Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1940: Guarding Warcraft, it's a big baboon

After the girl finished speaking, everyone around her paused for a long time, but no one spoke.

Just now the first person who came forward to invite Yun Jian and Si Yi asked his friends to take away the emotional girl, and then apologized to Yun Jian:

"Sorry, my friend ’s mood is a little bit extreme, because we have been there once and determined that it is the entrance to Shenquan, but we were too few at that time and too weak, so several companions were miserable

"Because of this, we don't want to have fearless sacrifice anymore, so when we call for more people, we will definitely surrender the World of Warcraft! My friend said a few words to you just now that I don't listen very well. If so, don't look strange! "

The teenager apologized to Yun Jian, and immediately went on to convene the team.

Of course, if it wasn't for the teenager to apologize to Yun Jian in a timely manner, and according to Si Yi's personality, it is estimated that at this moment, the young girl just beheaded.

However, before this, Yun Jian didn't know what had happened to the group of people. Listening to this, Yun Jian didn't ask, but stood with Si Yi and waited for a while.

The young man summoned fifty people in one breath, and a group of talents walked to the entrance of Shenquan.

The young man's name was Ding Sheng, and the young girl was Wen Jingtian just now.

On the way to the entrance of Shenquan, Yunjian learned about the previous experience of Ding Sheng and others.

They also came to the Demon Forest Forest to search for the God Spring. They did not give much hope. Later, they accidentally found the entrance to the God Spring, but they were attacked by the powerful Warcraft.

Several of their companions desperately defended them and left, but died tragically in the hands of Warcraft.

In this regard, Yun Jian can also understand why Wen Jingtian was so excited when she heard that she would take her to the entrance of Shenquan immediately.

Wen Jingtian didn't want more companions to go wrong.

Of the fifty or so individuals summoned by Ding Sheng, several were older and more capable.

So these people can hear the sound of bragging.

"How powerful can that World of Warcraft be? I can smash it in one shot!"

"Blow, blow you! But we will work together to make it over!"

"That is a must! My current practice is not too low!"

The group of mature men gathered together, and the talk kept on.

Whether it is the male **** of the earth or the male **** of the **** continent, they always have one thing in common, and love to brag.

This is unavoidable.

Along the way, Si Yi has been holding Yun Jian's little hand, and the pet drunken person is envious of anyone who sees it.

In order to prevent riots, Yun Jian has masked the breath of people belonging to thousands of continents.

As a prince, Sidi has rarely exposed his face to the crowd in the past, so there are not many people who can see that Sidi looks like he is a prince.

At least this pile before, no.

"Here! That's it! Everyone is up! Fighting!" At this moment, Ding Sheng, who led the way, suddenly waved his hands and let everyone stop and point to a cliff:

"That World of Warcraft is over there. There is a teleportation array. Entering the teleportation array, this is where the Shenquan is!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge World of Warcraft was awakened by the footsteps of everyone.

The huge body was as high as three stories high, suddenly raised, growling, deafening.

"Archive! Arrival!"

"Oh my God! This World of Warcraft is so powerful!"


In the face of this huge World of Warcraft, everyone's reactions were different.

Ding Sheng and Wen Jingtian took everyone ready to fight immediately.

However, where no one had seen it, Yun Jian evoked a red arc, and she took the lead with Si Yi to stand one step ahead of Warcraft.

In front of Yun Jian and Si Yi, this head of Warcraft that just radiated a powerful spiritual energy suddenly took its own breath.

Soon after, this big three-story baboon, kneeling in front of everyone in the direction of Yun Jian, roared weakly: "Wow!"

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