Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1982: Mid-Autumn holiday, swimsuit storm

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a national holiday, and Yun Jian just packed his things today. He and Zhu Huili walked out of the school gate and went back to their own homes.

After Zhu Huili left, Yun Jian had just reached out and wanted to pull up her suitcase, and the suitcase was taken away by Sidi, and now Syi was holding her little hand and saying what had just been said.

Seeing Si Yi, Yun Jian's smile was slightly raised, she used her little hand to buckle the big palm of Si Yi, and walked towards the Lamborghini car.

Si Yi placed Yun Jian's suitcase in the narrow back seat of Lamborghini. After Yun Jian sat in the co-pilot seat, he started the car body, and the car left like a speeding lightning.

Since returning last time, Si Yi has not seen Yun Jian for a few days. Seeing her now, she is so beloved.

Si Yi is different from other men. Some people say that when they are together for a long time, they will get bored, especially some loving couples who are quite loving before marriage. If they stay together for a long time after marriage, the man will get bored with the woman.

The boredom here is usually after the woman knows everything and feels boring, so she goes outside to find freshness, which is called derailment.

And Shi Yi is completely different from that kind of male.

When Yun Jian became his woman completely, Si Yi would not get bored with Yun Jian, instead, he could not do without her.

He wanted to see her all the time, and never separated from her for a minute and a second.

Few students will go home on the weekends of the university, because after all, the students come from all over the world, and some even come to the university from outside the province.

Going home once is time consuming and money wasted, so the average student chooses to go back to the holidays in these days of the holiday.

For large festivals such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, most students must be going home.

Yunjian is no exception.

Waiting for Yunjian and Siyi to return to Longmen City, it was exactly one o'clock in the afternoon.

Today is a holiday, and Xiao Yunzhu's elementary school was closed the day before.

It was so good to catch up with the festival, so Si Yi took Yunjian back to Longmen City, and after eating the late lunch made by Qin Yirou, everyone packed up their luggage and went out to travel.

In the three days of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qin Yirou and Ge Junjian had already said that they would go out for a tour together.

And the tourist location is still the sea.

On this trip, Lan Su, Celadon, Gu Nian, and Yun Yi all traveled together, of course, Adam also followed.

Because Lan Su brought her children, Adam, who was a grandma, naturally had to follow along.

On the way out, Xiao Yunzhu, Duan Li, and Duan Ya were very happy, and they sang the songs learned from the school on the way out, cheerful and free.

Mossen and Snow Eagle have already brought Luoberry and Silo back to the Dark Soul organization, so it is naturally impossible to appear here at this moment.

At that time, Ge Jun built his jeep, plus this Lamborghini, and Adam's sports car, just sitting next to everyone.

At this moment, the three vehicles are heading for Wenzhou, the seaside city closest to Longmen City.

Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Wenzhou is a coastal city, which is located next to the sea, so there are many places for vacations by the sea, and many people near the sea have also started business on sea tourism.

Ge Jun had already booked the hotel before his arrival. It is a hotel near the sea. Although the hotel is not particularly high-end, it is not bad.

Ge Junjian knew Si Yi's personality, so when he booked a hotel for Yunjian, he booked a room.

This made Si Yi's favor for Ge Junjian's father-in-law instantly increase a lot.

At that time, Yun Jian and his party had already taken Xiao Yunzhu, Duan Li, Duan Ya, and Celadon, Yun Yi, Gu Nian and others to the beach.

Si Yi put his hand in his pocket and followed Yun Jian.

Qin Yiruan Ge Junjian set up a barbecue on the beach, put a simple parasol, and started to barbecue.

Lan Su took the child, so he didn't run far, and Adam, one of the four leaders of the dignified dark soul organization, helped Qin Yirou and Ge Junjian to move everything out of the barbecue grill.

Of course, Lan Su and his children were next to him, and Adam's also enjoyed moving.

At that time, Yun Jian had taken Duan Li and Duan Ya's hand and came to the temporary locker room by the sea. Celadon and Gu Nian also followed.

Si Yi and Yun Yi grabbed Xiao Yunzhu and went to the boys.

Out of the locker room, Yun Jian had a coat on her body. She knew that Shi Yi did not want to expose herself to the public.

But even if he wore a coat, Yun Jian's pair of fair and slender legs could not be covered by the coat, and appeared in front of everyone present.

As soon as he stepped out of the dressing room, Yun Jian felt Si Yi's hot eyes.

Seeing her wonderful figure, Sidi suddenly remembered the scene where she was pressed under her, and there was an immediate physiological reaction somewhere.

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