Just thinking about it, Sidi had held her hand and came to the gate of his mother's house after a journey of about five hours.

Don't ask Si Yi's ability to tear open space to any place instantly, why not use this ability.

As a man who has just opened, of course, he would take Yunjian along the way to see the scenery of his **** mainland, and then pull her to the woods by the way.

By the way, do something bad.

Yun Jian feels that since Si Yi opened his mind, anywhere can become his battlefield.

Yun Jian feels that sooner or later he will be ashamed to die under him

Just arrived at Baili's, Si Yi pulled Yun Jian's hand a little nervous.

The Baili family is the mother's maiden home.

This is the first time he has met his mother after restoring his memory.

The last time I met was probably thousands of years ago?

The surname of Baili reminds Yunjian of the four words of "Bai Li Gao Ren".

Barry high man, is not the title of the master on the earth?

"Bai Li is his mother's last name. When the old man goes out to lie in the pit door, he will use his mother's last name to claim it." Si Yi knew what Yun Jian was thinking without looking, he explained.

"Hmm ..." Yun Jian nodded.

This is also like the style of a master.

When the Lord God was on the earth, he had done such a thing more than once. He had also worshipped while he was on the earth. This is why the same time, the Lord ’s fellow teachers and brothers on the earth came to meet Yun Jian.

Playing is a very significant feature of the Lord God.

"Squeak--" The door opened before Si Yi knocked on the door.

The young man who opened the door saw Si Yi, and he was pleasantly surprised: "It is Lord God here! Your mother is in your yard! She has been looking forward to you for thousands of years!"

Si Yi nodded toward the man, then pulled Yun Jian and walked towards his mother's yard.

Obviously, this young man is not too young.

On the continent of gods, keep in mind that you must not look at appearances to determine a person's age.

As soon as Yun Jian was pulled by Si Yi to the backyard where his mother lived, he saw a woman who was only twenty years old sitting on the stone table in the yard, and there were several men standing next to it.

Obviously, this 20-year-old woman is Si Yi's mother.

The men standing next to Si Yi's mother are undoubtedly Si Yi's brothers and younger brothers.

The moment she saw Si Yi and Yun Jian, Si Yi's mother stood up.

"You're here?" Si Yi's mother asked Si Yi.

Si Yi's mother, named Bai Liyan, usually does not call her name and listens to strangeness, but her motherly love for Si Yi is naturally no less.

"Well, mother." Si Yi nodded toward Bai Liyan, and pulled Yun Jian over.

Seeing that Si Yi's mother was so young, Yun Jian blinked.

"This is the sweetheart you have talked to me a thousand years ago?" Si Yi's mother looked at Yun Jian with a smile on her face.

"Yes." Si Yi nodded.

"Sir, you haven't been here for a long time, walk around, let's rub him a hundred thousand chess moves!" A man who was standing next to Bai Liyan wrapped his shoulders, and talked to other men Dragging Si Yi out.

"You go with peace of mind, I was just about to talk to the little girl." Bai Liyan smiled at Yun Jian and said to Si Yi.

Seeing this, he felt relieved to be left by these people.

Yun Jian suddenly felt a little nervous.

When I first saw Si Yi's mother, Si Yi was better, but now Yi Yi was left alone and she stayed with his mother alone.

Does she dislike herself?

"Little girl, don't be nervous, the child often mentions you to me." But when Bai Liyan reached out and held Yun Jian, she patted her hand and smiled at Yun Jian.

Regardless of Bai Liyan's young appearance, she is already very mature.

Seeing this, Yun Jian nodded.

After talking a few words, Yunjian was not nervous anymore.

Bai Liyan is a very gentle woman and Yun Jian is very experienced.

After Si Yi left, Bai Liyan kept asking Yun Jian some questions.

After being cooked, Bai Liyan suddenly looked around, and when no one was around, she suddenly reached Yun Jian's ear and quietly asked Yun Jian:

"My child loves you. I met you and told you about it. How about it, it's been so long. Have you two gone to bed?"

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