Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 928: Really, Ge Xuan's surprise

Zhang Shaofeng, Ling Yichen and Chen Xinyi have been studying for a long time with Zhang Zhifan, who is now in charge of Xinkai for Yunjian.

The three of Zhang Shaofeng followed Zhang Zhifan to learn to manage the company at each point of time. At this time, Zhang Zhifan has also heard a lot about Yun Jian.

How did Yunjian take Zhang Zhifan with a group of people from Xinjiang Town to Longmen City, how to grab the storefront of Xinqi Company today, and how to develop Xinqi Company to this point.

Zhang Shaofeng had already heard Zhang Zhifan talk about a lot of these things, and at the time he admired Yun Jian extremely.

Now listening to Yunjian turned out to be one of the top ten multinational corporations in the world, Rongyao's total boss, Zhang Shaofeng almost did not faint.

Because Yunjian is still the boss of Xinkai Company! She is so young that she has done things that others are getting old, which she can't even reach in her life!

Although listening to the words of Currenton and Zhang Shaofeng, everyone present believed that Yunjian was the chief boss of Rongyao and the chairman of Xinqi, but everyone wanted to wait and see Yunjian's answer.

So a group of people turned their attention to Yun Jian and waited to see her reaction.

But when Yun Jian looked straight at Zhang Shaofeng, she pursed her lips, her red lips slightly raised upwards, and after half a ring, Yun Jian said:

"Yes, Rongyao and Xinkai are mine."

She's not afraid of publicity, of course, even if she doesn't admit it? The old guy, Cromton, and the little guy, Zhang Shaofeng, have already spoken about it.

Seeing Yun Jian admitting, the old guy of Cromton and the little guy of Zhang Shaofeng laughed twice.

However, people standing around included Ling Yichen and Chen Xinyi, Chen Zhenchuan and his wife He Shiya, Zhang Guodong, and even Ji Shasha.

No one is not surprised, and everyone's expressions are the same at this moment.

Of course, apart from Si Yi, Si Yi was silent at the moment, but he looked at the scene in front of him lightly.

"It turned out that Beiguang Modeling Company is really you ..." By this time, Zhang Guodong's regretful intestines were almost green. As long as he thought of how he treated Yunjian just now, he was afraid that the whole person would tremble. .

I figured it out, but I know it.

Yun Jian is actually the chairman of Xinqi Company!

However, even if Zhang Guodong regretted it, he did not dare to talk to Yun Jian.

Because Zhang Guodong knows that if he talks to Yun Jian now, he will definitely die!

Seeing that Chen Xinyi was injured by a scout from Beiguang Modeling Company, Yun Jian blocked Beiguang Modeling Company. It can be seen that she is definitely not a soft character!

Considering the previous events, none of them dared to come forward and talk to Yun Jian.

In the end, until Yunjian said goodbye to Chen Xinyi and others, and returned home with Cronton and Si Yi, no one dared to stand up and talk.

At this moment, Yun Jian had left those dull people alone, but Yun Jian did not return to Dong Ruan's house, but went directly to Ge Junjian.

Because Yun Jian knew that Qin Yirou built his family in Ge Jun.

However, she had one more important thing to do.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Ge Junjian's house, Yun Jian saw a pretty long one, but with a red, yellow, blue, and green head on his head, Ge Xuan stood at the door and looked into the distance, not sure what he was looking at.

Seeing Yun Jian's three men coming, Ge Xuan responded.

"You ..." Ge Xuan looked at Yun Jian, and he was just about to shout. As a result, he bypassed Yun Jian and saw Cronton following Yun Jian.

"Mr. Coco Renton !?" After seeing the man, Ge Xuan screamed in surprise.

Then he turned his attention to Yun Jian. The surprise in his heart could not be described by words.

Yun Jian actually invited Mr. Cullenton here!

This is real! !! !!

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