Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 376 Can communication be achieved with two pieces of paper? Shocked!

Mr. Chu curiously stepped forward to check, only to find that Taoist Guo was making tree pulp.

He wouldn't admit it.

He has seen how to make tree pulp. Once the tree pulp is prepared, it can be used to make paper.

But Daochang Guo took action himself, so he didn't think he could make ordinary paper, right?

This was his subconscious thought.

The pulp was quickly prepared.

Under normal circumstances, turning tree pulp into paper requires several processes.

For Guo Lin, this doesn't need to be the case.

He directly used the sword control technique and pointed his finger at the vat of peach tree pulp, and saw the pulp inside flying up one after another, and actually gathered together in mid-air.

Then through the combination of spiritual thoughts and true energy, the tree pulp quickly expanded and became flat. The larger the area, the flatter and thinner the surface.

When Mr. Chu saw this scene, he opened his mouth slightly.

He knew it wasn't that simple.

Who has ever seen paper made like this?

Guo Daochang pointed his finger, and the tree pulp flew up by itself, and then formed itself in mid-air.

After a while, a piece of paper with a tree-yellow color appeared, and then slowly fell into Daochang Guo's hands.

"It's incredible..." Mr. Chu muttered to himself.

He was even more curious about what Daozhang Guo was going to do in making this paper.

However, he soon found out.

The Taoist priest Guo directly found a table and took out the tools for drawing symbols.

Taoist Guo is going to draw a talisman on the rug.

He immediately remembered the rumors about talismans in Qingfeng Temple, especially when he thought about the day when Taoist Guo had some talismans and brought bad luck to Master Ping Shang.

This also made him more curious, wanting to see what kind of talisman this Taoist Guo wanted to draw on the urn this time.

After Guo Lin took out the talisman drawing tool from the magic bag, he also started to cut out the made talisman paper.

After that, he picked up one of the talisman papers and began to draw.

The carving of communication symbols is not complicated, the main thing is to draw the symbols on paper specially.

As long as you have this talisman paper, you can just draw it according to the communication talisman pattern.

With Guo Lin's current strength in the golden elixir, it is naturally very simple to carve this kind of rune pattern.

In an instant, he finished carving one of the talisman papers, and then sealed the ring to complete a communication talisman!

After that, he took out another piece of talisman paper and began to carve the second communication talisman.

Not long after, the second communication symbol was completed.

Guo Lin also stopped.

At this time, everyone also looked at the two talismans, wanting to know what they did.

Especially Mr. Chu, he is the most curious.

However, Guo Lin picked up one of the communication talismans and handed it to Xuan Yang, and ordered: "Concentrate on this talisman to bind it."

After that, he also concentrated on binding another communication talisman!

After receiving the order, Xuan Yang naturally followed it immediately and showed a look of surprise at the same time. At the same time, he also found that he had a special connection with this talisman.

"Senior brother, what kind of talisman is this?" Xuan Yang asked with curiosity on his face.

He knew that no matter what talisman the senior brother took out, it would definitely not be simple.

Guo Lin had already taken the talisman in his hand and approached the talisman in Xuan Yang's hand. He concentrated and knew what was going on.

He can leave the mental imprint that Xuan Yang left on the talisman on his own talisman like a copy. Later, when he concentrates on using his own talisman, he can select the spiritual imprint of Xuan Yang for link communication. , just like dialing a number on a mobile phone.

Moreover, this communication symbol can not only leave one number. In theory, the communication symbol can always keep numbers until the energy of the communication symbol is exhausted.

It's just that the more numbers you keep, the more energy you consume, and the shorter the communication character is.

It can be said that this method of storing numbers is more useful than modern mobile phones.

It's true that the usage time of this communication symbol is not as long as that of a mobile phone, but it is true that there is no need to pay the phone bill.

Guo Lin told Xuanyang again: "Xuanyang, take that talisman and go out to Qingfeng Temple. The farther away, the better."

"Yes, senior brother!" Xuan Yang nodded and immediately walked towards the outside of the Taoist temple with the communication talisman.

Not long after Xuanyang left, Guo Lin picked up his communication talisman. After using it, he said inward: "Xuanyang, can you hear me?"

Xuan Yang had already walked out of the Taoist temple, and suddenly he heard his senior brother's voice coming from the talisman in his hand, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

He hurriedly picked up the talisman and said inward: "Senior brother, I can hear it."

He now finally knows what the function of this rune is.

This talisman can actually be used like a telephone.

This is amazing.

Inside the Taoist temple.

Mr. Chu had also been paying attention to the talisman. When he saw Guo Lin picking up the talisman and talking inside, he was surprised.

And when the voice of Taoist Master Xuanyang sounded on the talisman, he also knew the function of the talisman.

