Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2005: Leave no waste, leave directly

No matter how powerful your Qingniu Gang is, as long as the martial arts community at Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology has her Yunjian, the Qingniu Gang is just a trivial stumbling block!

Yun Jian's words rang through the audience.

The members of the Qingniu Gang listened, and the heart wobbled violently.

Everyone at Mo Bufan's martial arts community listened, but raised a sense of pride from where they came from!

I have to say that when Mo Bufan stamped Zhang Zhen and transferred the martial arts community to Yun Jian, the members of the martial arts community were very dissatisfied.

She is a woman, can she lead the martial arts community?

Everyone in the community was very protesting. Even when they saw Yun Jian Xiaolu at first, he called Mo Bufan, who invited Yun Jian to join their martial arts community, Zhou Juntao, who had some doubts and concerns.

But at this moment, after listening to what Yun Jian said, coupled with Yun Jian's deflation practice!

What she did just now, let alone, it was worse than sending Wu Ren directly to the hospital!

You must know that boys in their youth are dying to lose face!

Sure enough, Wu Ran's clothes were torn apart, and there was no more shame in the panties, he yelled twice, rushed to hold the iron door, and used the iron door to cover his body.

"Don't watch! Don't watch it for me!" Wu Ren didn't even care about the pain in his body, he yelled twice.

At that time, Wu Ren's legs were turned into inner characters, and he stood awkwardly with a shy woman. Compared with Wu Ren, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, it was a far cry!

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Wu Ren, did you **** hear that, our president said that no matter how powerful your Qingniu has been in the past, dare to show up before us and let your Qingniu help you to hell!"

Earlier at the hospital emergency room entrance, Yun Jian said that a boy who was not suitable for her martial arts club president laughed loudly at Wu Ren.

"That's right! Wu Ran, weren't you embarrassed before! The next time you see us, take your green bull to help you stay away! I won't give you any color to see, really treat yourself as a cow Do you think how bullish you are? "

"President is good! Long live the president! Long good president! Long live the president!"

The members of Wushu Club were not optimistic about Yunjian, and they all started exclaiming.

In fact, everyone has tacitly assumed the identity of Yun Jian, the martial arts society president.

Wu Ren didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that he just resisted, but couldn't even take Yun Jian's move!

This girl! It's too scary!

He is not an opponent at all! Maybe ten of them can't compete!

When thinking of this, Wu Ren's face was instantly pale.

Where did Mo Bufan find the girls! This is too **** scary!

Wu Ren's suggestion has been enough for everyone to ridicule for a while. Zhou Juntao only had a slight concussion, which was not very serious. He just needed to rest for two days and did not need special treatment.

Therefore, the people in the martial arts club did not continue to crusade Wu Ren, but just agreed to notify the school and let Wu Ren ’s university punish him.

Wu Ren is unable to protect himself. The Green Bull Gang did not dare to say a word. In the past, the arrogant Green Bull Gang was quiet like a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

At this time, Yunjian people had already walked outside the door.

In fact, Yun Jian came here not to avenge Zhou Juntao.

In Yun Jian's words, Zhou Juntao was not as good as Wu Ren, and was taken to the hospital. That's what he deserves!

This is a world that depends on strength. You are weak and deceived. If you wait for others to take revenge for you, you deserve to be deceived!

Yun Jian came, and its main goal was to take an oath.

Since the martial arts society was taken over by her Yunjian, no one wants to move the martial arts society, because it is her backstage!

At the moment everyone in the martial arts society felt glorious with Yun Jian's powerful strength, Yun Jian, who was about to step on the steps to leave the gate of the Qingniu Gang, suddenly stopped and turned in public.

The Qingniu people looked at them, thinking that Yunjian was going to do something with their Qingniu people again, so scared they almost did not find a small corner to hide.

The members of the martial arts club are a little bit proud.

Even Xu Zhenglong and Wei Jingxuan, who are not members of the martial arts society, were both infected by the atmosphere and quite proud.

At this moment, Yun Jian put her squinting eyes in front of everyone, and she faced all members of the martial arts society coldly and could not refute:

"Tomorrow at 4.50, the school playground will meet. From tomorrow on, everyone will be trained. It is stated in advance that there will be no waste in my martial arts club! If you ca n’t afford it, leave me now!"

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