Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 374 This feeling is really uncomfortable!

Mr. Chu looked at Guo Lin, the corners of his mouth twitching.

He indeed sent people into the mountains, hoping to take the opportunity to verify what was rumored on the Internet. Especially after these 20 mountains were handed over to Qingfengguan, if it was true as what was said on the Internet, these 23 mountains would definitely change.

Who knew that Taoist Guo in front of him even knew about this matter.

This also made him glad that he did not agree to someone's proposal to send someone to sneak into Qingfeng Temple.

Just tell me, how can you hide when someone like Daozhang Guo exists?

As soon as they were sent out, before they arrived at Qingfeng Temple, Taoist Guo might know about it.

When the time comes, the other party will arrange a welcome ceremony. Do you still want the face?

A total clown.

The key is that this is obviously a behavior that worsens the relationship.

After going back, you must solemnly report and record this.

Guo Lin had already looked at the new game prompt that appeared on the light screen in his mind:

[Congratulations, the increase area of ​​the level 3 Qiankun Secret Realm has been recalculated, and the area of ​​the current sect’s station area has increased by 40%! 】

Seeing this, Guo Lin also smiled.

Naturally, 40% of 5 mountains cannot be compared with 40% of 28 mountains.

After Mr. Chu sent these more than 20 mountains, the increased area of ​​the Level 3 Qiankun Secret Realm is equivalent to 11.2 more mountains.

Moreover, the system has already prompted, so the team Mr. Chu sent into the mountain should have noticed the changes, right?

Especially the special attributes of Qingfengguan, which will take effect as soon as the area is recognized by the system.

At the same time, in a mountain forest.

That group of people had already found a valley to camp, and set up their tents tightly.

It's winter, otherwise people will freeze to death.

Moreover, after working hard for a long time, they also planned to take a break and cook something to eat.

As the leader of this team, Wu Shuo is very handy. Anyway, he has excellent survival skills in the wilderness.

After all, sometimes for field testing, you may not be able to leave the mountain for a month. If you don’t know some skills, you will be treating yourself badly.

So, after pitching the tent, he led his people to set up a simple outdoor stove.

It is better to be surrounded by the river to prevent fire.

As for the rest of the team, he had already arranged to clean other food.

Those people were doing what they were doing and complaining:

"We don't understand anything when we come here to test in the middle of winter!"

"Yeah, the weather hasn't been like this for a long time."

"On the order from above, we ran away and broke our legs... Hey... why did we suddenly feel a little hot..."

"Yeah, I feel it too, you shouldn't be doing this kind of work!"


Suddenly, doubts appeared on these people's faces. They felt very hot when wearing thick coats and even sweated.

What the hell?

Wu Shuo naturally felt it, but he didn't take off his clothes right away. He didn't know the situation and took off his clothes when he was hot and cold, so he could easily get sick.

He planned to finish the work in hand first, but when he was holding a cleaning knife and was about to get vegetables from the platform built next to him, he suddenly watched helplessly as the platform became farther and farther away from him.

Suddenly a large distance was opened, and he could no longer reach the platform in an instant.

"What happened?" Another person suddenly exclaimed: "Weren't you standing next to me just now?"

"I don't know either, you suddenly distanced yourself from me." Someone responded blankly.

"I didn't move!"

"I didn't move either!"

All of a sudden, the team was in commotion, and everyone couldn't believe how this could happen.

Wu Shuo held the knife blankly. He may now know what the superiors asked them to test. He hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and take out the equipment and start testing."

Others also reacted immediately and took action one after another.

It turns out that this is the purpose of leadership.

They actually questioned the leader just now.

Wu Shuo thought of something and immediately took off his thick coat this time.

Sure enough, it wasn't cold at all.

This seems to be the same as the scene at Qingfengguan.

Thinking of Qingfeng Temple, he also immediately remembered another thing. It was not said on the Internet that the area of ​​​​Qingfeng Mountain suddenly increased. Many people said so.

However, in the final satellite scan, no increase in area was found, so the matter was settled.

That scene just now...

Not only that, after he took off his clothes and stopped being hot, his whole body felt a special kind of refreshing and comfortable.

This feeling is incredible.

When will they feel this comfortable after setting up camp?

It can be said that absolutely not.

The current feelings seem to be exactly the same as the rumors about Qingfengguan on the Internet.

Could it be said that their testing here is actually related to Qingfeng Temple?

No wonder the leader gave such a solemn order, but did not explain it, and asked him to report immediately as soon as he discovered anything.

He looked to the side again and found that the camp they had just set up had completely collapsed. He hurried forward to check and made a surprising discovery.

The traces they had made when they set up camp were completely separated from the location of the tent.

Especially where they originally nailed the nails, the mark was completely a long way from the original location.

In other words, the original position was pulled outwards, just like the platform in front of him suddenly pulled away.

Is this an increase in area?

Wu Shuo came to this conclusion that shocked even him. The rumors on the Internet were true.

Suddenly, someone said with a shocked face: "Team Wu, our equipment detected a special substance in the air, which was not detected before."

Another person added: "Moreover, I noticed that there seemed to be mist slowly appearing around me, and it seemed to be coming from Qingfeng Temple."

When Wu Shuo heard the result, he immediately picked up his cell phone and made a call.

The leader who didn't know how high he was was ordered to report any situation immediately.

Qingfengguan reception room.

Guo Lin poured another cup of tea for Mr. Chu.

But Mr. Chu mechanically picked up the teacup and drank tea, with a look of helplessness on his face.

This feeling of having everything controlled by others is too uncomfortable.

At the same time, his attention was also focused on his mobile phone. After all, Daoist Guo had said that a call would come in soon.

The next moment, the phone rang.

