Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2032: For the financial wolf, the boss Song Fan

Yun Jian promised to participate, so Miao Yi was relieved.

This is an invitation that has never been issued before. Underground gangs have issued invitations to students from Jiangcheng University of Electronic Technology and some students from Oriental University.

Of course, Yun Jian doesn't know yet, this is no coincidence.

But Yunjian can also guess seven hundred seventy-eight.

But the soldiers came to cover the water and cover the earth. She Yunjian was never afraid!

That night, Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology, the female dormitory downstairs.

Miao Wei stood behind a big tree and looked at a man.

This man is no one else, it is Song Yu, the school's school leader.

At the same time, Song Yu has another identity, which is the son of the boss of Jiangcheng underground gang!

"Did you do what you did?" Song Yu asked three meters from Miao Wei.

"She has accepted the invitation and said she will come." Miao choked throat and nodded.

"That's good! Turning around will be good for you!" Song Yu nodded, then looked around, and quickly left here ...

2002, November 8.

This day is the date of participation in the invitation letter.

Six p.m.

Yun Jian didn't change any makeup. Su Yan went out and wore ordinary clothes, but she still couldn't cover her beautiful face and golden figure.

Miao Wei and Xi Xiujuan were busy for another two hours or so, and the dressed-up flowers came out of the bedroom door.

At that time, Yun Jian and Zhu Huili had already stepped out of the school gate and planned to take a taxi to the designated location.

Before he stopped the taxi, he was shouted: "Yunjian, coincidentally, shall we?"

Yun Jian and Zhu Huili turned their heads and happened to see Kaige leading a group of people back in the big box of the bar.

Kaige people are not bad, others do not appreciate Yunjian, but they are still with them.

Waiting for the destination-this is a half mountainside of a mountain range, and the flat land at the half waist is set up like a party scene.

The gang's party was held in the open air.

But under neon lights and strong light, the mid-levels of this mountain range did not look downcast and dim.

Instead, it feels as bright as the day.

Here, Yun Jian met Mo Bufan and others from the martial arts community.

A group of people gathered around and started talking.

"I heard that the boss of the Gang of Gangs is the father of Cao Songyu, Oriental University. Do you guess this is true or false?"

A roaring male voice sounded.

This boy is no one else. It was just a group of people with Kaige. Last time he was in the big box of the bar. He retorted Yunjian, despising how Yunjian might have a school computer teacher.

Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Yan is ugly, but he likes to talk about idiots, and he often shows off in front of girls.

There was such a big occasion at this moment, so many female classmates stood around, looking for opportunities, he hurried to find a topic to speak out.

"Oh my God, the boss of Gang Gang is actually the father of Song Dao Cao from Oriental University!"

"It's really fake, Zhou Yan, don't you talk nonsense!"

The girls did not know the identity of Song Yu, so they all screamed exaggeratedly, and became more interested in Zhou Yi's question.

"Hey, you don't know it is normal, who made my good brother Song Yu a low-key person! He, indeed, is the son of the underground gang boss you are invited to today! Future heir!"

Zhou Zheng boasted again.

This sound caused the girls around to scream again and again.

In fact, Zhou Yun and Song Yu are not particularly familiar, but only the relationship between friends' brothers.

"If you have any questions, just ask!" Zhou Zheng exaggerated.

Although Zhou Yan was ugly, the girls liked to hear him show off, so they rushed forward and asked.

The moment Zhou Zhou was surrounded by the girls, Yun Jian looked in front of him and asked Mo Bufan: "The first gang in Jiangcheng, but the Cailang Gang?"

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Mo Bufan nodded: "Yes!"

Listening to this, Yun Jian slightly ticked the red arc.

"Well, how are you going to college in Jiangcheng, haven't you heard of this?" Zhou Yan, who was smiling with girls and hippies, turned to Yun Jian and smiled.

Last week, Zhou Yan couldn't look at the strength of Yunjian. He picked up a chance to say this, and hurriedly spoke.

But in return, it was Yunjian's disregard.

In this regard, Zhou Yi is very upset.

"Look! That's Song Yu Song Colonel Grass!" Just then, a female voice sounded.

Everyone looked around.

But I saw that Song Yu was standing next to a majestic middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s who was guarded by a group of black bodyguards.

"That and that must be the boss of the Welfare Gang! God! Song Yu is so handsome! He is so low-key that he has always kept his identity as the son of the boss of the Welfare Gang!"

There were a few women screaming and cheering again.

At this time, in response to the screams of the girls, Song Yu came to the side of Yunjian.

Taking his father to the Yunjian group, Song Yu was quite proud.

Especially when Yun Jian turned his eyes to his father, Jiangcheng's first gang of financial wolf to help the boss, Song Fan!

She must have thought in her heart that her father was actually the boss of Jiangcheng's first gang, and then surprised in a moment, right?

Song Yu just thought so, her head raised proudly.

Although she did not wait for Song Yu to look up, Yun Jian looked at Cai Wolf to help her boss Song Fan. She was no less aura than Song Fan, and she opened the arc. Muzzle, above all, Chong Song Fan took the lead to bluntly say:

"You are the first gang in Jiangcheng, the boss of the financial wolf, Song Fan?"

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