Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1983: Seaside seaside i want to get on you

Si Yi did not change her swimming trunks, nor did she take off her shirt.

He didn't like to expose his upper body to her.

This is to say that Steve is conservative or stingy.

For his small note, he didn't want to let outsiders look at her, and he wouldn't let other women see himself, because everything about him belonged to her small note.

At that time, in addition to Qin Yirou and Ge Junjian, as well as Lan Su with children and Adam as a porter who did not change clothes, several others had changed into their own bathing suits.

Celadon changed to a less **** body, where it should be exposed, and where it should not be exposed.

The bathing suit worn by Celadon is conservative, but the exposed areas are also exposed. They are beautiful and stunning, and there are many. The bathing suit of Celadon is pink like a girl.

Gu Nian wore a green swimsuit like a dress. The top and bottom skirts were connected together, only the belly button was exposed. It was so beautiful that people could n’t remove their eyes. Impulse.

Of course, what Qing Qing and Gu Nian wore did not look at Si Yi at all. His eyes were staring at Yun Jian fiercely, and he couldn't bear to move away for a second.

Yun Yi didn't take off his shirt, but he changed a very conservative swim trunk, and he didn't get rid of him. Compared with two years ago, his heroic posture was upright.

"Wow, Sister Jian, I haven't seen you in two years, your body is getting better and better, fast! Let me touch it, let me touch it ..."

After Celadon came out of the dressing room, she saw Yun Jian wearing her coat. She walked over to Yun Jian with a wretched look, her hands were like chicken feet, and she went to Yun Jian like a pig's hoof. Stretch over.

The most terrifying thing is that Mizuo's mouth is still misleadingly mischievous, hippie smiley.

After hearing the words of Qing Hua, Si Yi stared at Yun Jian. His first reaction was Yun Jian's attractive and beautiful figure ...

Recalling this, Si Yi didn't wait for the blue glaze to come to the insignificant touch of Yunjian. He shoved Xiaoyunzhu into Yunyi's hand, strode forward and grabbed the little hand holding Yunjian and walked towards the beach.

Si Yi took Yunjian away without a word, but the thief smiled as he showed the blue glaze and everyone present.

Especially with the blue glaze, she saw Si Yi taking away Yun Jian, and clapped her hands, put her elbow on Gu Nian's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Well, I'm not wrong. Sister Jian is a lot better than before, that chest, buttocks, alas, if I were a man, I would want to go to her."

Celadon said, making two insignificant gestures.

Nazhiqing Glaze just said here, she felt that the top of her head was knocked gently, and then Yun Yi's rather serious voice came out:

"Who do you want to get on?"

Qinglan glanced over her head, looked up, and saw Yun Yi's deep eyes looking at herself with an inquiring look. She couldn't help swallowing a sip.

"I, I ..." Blue glaze eyes turned, she didn't know how to answer him for a moment.

"Ahem! I took Xiaozhu and the three of them to the beach and punched you! Play!" Gu Nian patted the hand that was placed on the shoulder of the glazed glaze and pulled the three of them to run to the beach.

However, Gu Nian hadn't run far away, and suddenly heard the blue and glazed helpless sound suddenly sounded. At the moment of the sound, Gu Nian's feet twisted, and she was almost scared to fall to the ground in a frog lying position.

However, when she saw the blue glaze standing in place, she was nervous, and Gu Nian was about to slip away. She looked at Yun Yi, her eyes turned, her mouth murmured, her heart was anxious, she spoke outright, and said herself If you can't control it, if you can't take it back:

"I ... I want to get on you!"

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