Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2529: Time is up, goodbye everyone

He watched his own tank driver enter the Tucker top door and operated the tank.

No abnormalities were found along the way.

When did this woman slip in?

"Commander, we ..." An enemy commander saw this and came to the commander's ear to ask what to do next.

"Retreat! We retreat !!!"

The enemy commander was frightened by standing above the tank and staring at the audience.

Even if he led thousands of people and the original seven tanks to help out, it was completely shocked by Yun Jian's method at this moment.

The group turned quickly to evacuate.

Seeing this, Zhang Hang and others standing distantly stagnate.

"Ha ha! Liu Cheng, I didn't expect that you still have such a powerful talent under your hands!" After being shocked, Zhang Hang patted Liu Cheng's shoulder and laughed loudly.

Although Zhang Hang and others couldn't understand what the N-nations were talking about, a few people in Zhang Hang could see that the N-nations were planning to retreat at the moment.

They didn't even want to kill even the Yunjian who stood on the tank and seemed so good to deal with.

"Sir, praise!" Liu Cheng heard that he was praised by his superiors, and naturally he had unspeakable joy.

Not to mention Fang Cai's deadlock was reversed by Yun Jian.

Battle them with seven tanks, they will die!

But at this moment, the people of the N country are planning to retreat!

However, as soon as the leader of the country N planned to take the other people away, a slight, indifferent, but horrifying, trembling speech suddenly sounded:

"You guys, still wanting to leave here alive?"

Yun Jian's remarks were made in a very authentic N-language.

The voice is cold and cold, without any emotion in the words.

When hearing this, not only the leader of the N country and the thousands who followed the leader turned their heads in astonishment, looking at Yunjian. Even Zhang Hang and others in the distance thought Yunjian was crazy. .

One of Zhang Hang's sublinguals spoke N languages. He translated a few words for Zhang Hang to the group of people who wanted to leave.

"Crazy! Does she know that Country N is now in a riot! The riots! The domestic forces of Country N are divided into several factions, which means killing and killing us! How many innocent women are killed! Some even gang raped on the street!

"Now we meet this group of people from N countries. It's a fortunate thing that we will leave without doing anything!

"But what is she doing! She knows she is also a woman!"

If this is caught by the people of the N country, it is totally impossible to survive without death!

Not only physical abuse, but also spiritual destruction!

It's better to die!

"You are all here, I'll bring her back!" Zhang Hang threw a rifle in his arms to himself, held a dagger in his hand, and the man jumped away from the hiding place.

However, when Zhang Hang jumped out of the hiding place and wanted to go to Yunjian's side.

"Well! This girl doesn't know how to live or die! Brothers, do it with her!" The first of the N state commanders was unwilling and yelled loudly.

"Don't kill her, catch it, kill our six tanks, everyone will take her to death!"

Words like these sounded loudly.

After that, the group of people in N country suddenly rushed towards Yun Jian standing on the tank.

Damn it! They didn't believe it. They had thousands of people and couldn't even catch a girl!

But under the command of the enemy, thousands of people rushed to Yunjian, exposing human nature to the highest point immediately.

Yun Jian didn't wait for everyone to come to her. She faced Zhang Hang and others in the distance, and showed a weird smile to the enemy leader and thousands of others. The next second, she smoothed the arc, and it seemed like A harmless little girl grinned, waved at the enemy leader and gently waved the thousands:

"Time is up, goodbye everyone."

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