Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 927: She's sitting, two companies

Rongyao is one of the top ten multinational corporations in the world, and it enjoys absolute power in the whole world.

Even among the top ten multinational corporations in the world, Rongyao is also the top one.

Numerous international business politicians are proud to cooperate with Rongyao.

Countless business elites, or high-level students who have graduated from major colleges and universities around the world, and fighters in the school, have broken their scalp and want to squeeze into Rongyao.

Internationally, Rongyao is an existence with absolute influence.

At the same time, it is still a former force of Yun Jian, now controlled by the demon girl.

At that time, Yunjian had just been reborn to the original owner. The first time he went to an Internet cafe after rebirth, he used hacking technology to invade Rongyao's system and stole a lot of money from it.

Stealing your own money, isn't it someone like Yun Jian?

Because the person in charge of Rongyao is now the demon girl, who is Yun Jian's subordinate, and is in charge of Rongyao company.

And Yunjian itself is the chief boss of Rongyao, which means that the founder of Rongyao is her Yunjian.

Those present may not have heard of Corumton, the top mechanic in country M, but it is impossible to have not heard of Rongyao, one of the top ten multinational corporations in the world.

That is an internationally renowned enterprise!

So when everyone at the scene listened to the words of Currenton, at this moment they kept the original stupid gesture and stung hard.

That way, it's no different than being completely stupid as a whole.

What Cromton said just now is in Chinese, and anyone in the room can understand it.

But what did Crenton just say?

Yunjian is the total boss of Rongyao, one of the top ten multinational corporations in the world?

Kai ... Kai Kai Kai ... What a joke?

How old is she? Is she still young?

She is just about the same age as Chen Xinyi, still a junior high school student!

The people present were completely stunned, and at the same time, everyone kept an "O" mouth shape. It looked as if they were stunned by something and could not move at all.

The existence of Rongyao Company, whether it is Beiguang Modeling Company or Chen Zhenchuan's company, is not even qualified to touch.

It can be said that Rongyao Company wants to destroy Beiguang Modeling Company or Chen Zhenchuan's company, and that is to make a call with a finger.

Not to mention the boss of Rongyao.

Cronton said, most of the people present were convinced.

Combined with the previous respect of Yunren by Currenton, and the fact that Currenton had to worship Yunjian as a teacher.

It can be concluded that Yun Jian, if she is not the chief boss of Rongyao Co., Ltd., a famous mechanic in the world, why should she come to her from a M helicopter to fly to seek her worship?

After getting this answer, everyone couldn't react for a while.

The audience was stunned.

Especially Ji Shasha, who just wanted to compare with Yun Jian, and Zhang Guodong, who made a verbal attack on Yun Jian, the faces of these two people were pale, and they looked like ghosts.

However, before everyone's response came, Zhang Shaofeng's unbelievable voice came to everyone's ears again: "This day, Master, you are the chief boss of Rongyao company?

"What about Xinqi? Are you not the chairman of Xinqi?"

Zhang Shaofeng's voice was very loud and spread all around.

However, when everyone heard Zhang Shaofeng's voice, the look on his face tightened again.


Chairman of Xinqi Company? Yun Jian is also the chairman of Xinqi Company! ?

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