Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 375 Communication Talisman!

[Congratulations on completing the collection task of Feipeng God General and getting the reward communication talisman making method! 】

Guo Lin did not expect to receive such a reward.

Many players should be unfamiliar with communication symbols. After all, they are only mentioned in the game, and the only time they appear is in a small plot.

But if you have watched the TV series adapted from the Fairy Sword game, many people know that there is such a prop. The male protagonist Jingtian and the second male protagonist can communicate in two places: Yong'an Dang and Shushan Sect.

It’s a bronze mirror-like prop that can even be used for video recording in two places.

That thing is an upgraded version of the communication symbol.

It's just that in modern society, everyone has mobile phones and chat software, so this thing seems a bit useless.

The only advantage is probably that it is not affected by signals and will not be scammed by phone calls.

However, since he had obtained the things, he was naturally curious and wanted to know more about it, so he also said to Mr. Chu: "Mr. Chu, I still have some things to do here. Please help yourself!"

"If Mr. Guo has something to do, just go and do it." Mr. Chu responded with a smile.

After Guo Lin left, he took out his mobile phone, made a call immediately, and directly gave instructions: "Help me prepare some trees. I will send you a message later. They must be sent to Youcheng tomorrow. !”

What he wants to know most now is what Daozhang Guo wants to do with these trees.

Thinking about it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and searched the information to see what the heavenly stems and earthly branches were.

Daochang Guo said that those trees must be planted according to the positions of the heavenly stems and earthly branches, so they must be very special.

The heavenly stems and earthly branches originate from the observation of celestial phenomena in ancient China.

I understand this sentence.

After that, he was dumbfounded. What about Yanfeng, Zhanmeng, Rouzhao, Qiangyu, Zhuyong, Tuwei, Shangzhang, Chongguang, Xuanqian, Zhaoyang, and what about Kundun, Chifenruo, Shetige, Shan Yan, Zhixu, Dahuangluo, Dunzang, Xiexie, Hutan, Zuowei, Yimao, Dayuanxian.

He doesn't understand any of it.

Anyway, it is probably a set of Taoist methods for identifying special times or special locations.

Mr. Chu put away his mobile phone silently, knowing that there was no way to study it. He could only wait for Qingfengguan to plant those trees, and then he would let people remember them, and copy and plant them in other places according to the trees and directions to test it.

He felt it was not safe, so he made another phone call and ordered someone to go to the Taoist sect to find two Taoist priests who had studied the heavenly stems and earthly branches to make it safer.

While Mr. Chu was making arrangements, Guo Lin had already returned to the dressing room. He entered the game Daoyuan with an idea, and then saw the jade slips on the table of the sleeping room in Daoyuan.

He stepped forward to pick up the jade slip and saw the note information:

[This is a method of making a special communication talisman. It requires peach tree pulp of a special year to make talisman paper, and special talisman patterns can be used to make communication talismans!

Remarks: 1. After using the jade slips, you can get detailed production methods of special communication symbols. 2. The stronger the communication talisman, the longer the communication distance! 3. Ordinary people can concentrate on binding and use it! 】

After reading the notes, Guo Lin knew that this communication talisman was basically similar to the one introduced in Fairy Sword.

He immediately chose to use it, and in the next moment, a stream of information about the communication talisman and the related production methods poured into his mind.

Moreover, after reading the notes and getting the relevant details, he suddenly discovered that this communication symbol was quite useful.

The stronger the communication talisman, the farther the distance it can communicate. This is because the energy of the constructed talisman is stronger.

The key is that ordinary people can also use it. As long as they concentrate on mental induction, any communication symbols that have not been used can be bound.

The key is that each communication symbol can also sense other people's communication symbols to achieve the purpose of communication.

This is also the meaning of communication symbols.

As for the specific operation, it needs to be produced first.

However, this thing can be put into the Merit Hall to exchange some for believers.

Presumably many believers will not be able to help but treasure it.

To them, this should be an immortal treasure, right?

After that, he quit the game, found some peach tree seeds, and went to the special forest garden.

Although there are such things as mobile phones in modern times, people who cultivate immortality should always have something of their own.

Therefore, he wanted to make this thing and have a look.

The prerequisite is that there must be peach tree pulp from the previous year to make talisman paper.

The peach tree is a spiritual plant in Taoism and can bring in spiritual energy. The same is true in the Immortal Sword. Immortal 3, Male 2 Bai Doufu is a disciple of the Shushan Sect. When dealing with the Yuzhou City incident, he also used magic weapons made of peach wood. .

When Guo Lin left the Taoist temple, he saw that Xuanyun had led a group of outer disciples to the mountains.

Since we want to plant Reiki polished rice, we must inspect those mountains and see where to plant them first.

Soon they arrived at the special forest garden and planted a few peach tree seeds.

The power of a mountain god can make the two peach groves in front of the fortune-telling fairy temple in the game world grow like that. If there are only a few trees, they can definitely grow into peach trees of previous years.

Sure enough, after using the power of the mountain god, those peach trees grew at an incredible speed.

These peach trees grew taller and taller. When they stopped, they were not only full of fruits, but also had very strong branches. Everyone could see that normal peach trees could not grow so thick.

This is a peach tree from last year.

