Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1951: Wu Wei became a trafficker

I have to say that what Wei Wei said was really straightforward and straight, and she wouldn't turn half a turn or slant a half angle at all.

Whatever the truth is, he will say what he should say.

Except that Wu Wei now has more words than before, the indifference on the face from the bottom of his heart has not changed from beginning to end.

This year, Ye Ling stayed with Ye Wei. Since then, Ye Wei hasn't forced Ye Ling.

However, this time Wei Weiken brought Ye Ling back. Although it was said that she had done well in the morning, Ye Wei finally brought Ye Ling back. It was Ye Ling who agreed to give him a baby.

But the premise that Ye Ling agreed was that he must not use her as a tool for fertility.

But Ye Ling didn't expect that Qi Wei actually said this in front of her mother so directly!

Ye Ling's face changed slightly, and she looked at her mother Ji Qinqin a little dullly.

Ji Qinqin had just found her own missing daughter for many years, holding Ye Ling's hand for a long time, unable to return to the emotion of excitement, but suddenly she heard such a sentence, Ji Qinqin's face suddenly changed.

"Did you want my daughter to have a baby for you?" Ji Qinqin looked up and down about Wei Wei, staring at his own eyes, and looked at Wei Wei in disbelief.

"Well." Wu Wei didn't realize he had said something wrong, and he replied.

Although he could not give her love, he would not steal a woman except for love, and would give her all her savings, as long as she stayed at him with peace of mind and did not want others.

No loving sex.

Besides, she has been with herself for a year, and there should be no reason to refuse it.

Facts have proved that Wei Wei's straightforwardness is not flattering.

After Ji Qinqin listened to what Wei Wei said, his eyes rolled round, then he shouted in his house: "Her husband, come out!"

"Mom, is dad also at home?" Ye Ling was held by Ji Qinqin and heard Ji Qinqin shouting twice, she was both excited and scared.

Ye Ling still remembers that when he was a child, his father was strict with himself, but like his mother, his father loved himself.

But at that time, I did n’t understand myself. I was blind and arrogant every day.

When she was caught in a hunting school and there were no more people to rely on, she remembered the goodness of her parents.

I was afraid to see my father because I was afraid that my father would blame him for running away before leaving.

But I missed it, occupying a large part of the emotion, so thinking of Ye Ling's sore nose, she has been stubborn and doesn't want her parents to see her crying, and she can't help crying.

"Ling Ling, don't be afraid, when you get home, ah, my parents will protect you! Mom has found you for ten years, I have found you all over the world and I can't find you, but I dare not find it, I am afraid that Ling Ling has returned home If you find mom, you will cry. Mom will protect you. Ah ... "

Ji Qinqin pulled Ye Ling to his side, and then stared at Wei Wei with the eyes of a trafficker.

Soon, a lean man came out.

The man's cheeks were deeply sunken, and it can be seen that since Ye Ling was lost, he has never rested well, looking for people everywhere, and he is getting thinner and thinner.

And the fact is the same. This man is both Ye Ling's father and Ye Dazhen.

Ye Dazhen was born in a rural area. Later, he started a company with Ji Qinqin and became a millionaire in the 90s!

Later, Ye Ling was lost, Ye Dayu was almost decadent, and the companies with good prospects gradually began to decline.

Because Ye Dazhen has no intention to take care of the company, he has always focused on finding his daughter.

The moment Ji Qinqin shouted Ye Dazhen, Ye Dazhen saw Ye Ling, and there was a moment of stagnation.

Although Ye Ling's appearance is not the same as when he was a child, when he grows up, his appearance and charm are all inherited as a child.

Of course, people who are groomed are not counted.

"Ling Lingling? It's Ling Ling !?" Ye Dazhen shouted as if he had caught something that made him alive from despair.

The same, exactly the same as the daughter of a child! It's his bell!

"Husband, bring the mop over there. This man actually wanted our bell to give her a baby! He also said that our bell had promised to give him a baby before he sent him back!

"He must be a personal dealer!"

Just then, Ji Qinqin pointed at Wei Wei and shouted at Ye Dayi in front of Ye Ling.

"What! You dare to kidnap my daughter ..." Ye Dazhen said nothing, and **** the dirty water mop beside him, and flung down the slender body under the handsome face of Yun Wei ... ..

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