When seeing Sidi's mother Bai Liyan for the first time, Yun Jian would feel that she was a very gentle, elegant and noble woman, just like the real magnificent Miss Qian Jin, who was well-mannered and reasonable.

Of course, for now, Bai Liyan still feels the same to Yun Jian.

But Bai Liyan suddenly asked the words that made Yun Jian startled suddenly, then her face suddenly turned red.

So ...

How could she answer ...

Seeing Yun Jian's face flashing ruddy, Bai Liyan smiled twice, and there was a feeling of ‘I know everything’ mixed in. She patted Yun Jian ’s hand without asking Yun Jian ’s answer:

"Good boy, I know it. Don't be shy, I'm here."

Speaking, Bai Liyan looked forward to Yun Jian again:

"You're my daughter-in-law now, so you have to call me mother instead, otherwise I won't let the stinky boy take you away!"

Bai Liyan laughed and punched out of Yunyun.

That stinky boy is naturally stylized.

Yun Jian stared at Bai Liyan, her heart warmed. At the end, her red lips froze slightly, and she yelled at Bai Liyan: "Mother!"

In the **** continent, mothers are generally called mothers, and their elders who call on themselves have to use respectful words like father and mother.

Yun Jian shouted, Bai Liyan's smile became more obvious.

Although Bai Liyan and the main **** gave birth to Si Yi, she rarely went to the temple, but as a mother, Bai Li Yan's love for Si Yi was the same as that of an ordinary mother.

After the gods of previous lives liked the Witch God, he said it in front of Bai Liyan more than once.

Bai Liyan has long wanted to see what this girl who can fascinate her monk like any woman who looks down on any woman looks like, what kind of person.

But it turns out that Bai Liyan liked Yun Jian the first time she saw Yun Jian.

No, holding Yun Jian and saying a lot of words, I just asked such a shy question.

In some levels, Bai Liyan is very similar to the Lord God.

For example, the Lord God occasionally takes a serious and serious occasion, usually with a hippie smile, while Bai Liyan is usually a serious one. Only in front of the right person, she will ask such a shy question.

Talking, Yun Jian also gradually got acquainted with Bai Liyan.

Bai Liyan is not as elegant and noble as Yun Jian when she first met, and she is not willing to talk with people. On the contrary, Bai Liyan can say anything.

Yun Jian has been chatting with Bai Liyan for a long time, and then she will like this gentle, sometimes gossip woman.

When Si Yi came back here, she saw this scene—

Bai Liyan whispered something in Yun Jian's ear, Yun Jian's entire face turned red, and even her ears were red.

"I go to your boy, and we want to run after winning so many times? Hurry back and continue rubbing!" Several men who just pulled Si Yi to play chess and chased after Si Yi.

But seeing that Yi Yi over there has pulled up Yun Jian and said to Bai Liyan: "That mother, let's go back to the temple first."

In the past, Shiyi looked at Bai Liyan, and she will leave soon.

Bai Liyan is also used to it.

But today, rare encounter with Yun Jian's obedient daughter-in-law, Bai Liyan stood up and kept: "Why do you go so fast, I still have a lot of questions to ask."

Bai Liyan has called Yunjian in intimate words.

Si Yi raised an eyebrow.

"Ask again next time and leave." Si Yi took Yun Jian's hand and refused Bai Liyan's retention.

He took Yunjian and walked out of Baili's house for two steps. Si Yi looked over at Bai Liyan and said, "Or you can come to the temple."

After talking about it, Shi Yi pulled Yun Jian's head and left, Yun Jian had no time to say goodbye.

"This boy! It's exactly the same as the old guy! Can I still grab his daughter-in-law!" Bai Liyan, standing in place, gritted her teeth when she thought of the Lord God, and she immediately recalled the owing face of the Lord God.

Everyone knows that Bai Liyan doesn't go to the temple very much, she just doesn't want to see the old god.

As for the specific reason, only the Lord God and Bai Liyan knew it.

At that time, Yun Jian had been pulled by Stie toward the direction of the temple.

"Just what your mother just said to you secretly?" Sidi asked, suddenly curious.

Si Yi looked down at Yun Jian a little while talking, but what he saw was the picture of Yun Jian's face turning red.

Even the ears were red, as if something bad had been done.

Yun Jianben thought that Si Yi's mother just liked gossip, but did not expect ...

Keke! What she just said to her secretly was--

‘Small note, come on, let my stink boy work hard, do a few more times when you go back, do n’t be shy, try every posture, the fastest way to make children! ’

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