Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 403 Such power! The assessment is about to begin!

Guo Lin looked at the scene where Xiao Deng entered the fantasy world created by the demon spirit painting and was so embarrassed.

He took a bath in his bedroom. Why did he use a wooden bucket to take a bath?

What about ancient times?

There is obviously a shower in his bedroom.

The key is that he takes a bath and lets her in?

I shouldn't be so unruly. Although I have a sexual nature, in my closet, this is a solemn place, not a chaotic place.

Moreover, the female ghost Xiao Deng actually went in.

There's something wrong with this female ghost's thinking.

You need to be educated well after that.

Seeing what happened next in the illusion, Guo Lin felt ashamed and quickly activated the demon painting to make the illusion created by the entry of the small lamp disappear instantly.

In the hall bedroom of the fantasy world, Xiao Deng looked at the owner in the bathtub and was about to untie his clothes to serve him when the scene in front of him disappeared instantly and turned into an illusory gray space.

A light door appeared in front of her.

At this time, Xiao Deng apparently returned to normal and remembered the incident of entering the demon painting.

She seemed to understand that even though she was a female ghost, her pretty face turned red. She hurriedly rearranged her robes before walking out towards the light door.

As soon as she arrived outside, she saw Guo Lin with a strange face.

"Ah, shame!" Xiao Deng said embarrassedly, and then floated out of the Seven Star Tower.

Guo Lin's mind was filled with dark threads.

But he also saw the magic of the illusions painted by demon spirits.

Moreover, this demon spirit painting illusion can not only build one illusion. If there are multiple people, as long as the opponent's strength is within the tolerance range, multiple illusions can be constructed.

Therefore, when the time comes for the assessment, if the three Xuanzi generations are responsible, it is completely possible for three people to enter at the same time.

Moreover, the three of them are the Xuan generation except him. Naturally, these three people are responsible for this first assessment, which makes them appear more authoritative.

As for this kind of assessment in the future, it can depend on the situation. The number of people is not large, and just one of the three people can be responsible.

Then, Guo Lin looked at the information in the light screen in his mind about the illusion of the demon painting.

The illusion of the demon spirit painting has been constructed. When it is not activated, it is like a painting hanging on the wall, and no one can see anything unusual.

But when you want to use it, the constructed light door will appear. Through the light door, you can enter the fantasy world of demon painting, just like the small lamp entering the fantasy world of demon painting.

The number of light gates that can be built is limited, only 4.

However, it's enough.

After all, he only needs two light gates, one on the second floor and one on the seventh floor.

Another function is to condense special talismans, which can authorize the control of demon spirits to draw illusions.

Just like in the game, Kong Lin gave the demon spirit painting to the little fox Su Mei and asked her to use it against Li Xiaoyao.

Naturally, this is just authorization, and he can withdraw the permission instantly. Just like in the game, Su Mei and Kong Lin broke up. Kong Lin did this and trapped Su Mei in the demon spirit painting space together, and almost brought the protagonist together. and Li Xiaoyao were all destroyed.

Guo Lin also took out the jade he had prepared previously from the magic bag, and then began to refine the jade tablet according to the information noted in the sect's station.

The process of condensing the talisman is not that he burns the talisman, but burns it on the jade tablet through the demon spirit diagram. In this way, the jade token can be given the authorization of the illusion of the demon spirit diagram.

You can open and close the light gate channel, and you can view the illusion created by the person who enters the illusion of the Demon Spirit Diagram, but you have no right to control the Demon Spirit Diagram.

Guo Lin is already very good at refining jade tokens. The identity tokens that the maze needed to refine before were not refined once or twice.

Therefore, it didn't take long for him to refine three quick authorized jade tokens.

Since the three Xuanzi generations are to be responsible for the assessment, it is natural that each person should get one piece.

time flies.

The date for the examination of the outer disciples of Qingfeng Guanding has come, and believers can be seen everywhere in Qingfeng Mountain.

These believers who can enter through the maze have basically reached the level of Piety 3, and they have passed the first level test.

However, there were more believers gathered at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain than at the foot of the mountain.

Yes, they are all believers.

There have been fewer tourists in the past few days, because they know that Qingfeng Mountain is closed, and the tourists who originally planned to come have stopped coming. After all, those tourists who just want to come have no intention of becoming a monk and joining Qingfeng Temple.

