Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1939: With Shenquan, the specific location

With that said, the Lord God is about to kiss Bai Liyan's beautiful lips.

"Get up! You get me up!" Seeing this, Bai Liyan just didn't dare to struggle, and now she hits and beats directly on the main god.

"Oh, oh, it really hurts this time, don't knock ..." The Lord God yelled at Bai Liyan, covering his chest.

"It hurts you to think about it! If it weren't for my son, I wouldn't even have given you the door of the Barry! Get out of my way!"

Bai Liyan pushed away the main god, gave him a severe glance, smoothed her clothes, and went out.

The main **** pushed by Bai Liyan was sweet at the moment.

Every time before Bailiyan was touched by him, he would die and live afterwards.

Although nothing shy happened just now, when he held her in his arms, she would also take care of her wounds and not struggle.

You have to know that Bai Liyan was anxious to kill him at the beginning, how can he care if he has any wounds or will he be injured?

This is why the Lord God resisted coming to see Bai Liyan for thousands of years.

He was afraid she would threaten death again.

But now it seems that they, and the drama is not it?

After staying at Baili's house for three days, Yunjian and Sidi set off for the Forest of Demon Realm.

Before starting, Sidi entrusted the main **** to Bai Liyan.

Although Bai Liyan said in her mouth that she would never take care of the main god, but Sidi knew that it was all talked about by Bai Liyan.

The original grudges and dissatisfaction faded away as time went by.

Before leaving, Bai Liyan also pulled Yun Jian to a corner and whispered to Yun Jian:

"Small note, if you and my son find the Shenquan, they must stay there for 666 days, just to have a bath, play in water or something, bring me a granddaughter and grandson back .. .... "

Before Bai Liyan said all this, Yun Jian's face was reddish immediately, and Sidi over there came over and pulled Yun Jian into her arms.

At a glance, Bai Liyan can see that Sidi was afraid she would bully Yunjian. She hid a smile and waved at Syi: "Let's go, your wife is yours, and I don't follow you grab!"

At the end of the admonition, Si Yi took Yunjian to the forest of magic domain ...

Few people in the Demon Forest forest dared to join alone or in pairs.

In the depths of the Demon Forest, there are powerful Warcrafts, and even some gods with strong spiritual power cannot fight.

Therefore, generally into the depths of the forest of the magic domain, dozens of people will team up before they dare to enter.

Si Yi and Yun Jian advanced directly into the forest of the magic domain.

The Demon Forest is not empty and empty. On the contrary, there are many people walking around the Demon Forest.

It's just that the more you go deeper into the forest of the magic domain, the fewer people are.

But the people who entered the Demon Forest to find the legendary Shenquan are not a few.

And who's purpose is to go to the Demon Forest to find the God Spring, and now it has become clear in the Yunjian deep in the Demon Forest.

After all, it's not to find the God Spring, no one will go deep into the forest of magical domains that the powerful Warcraft is running through.

"Hey, hello, the first two, wait!" Immediately after Yun Jian and Si Yi walked deep into the forest of the magic domain, a more lively male voice came from behind.

Listening to this, Yun Jian's eyes narrowed, and he turned and glanced sideways.

But I saw an eighteen-year-old teenager leading his friends to Yunjian and Siyi, and asked:

"Did both of you come to the Demon Forest to find the God Spring? Are you two?"

There were more than a dozen people standing next to this boy, apparently in a team together into the forest of magic domain.

"Um." Yun Jian said softly.

The Lord God did not say exactly how to get to Huangquan Road, nor did he say where the God Spring is, because the Lord God himself has not been there.

Yun Jianben would like to ask someone to ask, this is not, people come by themselves.

"Yeah, that's really great. We are also looking for Shenquan, and we have found the specific location of Shenquan! But there is a huge Warcraft at the entrance to Shenquan to keep people from entering.

"We can't fight, so we want to call someone to surrender it! Would you like to join us?"

When the boy heard it, he was pleasantly surprised.

When Yun Jian heard it, his eyes flashed sharply: "Take us now."

"Do you think we can get there by taking you? The power of Warcraft is too strong! We went there before, and we have damaged a lot of companions!

"This time we have to convene more people, and we have more strength to dare to go again. Now I just added the two of you, and the strength is not enough to destroy the Warcraft! Go as soon as you say, will our companions have to give you their lives Be a stepping stone? "

A young girl about the same size as Yun Jian came to the rear of the teenager, and the girl had no other meaning, but she was unhappy that Yun Jian asked them to lead the way.

Find out, now is where they know the Shenquan, kindly summon people to go together!

Yun Jian and Si Yi were not invited as the captain to lead them!

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