The talisman created by Guo Daochang can actually communicate like a telephone?

Can you believe this?

You must know that the telephone was only realized after decades of scientific research and relying on various scientific technologies.

The communication talisman in Daoist Master Guo's hand now is just a few strokes of the communication talisman on it, and it has reached the level that a mobile phone can achieve.

If you put this thing in front of others and tell them that it has this function, no one will believe it, right?

But it happened.

Moreover, when Mr. Chu saw this thing, he immediately thought of where it could be used.

You must know that sometimes there are more secret contests between countries.

They just send people to each other's place to do some shady things.

It’s just that in a modern society, there are many modern equipment, plus various satellites. Therefore, current communication equipment is very easy to be monitored, and it is also easy to be located and discovered when reporting and communicating.

There is absolutely no way to avoid this.

Even when many people sent out completed their tasks, they were discovered again during the report.

Moreover, in really critical places, even lurking people cannot bring communication equipment in, and they will be strictly inspected.

But if this thing existed, who knew it was a communication device?

Anyone who is lurking can bring this thing into the caucus meeting and then open it directly, allowing them to listen directly to the other party's caucus meeting.

If the other party wants to find out how it was leaked, they may not be able to find out.

In the eyes of foreigners, there is not even the concept of talismans, right?

In their eyes, it should be just a piece of paper with random scribblings, right?

Therefore, they would not believe that a piece of paper with scribblings like that could still communicate remotely and could be used as a phone, right?

Thinking of this, Mr. Chu couldn't help but said: "Daozhang Guo, I wonder if we can buy a few of these talismans? This thing is very effective and can help some people."

Guo Lin understood from Mr. Chu's eager eyes that this gentleman might really need this communication talisman.

Guo Lin did not refuse this thing. After all, it was not an expensive thing.

He immediately picked up the talisman pen and started drawing again on the cut talisman paper.

It didn't take long for several communication symbols to be completed and handed over to Mr. Chu. At the same time, he reminded: "Mr. Chu, these communication symbols should also appear in the merit redemption catalog in the future, so you can pay attention to it."

From Mr. Chu's expression, he might have guessed that this thing should be useful for the higher ups.

He plans to give this communication talisman to Xuanyang and the others in the future. When they learn it, he will tell them to draw a few of them every once in a while, and then use them to exchange merit points.

"Thank you, Master Guo!" Mr. Chu didn't expect that Master Guo would agree so easily. He only reacted and thanked him after getting those communication tokens.

Moreover, if the merit exchange can be exchanged for this talisman, then it is time to send people to guard outside the merit hall.

After that, Mr. Chu immediately asked again: "Taoist Master Guo, how do you use this talisman?"

"Concentrate..." Guo Lin smiled and explained the method of the communication talisman.

"Thank you, Taoist Master Guo." After Mr. Chu knew the function of this communication talisman, he immediately thanked him, and then left the Taoist temple immediately.

Although Mr. Chu did not make special arrangements, You Cheng had already arranged a residence for this person.

Therefore, as soon as Mr. Chu arrived at his residence, he also studied the communication talisman and concentrated on binding it.

With Guo Lin's description of how to use it, he quickly understood how to use the communication talisman.

After that, he did not hesitate at all. He immediately found an official person. In addition to leaving one communication symbol, he handed over several other communication symbols to the other party. He solemnly ordered: "Get this thing as quickly as possible." Send it to Area 001 in the capital as soon as possible and hand it over to Cheng Jianxin Cheng** in person..."

The official's face immediately showed a solemn expression when they heard about Area 001. Although there is only the name Area 001 here, everyone knows what it represents.

The official also left immediately for tomorrow, taking a special passage and returning to the capital as quickly as possible.

Soon after, in the 001 area, the responsible person Cheng Jianxin also received a report from his subordinates: "Leader, Mr. Chu Xing sent someone to send something very important and said it must be handed over to you."

Cheng Jianxin was confused and followed his men to a reception room. When he saw the person sent by Mr. Chu, he asked: "What did Mr. Chu ask you to send?"

Why did the man take out a few communication symbols, put them on the table in front, and reported: "These are the things Mr. Chu asked me to bring back urgently."

"???" Cheng Jianxin was stunned for a moment when he saw the things on the table.

If he read it correctly, this should be the talisman obtained in those Taoist temples, right?

What did Mr. Chu mean by asking someone to send a few talismans? The key is to be so solemn.

He knew the identity of Mr. Chu and it was impossible to make such a joke with him, so there must be some reason for this.

Just when Cheng Jianxin was thinking about it, a voice suddenly sounded out of thin air: "Cheng Jianxin, can you hear me?"

These sudden words startled Cheng Jianxin and everyone around him. After a moment, they all looked at the talisman on the table with disbelief on their faces.

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