Even tourists who came to join in the fun saw so many people gathered at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain and it was so crowded that they had no intention of having fun.

Therefore, these days, there are fewer and fewer tourists coming to Qingfeng Mountain. .

This is a very weird phenomenon.

The magic of Qingfeng Mountain has been confirmed by countless believers and even many tourists who have come before. The magic of the mountain surrounded by mist can be seen with your own eyes.

But to capture this magical scene, the phone was in a snowflake state, leaving no evidence at all.

This also leads to the fact that there is no evidence on the Internet, only textual descriptions, which are not convincing at all.

The key point is that the tourists who come to Qingfeng Mountain to witness this scene are simply a drop in the ocean for a population of 1.4 billion.

Therefore, the popularity of this magical thing on the Internet is surprisingly getting lower and lower, and it is covered by news from other entertainment circles.

Even after the big names in the entertainment industry came out, no one paid attention to Qingfengguan.

Even though something magical is happening in Qingfeng Mountain, even if there is no cover in the fog this time, only the Taoist believers are going crazy, and the outside world is surprisingly calm.

But even if only Dao Sect believers gathered, the number was terrifying, and the road from Youcheng to Qingfeng Mountain was directly blocked by traffic.

When Qin Hong and Lu Feng were halfway through driving, they had no way to move forward. They could only stop the car halfway, have someone come and move the car away, and walk forward on their own.

Naturally, they came here for the examination of the outer disciples of Qingfeng Temple.

They can be said to be the first to experience the magic of Qingfeng Temple.

When they went up the mountain, there was only Taoist Guo in the entire Qingfeng Temple, which seemed very deserted. How could it be as grand as it is now?

But since Taoist Master Xuan Yang passed through the tribulation, the impact on them was greater than ever.

You must know that this person was just a Taoist layman before.

And now they are also Taoist laymen recommended by Qingfeng Guan, so they also have the idea of ​​joining Qingfeng Guan completely to see if they can learn the Qingfeng Guan technique.

This time they also came to check the situation. After all, joining Qingfengguan does not require divorce or leaving the family.

When the two of them arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was really crowded.

When we arrived at the mountain gate, we could see many believers entering the mountain gate one after another, and then came out frustrated from the fog on both sides, with no way to enter.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng were out of town before, and they hurriedly came back when the time for the Qingfeng Temple outer disciples' examination was up, so they were a little uneasy when they saw this scene.

Fortunately, after entering the mountain gate, the two found that they had successfully passed through the maze and reached the road up the mountain.

This also made him relieved and walked straight towards the mountain.

When they reached the top of the mountain, they heard some believers discussing:

"The Taoist Master Xuanyang who has overcome the tribulation is teaching his disciples to practice in the realm of Shibihuan!"

"real or fake?"

"How could it be fake? There are also several Taoist priests from Qingfeng Temple here."

"Go and see!"

The Taoist disciples walked inside as they spoke.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng looked at each other. They knew that the Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple had mysterious abilities and methods of cultivation.

But they hadn't actually seen the Taoist priests practicing, and now they were very curious and hurried to the stone wall illusion.

When we got here, many people were already sitting cross-legged and praying.

Not only Taoist believers, but also Taoist disciples.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng followed the prayers and soon entered the illusion of the stone wall.

The two found that there were more Taoist disciples and believers inside.

There are indeed many Taoist believers and disciples inside, and many of them have already rushed towards the mountain.

Although it is said that the people of Qingfeng Temple are practicing up there, which is not as sensational as Taoist Master Xuanyang's Tribulation, they are now on Qingfeng Mountain, waiting for the assessment of Qingfeng Temple, hoping to join Qingfeng Temple.

There is no doubt that those who join Qingfeng Guan want to cultivate the true Tao and practice the exercises.

Therefore, now that they can see the Taoist priest practicing at Qingfeng Temple first, they are naturally curious.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng also followed them up the mountain. When they reached the top of the mountain, they saw Taoist Xuanyang and Zong Bin.

Zong Bin also knows each other. The other party joined Qingfeng Temple not too early, but this person is still very famous among the Youcheng believers.

In order to join Qingfeng Temple, this man was very heroic and donated one hall after another.

Just as the two were thinking about it, they saw Zong Bin suddenly stand up, raise one arm and aim at a huge stone on the wall.

