Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2031: Underground gang, invitation

Syi's words were warm. After Yun Jian heard it, the loss in his heart was filled with warm packages.

To be honest, it is impossible for Stereo to not lose.

But he thought for a moment that his own note was still small. If she was really pregnant with her so early, he would have taken away the youth of his note early.

Not to mention that early pregnancy is bad for women's health.

As soon as I thought about it, I was relieved.

Don't ask Stee how to know that early pregnancy is bad for women's health. This clinic of Dr. Jiang is the gynecological clinic. There is a wall sticker on the wall next to Dr. Jiang about common knowledge about pregnancy.

Premature pregnancy is bad for women and babies.

Of course, unintentionally conceiving, abortion is more harmful to your health, and Sidi naturally will not let Yunjian do this.

But now that I am not pregnant, I can only say that it is a little lost.

After hearing these words, Yun Jian was moved for a while. She stretched out her hands in front of Dr. Jiang and grabbed his palm, nodding her head and nodding, "Huh!"

No matter what happens, she will advance with him!

Dr. Jiang has seen so many couples, and he has never seen anything like Yun Jian and Si Yi.

Knowing that they were pregnant, they both decided to give birth.

And the two were college students, the man did not urge the woman to have an abortion. On the contrary, after Sidi knew that Yun Jian was pregnant, she carefully hugged her in, her face ecstatic.

After learning that Yun Jian was not pregnant, Si Yi said something like that again.

He said that she would protect her well with life.

In this case, there is no vigorous spirit and no exaggeration, but it is very ordinary and simple, but it can warm people's hearts.

It was the first time Dr. Jiang had met. Dr. Jiang was really shocked by such a sincere love.

Before Yun Jian and Si Yi left the clinic, they accidentally caught a glimpse of the name of the girl who was pregnant with her accidentally. The girl ’s name, Yun Jian, is no stranger.

Mo lotus!

After leaving the hospital in a horror, Sidi saw that Yun Jian was hungry, so he pulled Yun Jian to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

In the next two days, Yun Jian asked for two days off. She and Sidi stayed for two days and went to some places near the university town. They lived just like ordinary couples.

Of course, the things that should be done did not fall behind likewise.

However, during this period, Si Yi did enough.

Still wait for both of them to get used to it, his little note grows up a bit, and then has a child.

Two days later, Si Yi returned to the Dark Soul organization as scheduled.

Yun Jian, who had taken two days off, also returned to school.

Lunar events that haven't been here for more than a month, patronized Yunjian as scheduled.

At that time, Yun Jian realized that his belly was smaller again.

Recalling carefully, Gu Nian took her all the way along the road before pulling her to try on the clothes that day.

My stomach is almost broken.

When the belly becomes bigger, there is a reason ...


Roommate Miao Wei held an invitation letter and handed it to Yun Yun who hadn't returned to the bedroom for two days: "This is for you. The invitation letter for the black market party tomorrow evening will be issued from a character in the underground black market in Jiangcheng.

"A lot of girls and boys in our school have been invited to participate together. It is said that tomorrow evening, we will see a series of things that we don't normally see, such as underground racing and boxing.

"Most of the people in the school participate, and you go with them."

Since the last time I learned that Yunjian High School was studying at a military academy, in addition to Zhu Huili, the other two roommates, Miao Wei and Xi Xiujuan, were friendly towards Yunjian, and I do n’t know how many times.

"Yun Jian, go and join together! Most of the students in the school have participated, and it is said that the scene is very big! I can see a lot of things!"

Zhu Huili was washing her feet at the moment. When she saw Miao Yi handed Yun Jian an invitation letter, she hurried to speak.

Jiangcheng's underground black market, that is, the gang?

Yun Jian's eyes narrowed, and it so happened that in two months, she would set up in Jiangcheng to eradicate the inverse emperor organization.

If the forces of Jiangcheng's underground gangs can be brought together, there will be no harm!

Yun Jian accepted this invitation letter from Miao Yi, and nodded to Zhu Huili: "Yes."

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