Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2006: Freshmen, fraternity

Yun Jian is fierce.

To be ruthless to yourself and to others.

She should be ruthless and ruthless, and those who shouldn't stay, and who shouldn't stay, don't stay for a moment.

She was even less likely to retain those she was leaving.

Those who wish to stay, those who do not, leave on their own.

This is Yunjian's principle of life.

She Yunjian hates people who quit halfway.

If you do one thing, you have to do it from beginning to end. If you choose to leave halfway, she would rather the other party never choose to persist.

The overall strength of the martial arts club is too weak, and only a few are powerful.

Therefore, Wu Ren and others bullied him, and Zhou Juntao had to be beaten into the hospital.

Now that the martial arts club is in her hands, she will never let this happen.

So Yun Jian intends to train members of the martial arts club.

Of course, Yun Jian has already picked the words very clearly, and those who can't accept them leave her directly.

Don't wait to retreat halfway.

Those who flinched in the middle were more disgusted by Yun Jian than those who quit at the beginning.

When Mo Bufan heard what Yun Jian said, he knew that Yun Jian was going to help him improve the strength of the martial arts community.

Mo Bufan was so happy that at a moment when members of the martial arts community had not had time to respond, he shouted in public:

"Follow the new president!"

Mo Bufan shouted, members of the martial arts society immediately responded.

"Follow the new president!"

"Follow the new president!"

At this moment, the collective members of the martial arts club shouted and screamed with Mo Bufan.

For a while, the shouts rang through the audience.

Just now I saw Yun Jian's skills, and I saw Wu Ran who was arrogant and arrogant in the past. He was scared like a tortoise, and everyone in the audience had an instant desire.

They also want to become stronger!

None of the members of the martial arts club flinched!

Even girls, they joined the martial arts club from the beginning in order to get closer to Mo Bufan. At this moment, they want to become as strong as Yun Jian!

Of course, when standing here at this moment, when Yun Jian first entered the university, Liang Hui's school sister Cai Huiling was born at the entrance of the cafeteria and Yun Jian.

Cai Huiling lost her face and had taken time off from home for a few days before coming to school.

The current members of the martial arts community unanimously take Yunjian as an example!

Seeing this, Yun Jian slightly arced, and she left her beautiful side body to everyone, and the arc angle rose again, leaving a sentence that made everyone in the audience feel blood.

"See you at the big playground at 4:50 tomorrow morning."

After that, Yun Jian stepped forward and left here.

Until Yunjian left, Xu Zhenglong, who was deeply attracted by Yunjian, looked at the place where Yunjian disappeared, and sighed:

"Oh my god! It's not that anyone who attended military school in high school is too **** awesome! This aura! Don't be too strong!"

Xu Zhenglong's words were full of worship.

The words ended, but it shocked everyone in the martial arts community, and Wu Ren and Qingniu helped everyone.

"What !? She was studying at a military school in high school?"

"She's a girl who can go to a military school for a boy ... it's amazing ..."

"No wonder it's so powerful ..."

People say Yunyun.

But at that time, everyone in the martial arts club and the Qingniu Gang didn't know anything about it. It was Yunjian who not only attended the military academy, but also the first person at the original military school in Min City!

King Squad, kill God himself!

Zhu Huili's morning class was also regarded as the morning class of the community, so she left early in the morning.

Zhu Huili likes to paint and joined the art community before Yun Jian joined the martial arts club.

Yun Jian and Zhu Huili are in the same class. They have no class in the morning.

There is a Chinese lesson in the afternoon.

There are very few classes at the university, with a maximum of two lessons a day, and weekends are closed.

A class is about two hours or so, just rush to the classroom before class.

In the afternoon Chinese class, some students in the class did not come to skip class. Yun Jian and Zhu Huili actually went to class on time and ended on time.

The class took place at 1:30 in the afternoon, and ended at 3:30. Yun Jian and Zhu Huili got up, and when they were about to return to the bedroom, they were stopped by the monitor of their class.

If it was stopped, it might as well be said that the classmates were stopped by the monitor.

The head teacher of a university usually gives everything to the head monitor, rarely comes to the classroom, and even the number of times a student can see the head teacher in a semester, counts with one hand.

Students are always in trouble when they are in trouble.

Yun Jian, the monitor of their 13th freshman computer class, is a thin, tall boy who looks average.

The boy held a statistical form in his hand. After calling all the students in the class, he announced his plan:

"I applied to the school this morning to borrow the school gym space, and I plan to open a small freshmen's sorority club at night to play games together and get to know each other. Is that all right?"

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