short word: boredom.

Ye Ling naturally did not know this, but what she thought was going home, so Ye Ling turned her head to look at Wei Wei, pursed her lips, and asked Wei Wei:

"Can I go home after the tour ..."

"Um." Yun Wei agreed.

Ye Ling's heart was suddenly excited.

However, Wei Wei's next sentence broke Ye Ling's excitement.

"It's okay when you have a child," he said.

Ye Ling: "..." Why is he so persistent about having children ...

On the other side, the Central Mainland, the Tan family head of the three major families.

Not far from the Tan house, there is a mountain, and beside the mountain is a deserted magic circle.

According to legend, as long as this magic circle is turned on, you can go to the **** continent.

But this is just a legend.

But there is plenty of spiritual power beside this desolate law formation.

In layman's terms, you can practice next to this deserted magic circle, and it can be ten times faster than outside!

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the children of the Tan family would practice by this abandoned law formation.

When Yun Jian and Huang Yan first came here, they saw a lot of Tan family's disciples practicing next to the deserted Falun Gong.

Don't look at this law formation being abandoned, as long as enough powerful spiritual power is injected into this law formation, you can open the already abandoned law formation and go to the **** continent.

As soon as Yunjian and Huangyan came here, they were stopped by them before they reached the desolate front.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Don't you know that this is a forbidden area. Except for the people in my Tan family, don't outsiders give in!

See Yun Jian and Huang Yan approaching here. Among the children of the Tan family who are practicing, a burly man came here, stopping Yun Jian and Huang Yan.

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