Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2089: Holding her in and rolling on the lawn

Yunjian is actually a hacker! ?

Everyone around them heard Yun Jian's words, and their expressions changed suddenly.

She is actually a hacker!

However, with the status of Yunjian being the chairman of Xinqi Company, the crowd did not have much surprise.

After all, hackers are also graded. If they are just ordinary hackers, there is nothing worthy of surprise.

Moreover, the cloud manuscript was produced by Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology. It is not a strange thing if it really hacks.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was appalled that Shen Qingjiang was actually an AIDS patient! ?

"Shen Qingjiang, you and you are intentional! You intentionally transmitted AIDS to me? The garbage that you are not as good as the animals here! Go to death!

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die ..."

Wu Zhizhi was scared when he knew the truth of everything.

She yelled at Shen Qingjiang while she was insulted. If no one was stopping her, she would have jumped to kill Shen Qingjiang.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Yunjian.

She just accidentally saw the call between Shen Qingjiang and her brother.

When I first heard it, I was a little surprised.

I did not expect that Wu Zhizhi, who paid so much attention to health and safety, would end up like this.

Naturally, people are doing heaven and watching. Wu Zhizhi deserves his due.

At the same time, I have to remind that girls are better in self-esteem and self-love.

Otherwise, more insidious and horrible things in this world will come to you ...

Wu Zhizhi was picked up by the car sent by her father that day.

Shen Qingjiang naturally couldn't stay in Wuzhen.

After the two men left, Wuzhen reconciled a lot.

Celadon and Zhang Zhifan also left Wuzhen that day.

Two days later, the money donated by Xinqi Company to poor mountainous areas across the country came down.

Wuzhen and several villages around Wuzhen have been allocated a lot of funds that can be used to slightly improve the family environment.

And Wuzhen Elementary School also got a very good capital.

On this day, the principal bought some textbooks for the children in Wuzhen Primary School and a new schoolbag for each person.

This can please the children, jumping up and down with their schoolbags.

"Oh! Yeah! We have a new school bag! We have a new school bag!"

"Great! I want Bumpman's schoolbag!"

"That little white rabbit schoolbag is mine!"

Watching the children pick their new schoolbags, the headmaster and the female teacher smiled involuntarily.

Seeing this, Yun Jian was also a little stunned ...

The next morning was Saturday, the earliest morning of the day.

In two days, Yunjian will return to school. Seven days of support activities to the countryside will also end the weekend.

The children didn't know that the big brothers and big sisters who made them laugh were about to leave.

At that time, the children did not have to go to class, and they took Yunjian to the hillside where the sheep were raised again.

The children around were playing with a group of college students, and Yun Jian was now lying on the lawn under the weak sunlight in the morning.

There were also four or five sheep cries, which surrounded Yun Jian.

The sunlight was dazzling, Yun Jian was fascinated, and closed his eyes to feel the faint, dazzling dawn and early morning sun.

Suddenly, a black shadow in front of him blocked the harsh sunlight, and Yun Jian opened his eyes and saw a handsome and handsome face.

This handsome face looks like a sword, with sharp eyes and sharp eyes. The thin lips, combined with the facial features of Junrong, really make Yunjian unable to open his eyes.

As soon as "N" Yun Jian thought about it, Sidi, who was suddenly leaning down, was pressed on the lawn. His long body gently pressed her, and her lips were blocked with thin lips.

Next to it were several howling sheep, so Liang Xiumin, Mu Yi, and others chasing after a group of children did not find Sidi, which suddenly appeared here.

He did not find the sudden appearance of Si Yi, pressing Yun Jian on the lawn, making a move that was misleading enough.

After blocking his heart's mouth and kissing for a long time, Sidi released Yunjian and leaned next to her ear. Jun Arc flew up, and the face that was so embarrassing but beautiful to the angry face of man and God was revealed. Smirk:

"Small note, you are so beautiful ..." I really want to be one with you here so that you can never leave my sight.

Stipe's words made Yunjian's cheeks slightly red, and she just wanted to pinch him.

At this moment, a sheep beside him screamed comfortably: "咩 ~".

Then the sheep shook its own body and pulled out a shit.

Si Yi and Yun Jian were next to him. The moment he heard the sheep howling, Si Yi grabbed Yun Jian's waist and rolled to the side, avoiding the sheep's hospitality from "shit".

This time he had just escaped the **** of the sheep, a child suddenly saw Si Yi rolling a circle around the lawn with a thin waist, and the boy clapped his hands innocently:

"Look and see! Big brother is holding his big sister and rolling around on the grass! Hey hey! Have fun!"

With this shout, the surrounding people, including the children, the college students from Jiangcheng, all looked over their heads ...

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