Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1952: Wu Wei said she must marry

Seeing her father throwing a dirty water mop into Xi Wei's slender figure, Ye Lingjing almost covered her mouth. She just wanted to stop and was stopped by Ji Qinqin:

"Ding Lingling, don't be afraid! Your parents will protect you! You are now home, it is safe, your parents will protect you, no matter what you have done before, you are your parents' children."

Talking, Ji Qinqin cried.

This man actually wants his daughter to have a baby for him!

Her family Ling Ling has been away from home for 11 years, and she is now only 20 years old. What kind of inhuman treatment was she treated before!

She just found her daughter, this man wants his daughter to have a baby for him?

He doesn't think of Ling Ling as a person!

After Ji Qinqin heard what Wei Wei said, she even blamed herself for not protecting Ye Ling. She guarded Ye Ling behind her like a hen protecting her chicks, staring at Wei Wei like a wolf tiger.

At this moment, Ye Dazhen ’s dirty water mop has been thrown over Lu Wei ’s body.

Oh my god! Ye Ling shouted in her heart, and she didn't even dare to watch the next scene.

He won't do anything to her father, right?

If he dares to do something to her father, she swears that she will never look at him again in her life!

However, when she saw that Wei Wei was throwing over Ye Dazhen ’s dirty water mop, she saw Ye Ling's anxious eyes. At this moment, Wei Wei, who had planned to take a shot, suddenly took her hand, but only took her The body moved slightly to the side.

The dirty water mop was thrown away, and the dirty water dragged across the floor was brought up by the cuff. Ye Dazhen's mop didn't get on Wei Wei's body.

However, the dirty water splashed after the mop was thrown, but it was spinning in the air to form an arc, the next second ...

With a click, the mop didn't hit Wei Wei, but the dirty water thrown out by that mop was a straight splash, splashing on Wei Wei's handsome face.

Ye Ling could clearly see that the veins on Ju Wei's forehead suddenly jumped.

Having lived with Ye Wei for about a year, Ye Ling knew that although Ye Wei did not have any serious cleanliness, he could be thrown into the face by the water on this dirty mop used for mopping, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone to change it. ?

"Dad! Mom! He's not a trafficker. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to come back and find you ..."

Ye Ling stood behind Ji Qinqin and shouted to Ji Qinqin and Ye Dazhen.

"What? He's not a trafficker?" Ji Qinqin and Ye Dayu stunned.

"Ling Ling, tell your mother the truth, he is really not a trafficker? Don't be afraid of Ling Ling, if he is a trafficker, Mom will now send him to the bureau to go to jail for a lifetime!"

Ji Qinqin looked at Wei Wei defensively.

In the end, Ye Ling tried everything to explain it, and Ji Qinqin and Ye Dazhen finally relaxed their vigilance against Wei Wei.

Ye's big living room.

Ye Ling took a wash of water and was carefully cleaning Wei Wei's dirty mop on his face.

Ye Ling has a pair of naturally beautiful and good-looking sky blue eyes. She concentrated on wiping the dirty mop on Mou Wei's face, and she looked carefully.

Wu Wei said nothing, he stared at her, watching her carefully wipe the dirty water on her face.

The pair of sky blue eyes flickered as the long and narrow eyelashes fluttered, and Wei Wei could not help but swallowed his throat, and his heart beat quickly with the sudden twitch.

Xu Wei quickly opened her eyes.

"Sorry, it's our husband and wife who blame you wrongly. My Bell Ling was lost. We almost lost our spirits. Bell Ling is our life!" Ji Qinqin took a hot cup of hot water and put it in front of Wei Wei. .

"Well." Yun Wei Ying Jiqin said.

After the response, Wu Wei reached out and raised the hot water.

"Care hot!" Ji Qinqin exhorted Jian Wei as she raised her hot water and planned to lower her belly.

However, what Ji Qinqin didn't expect is that Wei Wei took this hot boiled water directly to her abdomen without frowning.

After drinking this tea, Wei Wei turned her head to Ye Ling and said to Ji Qinqin: "She, I must marry!"

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