Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1938: Should we two, regenerate one

"Where is Huangquan Road?" Yun Jian asked anxiously.

The brother of the previous life died tragically, and Yun Jian couldn't forget.

I thought my brother's death was caused by the fiery organization.

But this is not the case.

Later, with the development of the incident and countless assassinations, including the previous life when she was a witch god, she fell because of a mysterious person.

All of this is telling Yun Jian that she must kill the mysterious person, Hyun Lin, with her own hands!

"Xiao Jian, don't listen to him nonsense! What Huang Quanlu, I think it is his own name!"

When Yun Jian was very serious and asked where the main god, Huang Quanlu, was, Bai Liyan walked over and kicked the main **** to the ground to make a sound.

The main **** was not willing to fight back against Bai Liyan. He was screamed "Ouch" after being thrown to the ground by Bai Liyan. He just wanted to say "How can you bear to be angry with the handsome and handsome man who is angry with the invincible universe" I start ".

The Lord God suddenly realized that he was no longer the old man.

At this moment, the main **** is so handsome and handsome, and his face is just as handsome as people's eyes.

"Yan, don't you know that I made this name indiscriminately?" The Lord asked.

"I don't know you yet, you just do this!" Bai Liyan looked at the Lord God in disgust.

Somehow, Bai Liyan looked at him with disgusted eyes. The Lord God felt that when she heard this sentence, there was a warm current in her heart.

"Okay." The Lord God stood up neatly, then he looked at Yun Jian and Si Yi and said:

"Huang Quanlu was indeed made up by me. I think it is used to describe it. The name is good and very nice! Don't you think it! I really have the talent to take a name!"

The Lord God touched his smooth chin, narcissistic, and then continued to speak:

"That Huangquan Road doesn't have a name, so I picked it up, isn't it nice? Haha! That's the road to the depths of the forest in the magic domain.

"It is said that in the depths of the Demon Forest, there is a rushing spring called Shenquan. Staying in the Shenquan for 666 days can turn human beings into immortalists, restore the gods who have been revoked, and even increase the number Hundreds or even thousands of times!

"This is just a legend. I wouldn't believe it at first, but now ..."

When the Lord God said this, he frowned and stopped talking.

"Old man, do you think that Xuanlin's guy has found the Fountain of God?"

"Yes, Hyun Lin, maybe nine out of ten should live near the **** spring in the forest of magic domain!" The main **** nodded.

The word of the Lord God, let Yun Jian froze.

Shenquan, she once heard Lan Su mentioned.

I did not expect that the legendary **** spring, which has long been unknown, is actually on the **** continent.

Shenquan! Yun Jian shook his fist.

Regardless of what the **** spring is not the **** spring, as long as you can find Hyun Lin, she will do whatever it takes!

"Okay, don't hurry to set off. Shenquan can't be found overnight. How many gods go to the depths of the Demon Forest to find the **** spring, never return without fruit.

"You guys, don't hurry!"

The Lord God spoke again.

"We leave in three days." Yun Jian pursed his lips and said with determination.

"Well." As long as she said, Sidi would respond.

After that, Sidi suddenly took Yun Jian's small hand and left here, and then said to the main **** and Bai Liyan: "You talk, I'll take the small note and go for a walk."

As soon as the words were finished, Si Yi had left Yunjian by pulling Yunjian.

The seriously injured Lord God blinked in bed.

"Well, who is going to stay with someone like you, is n’t it a guarantee that you wo n’t enter the door of my Barry's house for a lifetime? Are n’t you terrible and not hurt? When you forced me to marry you, I did n’t Can self-confidence protect me?

"I don't think you can even protect yourself. You have suffered such a serious injury, but fortunately I left you!"

When Bai Liyan saw this stink kid pull Yun Yun away, she obliquely glanced at the main **** and left the house.

The Lord God hasn't seen the woman he is thinking of for thousands of years. He grabbed Bai Liyan's hand with his backhand and pulled Bai Liyan into his arms.

"What are you doing! Don't let go!" Bai Liyan struggled.

"Oh, oh, it hurts, don't move, you hurt my wound again, oh oh ..." The main **** shouted and screamed at Bai Liyan.

Live like an old urchin, a youthful appearance.

Bai Liyan didn't dare to move.

Taking advantage of the gap in this moment, the Lord God turned over and pressed Bai Liyan under her body, and stroked Bai Liyan's thigh with a hand, smiling:

"Yan, I know you have no affection for me, but we have two children, and you have no other men, or should we both have one?"

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