Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2004: No matter how many cows, go to hell

‘Ready for the baptism of death! ’

Yun Jian's last sentence resounded in every corner of the scene, making everyone nervous.

All the students present were college students.

Although the members of the Green Bull Gang are not in a school like Yunjian, they are almost the same age. They are only in their early teens to twenties.

Students of this age are generally emotional, so Wu Run missed and sent Zhou Juntao to the hospital.

Of course, Wu Ren regretted after hitting someone, and he didn't want to hurt others.

Suddenly, Wu Ren watched Zhou Juntao being taken to the hospital. Because he was afraid that something might have happened, Wu Ren did not go to the hospital with him, but returned to his community of Qingniu Gang.

Even Wu Ran already thought about the confession that the school teacher or police station came to investigate after Zhou Juntao's accident.

Just now I heard the voices of people from the Mo Bufan martial arts group coming from the gate. Wu Ran immediately told members of the Qingniu Gang that the door was not allowed to open, so people from the Mo Bufan martial arts group could not enter!

After all, Wu Ren picked the matter first and sent him to the hospital again, with a guilty conscience.

Ke Wuren and the members of the Qingniu Gang thought that people in the Mo Bufan Wushu Society would leave if they could not open the iron gates they had locked.

An eighteen-year-old young girl knocked open the iron gate in public!

How much effort does this take! To do this!

That's the iron gate! She actually kicked the iron gate!

Even more frightening is that when the girl entered the door, she actually picked up the iron gate that had been uprooted and fell to the ground, flew the iron gate for more than ten meters, and slammed it on Wu Ran's head fiercely but accurately.

This smash, Wu Ren could not return to God for a long time.

The girl poured out words that just shocked everyone present.

And the words of the girl mean ...

She is the legendary Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology, the new female president who replaced the talented young martial arts president Mo Bufan! ?

There are so many universities around the university town, and there are not only one or two martial arts associations, but girls are the presidents of martial arts associations. This is the first time for such a thing!

Therefore, when it was known that Yunjian was the newly-appointed president of the Wushu Association of Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology, Qingniu helped everyone to believe it.

Wu Ren was hit in the forehead by the iron gate struck by Yun Jian. Although there was no bleeding, his head shook. When Wu Ren reacted, he patted the iron gate with his palm, stood up with his head in his hands, and his anger burst into climax.

"You dare to hit me with an iron gate! You a girl, dare to hit me with an iron gate! Do you dare to talk to me in this tone! Don't you know that in previous years' competitions, your martial arts community was defeated by my Green Bull helper Down!

"And the martial arts community is the place for boys. You, a girl, do n’t know what means to become the president of the martial arts society! Would n’t it be adultery with Mo Bufan?

"Oh, or use your body's usual methods to get benefits from your body? Or you slept with a school leader of Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology and forced you to give up the position of the club president?

"Well, have you forgotten that Zhou Juntao was sent to the hospital by me? Did you dare to come here to die? Do you want me to take you to the hospital one by one?"

It is an indisputable fact that the martial arts community led by Mo Bufan in the past has never been Wu Ran's Qingniu team in martial arts competitions.

At the same time, people in the Mo Bufan martial arts community hate hearing these words most.

Not long ago, Wu Ren used these vicious tactics to the extreme, forcing Zhou Juntao to resist the action with Wu Ren, and was finally injured.

"Wu Ren! You are looking for death!" A boy standing next to Mo Bufan heard Wu Ren's words, and took his fists fiercely, and rushed to Wu Ren.

However, the boys have not had time to rush to Wu Ren.

However, I saw a ghost that was faster and more agile than the boys, and came to Wu Ren at a speed that cannot be seen by human eyes.

Wu Rengang was still sneering at Yunjian with a mocking tone, but the next second he saw his face change. Yunjian, who was just ten meters away, was close to him!

Wu Ren was frightened, and he reached out to fight back.

But I saw Yun Jian in front of me suddenly grabbing into the air, a butterfly knife startled.

Then, a dazzling blade of light flashed by.

Everyone saw that after Yun Jian held a butterfly knife in Wu Ren's body and cut a few swords, Wu Ren reached out to grab the butterfly knife on her hand.

Yun Jian was calm and calm. She hid in front of the left side of the crowd and hid her body. She kicked Wu Ran down to the ground with a horizontal kick. Then, she was like a ball. Wu Renyu flew to the members of the Qingniu Gang.

In this series of actions, Yunjian took only five seconds!

At that time, a scene that made everyone stunned and happened!

The martial arts who were taken to Green Bull to help everyone in front of them, the clothes all over their bodies were like rags that were patched up, at the same moment, broken!

Except for panties, Wu Ran's clothes were like rags, and they were instantly torn apart!

Those knives just now!

That seemingly inexhaustible knife method directly cut Wu Run's clothes!

This knife is so fast!

If she had exerted a little force just now, it wouldn't be the tough clothes, but ...

Everyone at the scene did not dare to think about it. At that time, everyone, including members of the Green Bull Gang, Mo Bufan and Mo Bufan's brothers Xu Zhenglong and Wei Jingxuan, remained stunned.

But at this moment, Yun Jian retracted the knife, and the next second, listening to her words that were cold to no temperature, sounded again. Different from the previous one, Yun Jian's voice this time gave people a sense of fright and fear, just listening She said, to the Qingniu Gang, everyone said:

"In the past, the martial arts clubs were defeated by you. They are useless. I have nothing to say. The current martial arts club is in my hands. Then I tell you, no matter how great your Qingniu helped ...

"My Yunjian, can let you all go to hell!"

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