Moreover, the peach scent was much better than the ones in front of the Fortune Telling Immortal Temple.

He immediately picked one and tried it, and sure enough, he immediately felt an unusual sweetness and deliciousness.

The most important thing is that under the peach, I can feel a special warm current flowing in the intestines and stomach. It is not energy, but seems to be unblocking the intestines.

Now the peaches grown by these peach trees should also have special effects.

Thinking about it, he also picked two peaches and went out of the special forest garden. When he arrived at the dressing room, he brought the peaches into the game and saw the information about the peaches.

[This is a kind of fruit that grew from peach trees last year. Because it grows in a place with spiritual energy, it comes with a trace of spiritual energy and has special effects: delicious +2, sweet +2, cure intestinal constipation +2, moisturize the intestines + 2! 】

Sure enough, this peach has this special effect when it grows, no wonder there is that feeling in the intestines.

exit the game.

Guo Lin called Xuanyang and ordered: "Go to the special forest garden, cut down some branches from one of the peach trees, and then prepare the tools for making tree pulp. There should be some in the warehouse. By the way, the ones on the tree I will give a few peaches to Mr. Chu, and I will put the rest in the Merit Hall to redeem them, which can be regarded as giving back to the believers."

"Okay, senior brother." Xuan Yang immediately agreed and followed the instructions.

When he arrived at the Special Forest Garden, he also saw the peach trees.

This peach tree did not exist before.

However, he didn't care. It was very easy for the senior brother to make a few peach trees at will.

He then called several inner disciples from Zong Bin and started cutting branches from one of the peach trees.

He didn't know why his senior brother wanted to cut down the peach branch, but he just had to do as he was told.

He also picked a few peaches himself, and then found Mr. Chu.

This person did not leave, he was still in the living room.

Beside him were several official people.

"Mr. Chu, try this peach." Xuan Yang put the peach on the table and invited with a smile.

Mr. Chu glanced at the peach subconsciously.

Now in his eyes, there is nothing simple in Qingfengguan.

I'm afraid this peach is not simple either.

Before Mr. Chu came forward to try it, an official picked it up and tasted it first.

After all, you have to make sure there are no problems before you can let Mr. Chu eat it.

Mr. Chu actually felt that this was not necessary.

After all, in Qingfeng Temple, there was nothing he could do if people like Taoist Guo really wanted to do anything to him.

However, after the official ate the peach, he was also very surprised. The peach was surprisingly delicious.

After seeing that there was no problem, Mr. Chu also picked up the peach and ate it. He also felt the deliciousness, and he naturally felt the special feeling in the intestines.

He knew that the peach was not simple, and he couldn't help but praise: "Taoist Master Xuanyang, this peach is very delicious."

Hall of merit.

Wang Defu entered the Merit Hall and prayed a lot. He could pray three times a day. He could get 3 exclusive merit points for the first time, 2 merit points for the second time, and 1 merit point for the third time.

You can get 6 exclusive merit points every day.

He goes up the mountain every day, and the merit points he gets are used to exchange for health and fitness elixirs. Although the number of these elixirs is limited, as long as he comes, he can redeem them long ago.

It doesn't matter whether you eat it yourself or sell it to those who buy it at the foot of the mountain.

Today, after he finished praying as usual, he checked the special light curtain of the merit hall through induction, and found that there was another product on it that could be redeemed.

Peaches: 1.

Wang Defu was a little surprised when he saw the catalog. 1 Merit Hall could redeem this peach at a very low price. Out of curiosity, he immediately redeemed one.

After that, he immediately went to the exchange office.

Qingfeng Temple now has a place dedicated to exchanging merit items, with two Taoist priests in charge.

Naturally, the peaches that Xuanyang asked people to pick have been delivered here.

Wang Defu also quickly redeemed one. He took a bite out of curiosity and immediately felt the deliciousness and sweetness.

This is definitely not an ordinary peach, ordinary peaches will not be so delicious.

After eating one peach, Wang Defu even wanted to exchange for another one, but found that there was a limit of one per person.

Since it is a welfare, naturally the people in front cannot keep redeeming it. If there are many believers, one per person, those peaches will be redeemed soon.

However, believers have always been more concerned about the redemption in the Merit Hall. It has also been spread that 1 merit can be exchanged for delicious peaches in the Merit Hall.

People who had eaten the peach said that it was definitely not an ordinary peach, but maybe a fairy peach, which attracted more believers to come.

For a time, there was a turmoil for changing peaches.

As more and more people exchanged peaches to eat them, the rumors about Xiantao became more and more widespread and certain.

Qingfeng Guanzhong.

Xuanyang had already prepared the tools for making peach syrup for Guo Lin, several very retro tools.

Guo Lin naturally prepared to make the talisman paper for the communication talisman.

In today's society, there are special machines for making tree pulp, and the speed is also faster.

However, that is for ordinary people. .

For a golden elixir monk, as long as there are props given to him, tree pulp can be made at an incredible speed, and many processes can be saved. Even the subsequent process of making talisman paper can be directly crushed with spiritual thoughts and infuriating energy. .

Mr. Chu visited Qingfeng Temple and was attracted by the noise. He was curious about what Chief Guo was doing with his people.

Something that allows Daochang Guo to do it himself must not be simple, right?

He also led people over curiously.

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