Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2088: Breaking news, Wu Zhi crashed

Wu Zhizhi had a stomach fire, and the child handed over the mung bean soup. Wu Zhizhi's anger was even more energetic.

Really **** come home to find abuse!

And the bowl that the child handed over was crushed by Wu Zhizhi to the ground, the child stared at the mung bean soup on the ground, and licked his lips, "It is not good for big sister to waste food like this"

"It's up to you! Anyway, I won't eat the junk food you give me! It's all bacteria! How can a man like me who is so tall eat your food!"

Wu Zhizhi yelled at the child.

At that time, Yun Jian, who hadn't talked since he just started, blinked his eyes slightly.

"Qing Gao?" Yun Jian sneered sarcastically.

"What? Isn't it?" Wu Zhizhi replied with a straightforward reply.

"People who are full of bacteria should be you." Yun Jian said suddenly, saying such a word to Wu Zhizhi.

"What do you mean !?" Wu Zhizhi heard an ominous hunch instantly.

The next second, I saw Yun Jian turn on the phone, and double-tap on the phone button.

Everyone heard the conversation between Shen Qingjiang and another boy from Yun Jian's phone.

That dialogue made Wu Zhizhi collapse directly.

"Qingjiang, don't you really receive treatment?" This was the boy who spoke to Shen Qingjiang.

"Can the treatment be useful? Anyway, my **** man is dead horizontally and can drag one to **** with me, just one, haha, my **** mother was also killed!" This is what Shen Qingjiang said.

"Then how long have you found out you have AIDS?"

"It didn't take long. After I finished Wu Zhizhi, I made sure she had AIDS before engaging other girls. I will also drag them to death! Hehe!"

"You're not kind, you're a bad guy when you meet your girl."

"I'm not kind? That's also forced! Damn! I **** Wu Zhizhi's so cheap back so many times, this time I must be infected with AIDS!"

"So you don't need to wear a jacket when you do that with you?"

"Cut, just bluff, just make me shoot!"

The voice of the call from Yunjian's cell phone could be heard naturally by everyone present, and that person was Shen Qingjiang.

As for who the boy is, everyone in the room didn't want to care about it.

The main thing is the explosive news on the phone ...

"No! Impossible! Qingjiang, impossible, isn't it! How are you possible, how are you possible then how are you me ..."

After hearing the call, Wu Zhizhi's forehead exploded. She looked at Shen Qingjiang in panic, shaking her head, and her lips became pale instantly.

Hearing this news is even more frightening than just being frightened by Yun Jian.

AIDS is transmitted through sexual contact, blood, and mother-to-child transmission.

That means having **** with someone who has AIDS.

Or some people donate blood to a small place. The blood drawn syringe passes the blood of the AIDS person and then draws your blood, which will directly infect.

Or maybe the mother got AIDS and passed it directly to the next generation.

These are the three most common ways of HIV transmission.

The reason why Wu Zhizhi was so pale was that the incubation period after the infection of AIDS was relatively long, usually seven to ten years, and the survival time after the onset was no more than two years.

Having AIDS, to put it plainly, is equivalent to half of the feet in the coffin, no doubt.

Even now, there are no medicines that can cure AIDS, let alone in 2002.

Now Wu Zhizhi is not thinking about the time when she and Shen Qingjiang were discovered. She looked at Shen Qingjiang and was shaking.

She will not really be infected with AIDS! !! !! ?

Shen Qingjiang suddenly heard the last conversation with his buddies in Yunjian's cell phone, and he froze.

After the reaction came, he looked at Yunjian with a look of indifferent expression: "Oh, since it was discovered, then I have nothing to hide, but why do you have a chat record of the conversation between me and my brother !?"

Shen Qingjiang wondered why Yun Jian had a record of talking to his brother!

When I asked just this, I saw Yun Jian standing in front of me shaking my mobile phone, and whispered in public:

"I forgot to tell you that I am also a hacker."

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