Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2062: Want to go to hell, play once

Yun Jian is eighteen years old this year. When she was twelve, she made her debut to kill.

She was 16 years old before her rebirth, and 15 years old after her rebirth.

Three years later, the age of her body is now eighteen years old, but if you count her time to debut, she is nineteen years old.

So there is nothing wrong with his debut for seven years.

And these 1027 assassination missions, 109 killer organizations.

Assassination missions are calculated according to the missions received on the international agent killer website platform.

In other words, after Shenquan and rebirth, Yun Jian rarely took on assassination missions.

This is her previous record.

As for the 109 killer organizations, it was the size of the killer organization that she killed in the previous life, and all the killer organizations that were killed after rebirth superimposed.

This data, let alone ordinary people may sound incredible.

Even in the killer agent circle, it is a level that no one can surpass so far.

Even if Yunjian has not returned to the real agent killer circle for three years now.

A true legend is not legendary.

Becoming a legend at the fastest speed, and falling so fast that it is amazing, that is not what a strong man should be.

Even if he disappeared for two years, and once returned, it is still a myth that no one can surpass in the circle, and it is still an agent king who is scared by people!

Yunjian, that's it!

At that time, after listening to Yun Jian's professional discourse, the two old sister-in-law made a heartfelt jump.

Even Liang Xiumin's complexion changed slightly.

Yun Jian said that the agents should be special forces?

Mu Yan, who was **** by two old sister-in-law, also widened her pupils, meaning she was scared.

I have to say that Yun Jian's words are so incredible.

She is......

Killer or agent?

real or fake?

The two old sisters are a bit common sense.

Although the people in Wuzhen are poor and miserable, they are also limited to honest people.

Like these two old sisters-in-law, they usually trick people who transport goods to the city to take them to and from the city for free.

Or where to go for some money, and so on.

I've also been to the city a few times, and I have more insights than those who have never walked out of Wuzhen in their lifetime.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, the shorter old sister-in-law glanced at Yun Jian obliquely.

"Little sister, don't bully us, we are from Wuzhen, we have been to big cities! No one is so bluffing!

"You say you are a killer agent? Who are you bluffing? Are you just a college student who came from that place?

"With a knife, you can pretend? Grandpa is scared!"

With that said, the short, old sister-in-law wanted to walk over to the butterfly knife that grabbed Yun Jian's hand.

In addition, the tall old sister-in-law followed up to help.

Liang Xiumin shrank back in fear, but she did not escape.

Yun Jian is still here, although the Mu Mu senior who saved them just now is still here.

How could she escape by herself!

Under the eyes of Liang Xiumin and Mu Yi, the two old sisters walked towards Yunjian.

Of course, before everyone had responded, Yun Jian, standing not far away, evoked a red arc coldly.

In the next breath, everyone could only perceive the sudden wind blowing on the clothes, and the skin next to the clothes was cold.

Even at a speed that everyone couldn't see clearly, Yun Jian suddenly stretched out his hands and both hands held a butterfly knife.

She hurriedly approached the two old sister-in-law, and took the butterfly knife with her hands, and raised the blade of the butterfly knife from the navel of the two old sister-in-law to the heart of her chest.

At the same time, she was meeting the two old sister-in-law. While manually, her legs were gently kicked on the ground, a flip, and she did not even touch the two old sister-in-law. Passed.

"His--" After everyone responded, the two were scratched by Yun Jian, and the sound of cracked clothes sounded.

After everyone realized, the clothes of the two old sisters-in-law had cracked, and the last cracked position was exactly where the two were unbiased.

If the blade just scratched a little deeper.

Then they ...

Realizing this, the two old sisters turned pale.

At this time, Yun Jian, who was already standing behind the two old sister-in-law, spread a very calm voice.

The sound was like a death scythe chopped down from a human head, with a thrilling magic:

"Want to play in **** and try it out."

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