Then, he saw a ray of light shooting out from one of his fingers, instantly hitting the boulder and creating a terrifying gap in the boulder.

"Finally we can use it." Zong Bin was filled with excitement when he saw this scene.

This scene caused all the believers around to make a noise.

Although this scene is not as shocking as Taoist Master Xuan Yang's tribulation, it is definitely a scene that can only be seen in TV movies.

He waved his hand and fired out a burst of energy, which was probably more powerful than a gun.

If they can join Qingfeng Temple to practice, they will also have the opportunity to master this extraordinary power, right?

Compared to others, Lu Feng and Qin Hong were more shocked. Did even Taoist Zong Bin have such power?

He really just joined Qingfeng Guan not long ago.

The two of them wanted to participate in Qingfengguan's assessment more and more.

There is no man who does not admire this kind of power, especially if he has the opportunity to learn this kind of power.

at the same time.

Zong Wei, who was sitting cross-legged next to him, also showed a look of surprise, because through practicing the "Qingfeng Qi Refining Art", he also sensed the spiritual energy in the air around him.

Moreover, he can easily communicate with these spiritual qi and inhale those spiritual qi into his body to refine them through the "Qingfeng Qi Refining Art".

This feeling is so amazing.

Is this what Taoism has always said about drawing Qi into the body?

But who in the entire Taoist sect can truly draw Qi?

Only the view of Qingfeng.

Xuan Yang naturally noticed Zong Wei's situation and smiled slightly. In this case, he could just let this apprentice practice on his own for a while.

He can also practice the "Tianshi Talismans" in seclusion.

Let Zong Wei stay to practice, and he also walked down the mountain. There were too many believers watching here, and he didn't like this environment.

As soon as he came out of the stone wall illusion, he met Xuan Yun.

When Xuanyun saw him, he immediately said: "Senior Brother Xuanyang, Senior Brother Guo asked us to go to the Seven Star Tower."

"Let's go!" Xuan Yang saw his senior brother's call and hurried there. When they arrived at the Seven Star Tower, they also saw Xuan He who had arrived first.

"Senior brother is on the second floor." Xuan He said to the two of them.

The three of them immediately arrived on the second floor, and when they saw Guo Lin, they all saluted: "Senior brother!"

Guo Lin also directly handed over the three jade tablets he had refined to the three of them, and said: "There are some changes in the plan for the outer disciples' assessment this time. You will leave spiritual marks on the three jade tablets, and then Try to activate the jade plaque."

The three people took the jade token and immediately started to operate it as instructed. Soon after, they began to activate the jade token. They were surprised to find that the jade token in their hands was actually connected to a place.

The three of them looked at it together and saw a painting on one wall.

"Eh!" Xuan Yang was surprised. He remembered that there were no paintings here before. He had just brought Zong Wei up here before, so he couldn't remember it wrong.

But then, he was instantly attracted to Twilight by the painting, because after a moment, he discovered that there was a space in the painting.

It is the space that resonates with the jade tablet.

Xuan Yun and Xuan He also felt the space drawn by the demon spirit and looked at it, almost unable to look away.

This space is probably larger than the space in the Stone Wall Fantasy Land.

"You feel it all?" Guo Lin asked.

"Yes, senior brother." The three of them responded in unison.

Xuan Yang even asked: "Senior brother, what's going on?"

Guo Lin immediately told the three of them the functions of the demon spirit paintings and the methods used for assessment.

Even though Xuan Yang and the other three had long been accustomed to the magic happening in the Taoist temple, they were stunned for a moment when they heard Guo Lin's words.

After all, this demon spirit painting illusion is bigger than the stone wall illusion, and it is indeed more magical than the stone wall illusion.

Xuan Yang naturally thought of the sudden energy fluctuation before, and it was indeed so.

The three of them immediately became proficient in operating the jade tablet, and quickly understood some of its functions.

Afterwards, Qingfeng Temple also issued a notice, informing those believers who were able to go up the mountain that the examination location for the outer disciples was at the Seven Star Tower.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng got the information when they came out of the stone wall illusion.

As the earliest believers of Qingfeng Temple, they naturally knew the location of the Seven Star Tower and hurried there. Moreover, they were curious about what the assessment of Qingfeng Temple would be like this time.

It must not be simple, right?

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