Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2273: Fox hunter, Longxi arrived

The year the fox hunting group was created is not far away.

At the time when the fox hunting organization, a specialized stealing organization, was founded, the head of the fox hunting organization had invited international leaders to attend and attend the dinner.

At that time, Yunjian, also known as Moshen, was not the first agent on the international agent list.

The head of the fox hunting organization, Long Xi, founded an organization dedicated to stealing because of being reminded by Yun Jian.

When Moshen first made his debut, he was not assassinated, but was stealing various cultural relics.

When Yunjian was used as an instant god, he was not famous for his normal assassination mission.

When she first debuted, she specialized in stealing missions. Occasionally, she took on an assassination mission. The stealing mission was performed by Moshen. No matter how many others blocked her, she completed the mission very smoothly.

Since taking over the task of stealing the gods, no defeat!

Ordinary thieves have more or less mistakes, but the Moments that were just organized from the Dark Souls have not only become the strongest person in the history of the thieves in the shortest time.

No matter how many people hinder her, she can successfully complete the task.

Of course, this is not counted, the time that Moshen took over the task of stealing, but all the treasures that she took care of will send a stealing letter to the other party before stealing.

As the saying goes, when she steals a treasure, she has to tell the owner of the treasure that I am here to steal your treasure and take precautions if I have the ability.

However, even if the stealing task taken over by the God of God, even if the other party knew in advance that the God of God would come to steal the treasure, there were countless international personal guards hired on the third and the third floors.

What's more terrible is that Moshen can steal the treasure not only when the owner of the treasure knows she is going to steal and hires the care of countless internationally powerful figures.

What's more, when the Moshen stole the treasure, they have no way of knowing it!

The magnitude of it is that it caused a sensation throughout the world in the shortest time.

Some people even exaggerated that she is not a human, but a ghost! Only ghosts can do this!

People all over the world say Yunyun.

At that time, the Moshen was also called "the first ancestor of the gods stealing the world" because no one could fight in the gods stealing world!

Later, Shenshen switched to the assassination mission, which had too much international influence, which led to the subsequent Bloody Night incident.

After the Bloody Night Incident, Sudden War became famous and swept the world.

At that time, Long Xi, the head of the fox hunting organization, obeyed Yun Jian's words before he founded the fox hunting organization.

And Yun Jian, also logically, was hired by the head of the fox hunting organization Long Xi to be the first ancestor of the thief!

At the time, this incident made a sensation all over the world.

The ghosts and Ling Feng standing in front of Yun Jian, as well as the seven fox-hunting organs, all the people present have obeyed this incident.

Therefore, after listening to Yun Jian's words, everyone showed a terrified expression.

"The first ancestor of God's Stealing Realm, are you the ancestor of God's Stealing Realm?

When the fox hunting organization was founded, it was the first ancestor of the world who was hired by the boss of the fox hunting organization to serve as the highest VIP seat.

The ghostly stare stared at Yun Jian, and opened his mouth.

The first ancestor of God to steal the world is the first moment of the international special agent list!

This is something familiar to people in the circle.

At that time, after listening to Yun Jian's words, the ghosts combined with Yun Jian to steal the weapons hidden from him and seven fox hunting organizations from the world.

The ghostly body snore fiercely, and for a long time he couldn't say a word.

When the ghost talked about the word "shenshen", the voice was so soft that Eva, Jiewei, Calvin, Ella, etc. could not hear the sound at all. A hard meal, there was a moment of hesitation.

At this moment, not only the ghosts, but even Ling Feng and the other seven fox-hunting organizations 'first-level thieves' faces suddenly changed.

However, Jie Wei couldn't see the masked ghosts and the other seven fox-hunting organizations 'first-class thieves' faces. He already saw Yunjian unhappy, and now he retorted with words:

"Oh! I don't think she could be the ancestor of the **** stealing world, how many years ago was the ancestor of the **** stealing world! How old was she then? She also claimed to be the ancestor of the **** stealing world! Hey! Come on funny !!

"Is the show so addictive?"

Jie Wei glanced at Yun Jian with a look of contempt, and said mercilessly.

Jie Wei's words had just come to an end. He suddenly saw the ghosts, Ling Feng and the other seven first-level gods suddenly looking at a corner somewhere. When he saw a mature male figure coming up from the corner somewhere, a They all bowed their heads and sang in unison towards the mature male who appeared:

"Head, boss!"

It's the head of the fox hunting organization, Long Xi, there!

At that time, as the head of the fox hunting organization, the dragon seat appeared in the eyes of everyone, first glanced around with the majestic aura of the king, and then when he saw Yunjian, his pupils trembled.

Then, in front of Jewe, Eva, and everyone in the audience, Long Xi quickly walked to Yunjian and spoke in a respectful tone to Yunjian:

"You are here too!"

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