Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2090: Talk about children

Having escaped that shit, Si Yi and Yun Jian were exposed under everyone's eyes.

And Si Yi half-carrying Yun Jian's thin waist, did not cover himself and Yun Jian's traces, so everyone present saw S Yi holding Yun Jian rolling on the lawn.

A few college girls accidentally glanced at Si Yi's handsome face, and then saw that Si Yi and Yun Jian rolled a few times on the lawn, and the astounding ambiguous posture made them blush.

The founder Sidi was not panicked after being discovered. On the contrary, he held Yunjian on the lawn and rolled around twice, and pulled her up neatly.

As if something bad was done just now.

"Who is this man?"

"There are such handsome men in this world ..."

"Willn't it be her boyfriend?"

The girls looked at Si Yi's handsome face at first, but they didn't respond.

Instead, Liang Xiumin and Mu Yan walked with a few children.

"Yunjian, your boyfriend actually came here to take the initiative to find you! You are so happy! Unlike my boyfriend, I have to pay for it wherever I want to come." Liang Xiumin spit out.

Liang Xiumin's boyfriend, Jin Yu, is a social mess and a person near Jiangcheng. He met Liang Xiumin in Jiangcheng.

Jin Yu was the last time Yun Jian and his group met at Zhoushan Beach.

Jin Yu's boyfriend can also be regarded as wonderful.

A big man came to Liang Xiumin by himself, and asked Liang Xiumin for the toll. He also brought a group of men and women together. He paid for the toll and meals, and even the money for playing!

A typical white face.

"We are married." Listening to Liang Xiumin saying that he was Yun Jian's boyfriend, Si Yi frowned at Jun Jun and explained.

Liang Xiumin listened, hehe smiled, said "I know," and then drew a cloud note with his hand, again showing a ‘you are really happy’ smile.

This time, Shi Yi did not come out with a marriage certificate or a fake pregnancy test.

Mu Mu, after listening to Liang Xiumin's words, hesitated, and then he asked Liang Xiumin, "School girl, have you made a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Liang Xiumin hadn't heard Mu Yi's unpleasant tone, she responded to Mu Yi.

"No, what, what." Where no one saw, Mu Yan shook his fist and gritted his teeth to say this.

Yun Jian saw Mu Jian's move, but she said nothing.

At this moment, Yun Jian's little hand was being gripped tightly by Si Yi.

Just then, the hem was pulled twice.

Yun Jian glanced down and saw Liu Ying, who had just reached her waist, pulled her hem and looked at her with **** eyes.

Before waiting for Yun Jian to speak, Liu Ying spoke. She looked at Yun Jian and then looked at Si Yi, and asked:

"Is the relationship between sister and brother giving birth in the future?"

Liu Ying really was amazing.

After saying this, people in the surrounding area made several "cough" fake coughs.

But Liu Ying really didn't know what was wrong with what she said. She just stared at Yun Jian with big eyes, waiting for Yun Jian's answer.

Yun Jian blinked, and before she said anything, Liang Xiumin reached out and flicked Liu Ying's forehead, saying, "Yes, yes, they're in that relationship!"

After listening to Liang Xiumin's words, Liu Ying suddenly clapped her hands and said, "Great! Brother and sister are so beautiful. In the future, the dolls born by brother and sister will be particularly beautiful!"

After Liu Ying said this, a little boy next to him answered: "But to have a baby, don't you have to fight to get pregnant? My mother had a fight with my father, and I have a brother!"

"Nonsense! My dad said that he would have a baby, and eat well and sleep well! There is no need to fight." A little girl with two pigtails stood up and refuted.

"But why Dongdong in the next village said that as long as he kisses, he will have children! He also said that boys and girls will sit pregnant during class!"

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