Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2528: This woman is too scary

Zhang Hang's face flashed a lot of colors at this moment, but from the colors flashed from the bottom of his eyes, you can see that at this moment he was being scared by the scene that happened in front of him.

"Captain, you mean ..."

Even the group of refugees who were next to Zhang Hang, who were all dressed as ordinary refugees, but carrying guns in their hands, supported the special forces who came from the Z country all the way, and saw the enemy tank in the distance suddenly helping As they confronted the enemy's own tank, their eyes widened in surprise.

Ge Junjian led everyone to evacuate from the rear, while Liu Cheng followed Zhang Hang and others to defend against the attack of the N nation.

This is the original arrangement.

At that time, after Liu Cheng listened to Zhang Hang's words, he suddenly expanded his pupils to the maximum point. He stared at the eyes and looked at the tank that suddenly helped them to bomb the N people. He was shocked: "It's her! It's her! It's killing God !!! "

"Boom! Boom! Boom boom!"

In the words of Liu Cheng, he was buried in the sound of a tank explosion that was suddenly attacked by them.

If the tank is to make a turn, it will be a bit heavy, of course, it varies from person to person.

Just like driving a car, some people can drive a car with flexibility, even a place that is one millimeter away can pass smoothly, and some people are awkward when driving a car, maybe even a few meters away from the rear wall of the car, They will run into it because their estimates are inaccurate.

Driving airplanes, ships, and tanks is the same as driving a car.

Of course, most people can't be as flexible as some cars when they drive a tank.

After all, the lightest tank weighs a few tons or tens of tons.

Of course, this is just for most people.

For Zhang Hang, Shan Zhengyu, Liu Cheng, and others who just lay at the hiding place and set up their guns to fight a deadly battle with the N nation who owns the tank, they were not only astonished how the tank was robbed by Yun Jian .

It is even more frightening, and I feel that it is the operation technology of the tank in front of me!

The N nation sent seven tanks to attack them.

One of them was robbed and six tanks battled one.

However, this tank hijacked by Yunjian moved both sides of the tank's tracks in the opposite direction fiercely, and immediately stopped when the tank spun half a circle, and shot one of them.

Then the tank hijacked by Yunjian moved forward quickly. Why did his own tank suddenly launch an attack on his own by several other tanks that had not responded yet, hesitating for a few seconds to counterattack.

A series of sounds of "Boom Boom" sounded suddenly.

The remaining five tanks were directly blown up in front of the enemy.

"! What! What's the matter! Are you crazy! Are you crazy! Bomb this tank fast and fast! He's crazy! He's crazy to help the enemy bomb us!"

At this moment, the enemy commanded a frightened person to step back, shouting and shouting the words.

He also thought that there was a problem with the other tank driver.

However, the enemy commander thought that the tank driver of the other side had a problem. The enemy soldiers carried explosives on their backs, waiting to rush to the bottom of the tank at any time to blow up the track of the tank.

But the moment the enemy is ready to take action.

The top door of this tank opened.

A petite figure leaped softly out of the top door of the tank in front of the enemy.

The leader who originally thought that his driver had a problem changed his face suddenly when he saw the petite figure. He trembled with words that could be heard by people like Zhang Hang and others. sound:

"It's a woman! What's going on! How can it be a woman! When did she replace our pilot into the tank!

"Too scary! This woman! Too scary !!!"

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