Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2272: She Yunjian is, God stole the ancestor

This accident happened, everyone was caught off guard.

The sneaker wants to deal with Ling Feng, which has greatly exceeded the expectations of everyone present.

And now, directly into the fox hunting organization, except Ling Feng himself, the other eight first-level thieves all want to put Ling Feng to death!

That is to say, at least in the idea of ​​killing Ling Feng, the remaining seven first-level thieves who suddenly appeared on the scene of the fox hunting organization are consistent.

Since this idea is the same, even if Yunjian is more powerful, it really has the ability to match the ghosts.

Now ghost sneakers have helpers!

The sneaky helper is not an ordinary person, but a well-known first-level thief of the fox hunting organization.

In one, it is seven!

To know that a first-level thief of a fox hunting organization often appears, it is enough to make a sensation.

now what? There are only nine first-class thieves in the fox hunting organization, and all of them are on the scene!

And eight first-level gods want to join forces to kill one of them!

This Yunjian just dared to talk to the ghost with that tone. She didn't have to die, she had to be stupid to die!

Seeing this, Jewe, Eva, Calvin, and Ella all took a hard breath, and there was a momentary stagnation.

This time Yunjian is really finished!

The ghost is not alone! As soon as his seven helpers came, Yun Jian said so much, just now he sent himself completely to the dead end!

After listening to the relatively strong first-class thief man, Ling Feng suddenly shook his head and smiled. He seemed to have given up his life and raised his head to the eight first-class thieves, including ghosts. Eyes, laughed aloud:

"I have lived my life. Although I have stolen countless precious treasures, but I have never done anything harmful to your life. You have to kill me. This is a foregone conclusion. It ’s okay. From the beginning, I stepped into the realm of God and I did n’t Ready to leave alive.

"But they are innocent! I am Ling Feng's last plea for you to let them go! Take the necklace away!"

Ling Feng said, pointing to Yun Jian, Jie Wei, Calvin, and others, stealing sound from the eight first-class gods including ghosts.

After Ling Feng's remarks ended, the ghost laughed loudly.

The sneaker already knew that Ling Feng's death was a foregone conclusion today. After laughing, he directly refuted Ling Feng's words:

"I'm going to die, what good person is he pretending to be? This little girl dared to talk to me just now, and I will kill her by insult! Only then can I relieve my hatred!"

After this remark, everyone's heart shuddered fiercely.

Jie Wei and others were so scared that they didn't even dare to say a word.

Evolved into this situation, this is exactly a confrontation between a group of international big men!

How dare they say a word!

Don't die anymore!

At that time, when he saw the ghost in this scene again, weird laughter like silver bell was laughed. He looked at Yunjian and said to Ling Feng:

"Since you care about her so much, I'll shoot her in front of you!"

With that said, the sneaker reached out and wanted to remove the pistol from his waist box.

But he just grabbed his hand over the waist box and touched it empty.


His gun too! ?

When the ghost girl just thought of it, a girl from nature sounded suddenly:

"What are you looking for? Is this this?"

After that, Yun Jian's hand behind him suddenly stretched out.

But unlike the previous one, Yun Jian grabbed a large number of weapons in his outstretched hand at this moment.

Various guns and knives.

The ghosts who saw these guns and knives and the seven first-level gods who appeared later were astonished:

"So, isn't that our weapon! How could it be with you!"

How did those weapons go to this little girl!

The sneaky face also changed suddenly.

Who is she?

"Who the **** are you!" Exclaimed Ghostly!

They are first-class stealers of the fox hunting organization! That means they are the most stolen top character in the world!

But Yunjian ... stole all their weapons without even realizing it!

It's almost impossible!

Who is she!

However, as soon as the ghost screamed in exclaim, Yun Jian stood in front of the people present, in front of the ghost scream, Jewe, Calvin, and the seven first-level gods and everyone in the presence. The words that dazzled everyone at the scene:

"The question about who I am ...

"Listen, I'll just say it once!

"When the head of your fox hunting organization founded the fox hunting organization, I was the ancestor of the thief who was invited to be the highest VIP seat!"

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