Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2061: Do I agree like this?

Departing at 4:30, I finally walked from Dali Village to Wuzhen Primary School at 6:30.

Wuzhen Primary School is not the same as primary schools in other places. Wuzhen has fewer children. The number of students in one grade cannot afford a class.

Therefore, in Wuzhen Primary School, there are one class in grades one, two and three, and one class in grades four and five. There are only two classes in the school.

In places like Wuzhen Elementary School, there is a shortage of teachers.

But most university teachers are reluctant to come to such a poor mountain area.

Today, only two teachers at Wuzhen Primary School are still holding their posts.

In addition to the principal, there is also a female teacher who volunteers to teach in poor mountains.

Watching Liu Ying and Liu Shi enter the classroom, Yun Jian and Liang Xiumin did not intend to go in.

On the first day of going to the countryside, there was no activity.

All the college students who supported the education in the countryside were dismissed as soon as they gathered here.

Beginning the next day, every college student will be formally arranged to tutor the children here to study.

Nothing to do, Yun Jian and Liang Xiumin simply went to town and bought a few quilts.

They also helped buy Liu Ying and Liu Shi, their grandma's quilt together.

At this moment, the two were passing by a large bamboo forest.

Wuzhen is the only one selling quilts. Bamboo forest is a must.

Trees are planted around the bamboo forest. The biggest difference between Wuzhen and other small towns is that bamboo forests and woods are particularly dense and dense, and the surrounding grass is as tall as a person.

If someone was hiding in the grass, it wouldn't be easy to find.

"It's so **** hard to come at all! The two damsels came here by themselves!

"It's so **** tender! Those who are fine-skinned and tender-skinned, I heard that they are female college students from the city!"

"Stun them, let's do it one by one, and change it afterwards!"

Two sparse sounds came from the corner just passing the bamboo forest and deep woods.

Liang Xiumin naturally could not hear the whisper, but Yun Jian's eyes narrowed slightly.

After taking three steps forward, there was a sudden gust of wind behind.

Yun Jian didn't even think about it. She swept across Liang Xiumin and threw the bed to the side. She flung sideways and took Liang Xiumin out of more than ten meters in just three seconds.

The two old rural mules in Wuzhen were frightened when they saw this.

This baby girl, so fast!

The two old sisters-in-law were old bachelors. They spent their entire lives in vain and couldn't afford to marry their mother-in-law. Just now I saw Yun Jian and Liang Xiumin's fine-skinned tender meat, and the two old bachelors had an itch and a bad idea.

I didn't know it was discovered by Yun Jian.

"Well, female college student, it's **** fine-skinned and tender meat, tell you that this place is rarely passed by, and today it's useless to scream your throat ..." Holding Yun Jian, said.

"Who said no one? I won't let you bully them!" Just before Yun Jian narrowed his eyes, a righteous male voice came.

Then came a masculine and righteous boy.

The boy is about twenty years old and looks quite handsome, giving him a gentle and sensible feel.

"Student Mu Yi?" Liang Xiumin looked at the boy, surprised and stunned.

Mu Yi is a student of Liang Xiumin School. He usually greets Liang Xiumin twice and is not familiar with it.

"Well, boy, look for death!" Then the two old sister-in-law did not wait for Liang Xiumin to speak with Mu Yi, and rushed to Mu Yi, who had no resistance, tied Mu Mu together.

"What, what to do ..." Liang Xiumin saw Mu Yan tied up, and she was so frightened that she grabbed Yun Jian and pulled Yun Jian back to the bamboo forest.

"Yeah, what do you do, hey, you two have come from us, our big brother has been emptied for so many years, and finally caught you, let us be happy, hey hey ..."

An old sister-in-law came to this side with a smirk.

Seeing this, Liang Xiumin was even more afraid.

"Let them go! Let them go! You hit me! Something hit me! Let them go!" Mu Yue yelled at this.

Another old mule stepped on Mu Yan's head, stepped on Mu Mu's feet a few times, and called and scolded: "Your boy, give me a share, or I'll do you!"

After speaking, tied Mu Yan to a tree, he went on to Yunjian and Liang Xiumin.

"Hey hey, little sister, what are you thinking? Do you want to run away? No way! Those who know each other come here obediently and let us beat you up, otherwise ..."

When the old sister saw Yun Jian squinting as if thinking about something, he laughed suddenly.

"I'm trying to kill you."

But when I saw it, Yun Jian had a butterfly knife in his hand.

She played with the butterfly knife and suddenly said, but she was startled.

But the two old sister-in-law were also frightened. Naturally, they were not afraid, and they continued to go to Yun Jian and Liang Xiumin.

"Little sister, we are frightened, let alone you, even if there is a killer agent, I will still do her ..."

The two old sister-in-law laughed sarcastically and continued on this way.

"Really, that's a coincidence."

Yun Jian played around with the butterfly knife twice, and stood up to the old sister-in-law. Then she spoke in front of the few people present without fear, but said the words in horror to the horrified people:

"Seven years after my debut, I have taken 1027 assassination missions and annihilated 109 killer organizations. I don't know if I am the same as the killer agent in your mouth."

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