Seeing the number, he decisively pressed the answer button and heard an excited and startled report from the other side of the phone: "Leader, it's incredible. We found that the climate here has completely changed, and there is something special in the air. materials, and the land area has also increased..."

Mr. Chu listened to the report on his mobile phone, but kept looking at Guo Lin. Although he had guessed the result before coming, the shock in his heart was still very strong now that he heard the confirmed agreement.

All the magical sights and changes in Qingfeng Mountain are actually all because of Qingfeng Temple.

There are so many research reports that appear to be serious in the science column. This kind of program has no meaning in existence.

But precisely because of this, he was even more shocked. This kind of power should not appear in reality at all, right? Can the land area be increased?

This kind of thing...

He even had the unrealistic idea that if this planet were given to Qingfeng Temple as a meritorious property...

Naturally, he only dared to think about this kind of thing.

Looking at Daozhang Guo who was still calm and calm, he felt that the Qingfeng Temple was becoming more and more mysterious.

It seems that every time there is a new shock waiting for him.

"Remember to keep this matter confidential and do not allow it to be mentioned to the outside world. I will have someone sign a confidentiality agreement for you later." Mr. Chu immediately and solemnly ordered the other party.

When the other party hung up the phone, he awkwardly said to Guo Lin: "Daozhang Guo, I'm really sorry. I'll make a call."

"Mr. Chu, do it yourself!" Guo Lin still chuckled, naturally knowing what the other party was going to do, and added: "There is no way for satellites to capture the area inside Qingfeng Temple!"

"..." Mr. Chu's cheek couldn't help but twitch again.

What else can he hide from Taoist Guo?

He really wanted to ask what was going on over there with the satellite surveillance.

You must know that there are satellites in the sky pointed at those mountains.

Those fortune-telling plots in TV movies in the past were nonsense. They could predict what would happen in the future, and who could predict who was in danger and rescue them in advance.

Now that we see Daochang Guo’s ability, where is the nonsense? It's simply conservative.

Mr. Chu also dialed the number. As soon as the call was connected, he said inward: "How is it? Has the satellite detected the situation?"

But a report came from the opposite side immediately: "Mr. Chu, we have been scanning and monitoring those mountains according to your instructions, and we have found nothing abnormal. Please trust us. We are professionals, and technology will not lie. I will report back to you if necessary."

"..." Mr. Chu immediately remained silent and hung up the phone.

This is embarrassing.

Guo Lin looked at the embarrassed Mr. Chu and also called Xuanyun and Xuanyang with a smile.

It turns out that more than 20 mountains are already Qingfengguan's meritorious properties, so some things need to be done.

"Senior brother." Xuanyuan and Xuanyang bowed respectfully as soon as they arrived.

After that, the two of them also said hello to Mr. Chu: "I've met you, sir."

When Guo Lin saw the two people coming, he also asked Xuanyun: "Xuanyun, how are the seeds of the spiritual energy rice being cultivated?"

These words attracted Mr. Chu's attention.

They worked so hard to build more than 20 mountains, isn’t the purpose just to refine the spiritual energy?

Xuanyun immediately replied: "Senior brother, we have cultivated a lot of plantings. If we want to plant them on a large scale, we need to find a place!"

Guo Lin nodded and ordered: "We already have many more mountains in Qingfengguan. Let's find someone to plant them tomorrow. There are no seasonal requirements for this spiritual energy-polished rice. We will strive to free Qingfengguan's spiritual energy-polished rice as soon as possible."

"Yes, senior brother." Xuan Yun nodded in response.

Guo Lin then handed the documents that Mr. Chu brought to Xuanyang, and then ordered: "Xuanyang, you will also buy a batch of mature pines and cypresses, boxwoods, hanging flowers, podocarpus, black pine...etc." 9 kinds of trees, I will give you the positions of the heavenly stems and earthly branches in these more than 20 mountains when the time comes, and then plant them."

These 9 types of trees are naturally needed to arrange the maze. With more than 20 more mountains and such a large area, it is natural to replant trees in order for the maze to cover the entire area again.

"Yes, senior brother!" Xuan Yang nodded immediately. He naturally knew that the purpose of planting these trees was to build the maze.

Next to him, Mr. Chu followed Guo Lin's narration and was already holding his mobile phone to write down these trees. Taoist Guo wanted to buy this tree specifically and plant it according to the celestial stems and earthly branches. It must not be simple, right?

If he could write down all the numbers and locations, he could arrange for people to plant them in other places, and maybe he would know what the effect would be.

It's a pity that Taoist Guo spoke so fast that he didn't even have time to remember, so he hurriedly said: "Taoist Guo, you need these trees. I can help you find them and transport them as quickly as possible. You can go to Qingfeng Temple tomorrow."

When Guo Lin heard this, he looked at the other party with a half-smile, obviously knowing what Mr. Chu was paying attention to.

It's just that the other party doesn't know what the prerequisites for this maze are. It must have the wood energy generated by those 'immortal incarnations'.

Mr. Chu was embarrassed again. Could it be that his mind was seen through again?

This feeling really disgusted him.

This was the first time he felt such torture in front of others.

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Chu." Guo Lin said with a smile.

To be honest, planting trees cannot be hidden at all. When planting, the other party's satellites and drones can take pictures and know everything clearly.

"No trouble! Please tell me the number of trees and the number of trees needed, and I'll arrange it right away." Mr. Chu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that it can continue, and maybe we can figure out why the other party wants to plant these trees specifically.

With a smile on his face, Guo Lin asked Xuan Yang to tell Mr. Chu the trees he needed.

But suddenly, he looked at the game prompt that appeared on the light screen in his mind. The task of hanging up was completed, and he submitted it as soon as he thought. After that, his face showed joy.

This Shushan Origin mission is okay. After completing the first mission while AFK, a reward was given out, and it turned out to be this thing.

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