Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 404: Sneaking into the assessment! Seeking success?

Not only Qin Hong and Lu Feng were curious about what the assessment of the inner and outer disciples of Qingfeng Temple was, but other believers who rushed to the Seven Star Tower were also curious.

After all, the fog sealing the mountain on the first level of the Qingfeng Temple test is so magical. How many people are blocked from the fog?

Qin Hong and Lu Feng also quickly arrived at the Seven Star Tower. There were already many believers and Taoist disciples who came after receiving the news.

However, the entrance to the Seven Star Tower has been guarded by Taoist Master Zong Ye of Qingfeng Temple, and there is no way to enter for the time being.

"The examination for the outer gate of Qingfeng Temple is actually in this tower. I don't know how to do it." A believer said curiously.

"Yeah, I'm curious too, is there also fog in this tower?" Someone else said.

Not far from the Seven Star Tower, a believer had walked to a secret place and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

As soon as the phone call came through, he said inward: "Father, I have arrived at Qingfeng Temple, and the assessment at Qingfeng Temple is about to begin!"

At the same time, in another place, in the *Martial Arts Temple, Tianshi Pingshang, who had failed in his previous attempt to seize "Qingfeng Fist", heard the report coming from the mobile phone and immediately became energetic: "Liu Ping, do you know the assessment content of Qingfeng Temple? "

Liu Ping, a well-known believer in Zhenwu Taoist Temple, is very devout and has been associated with Zhenwu Taoist Temple since he was a child.

But no one knew that Liu Ping was his son, an illegitimate son.

It was precisely because of this relationship that he secretly supported Liu Ping, making him wealthy.

It's just that their Taoist temple belongs to the Quanzhen sect and they can't take a wife.

Therefore, his relationship with Liu Ping has always been secretive.

For such a long time, no one at the *Martial Arts Temple knew about it, so this time he sent Fang to sneak into the Qingfeng Temple. If he could pass the Qingfeng Temple's assessment, he could steal the Qingfeng Temple's skills for him.

Liu Ping immediately replied: "Father, I don't know yet. I only know that the assessment place is in a tower, but don't worry, I can definitely join Qingfeng Temple and get the skills for you!"

This is what he means.

First, he himself wanted to practice the exercises and cultivate the true Tao.

Secondly, he also knew that the higher the status of his father, who could not disclose his relationship, the greater his interests would be.

Although he practices Taoism, his six roots are not pure.

As long as you get the technique and change your name, who will know it's from Qingfengguan?

After all, the Taoist sect is so big, who stipulates that only you, Qingfeng Guan, can have the technique?

Then the Martial Arts Temple can become the second Qingfeng Temple.

Moreover, *Wudao Temple is a Taoist holy land and is well-known throughout the country. With so many tourists, the country has also recorded it. Even if Qingfeng Temple finds out, can the other party destroy his *Wudao Temple?

By the time they have learned the exercises, the officials will not let Qingfeng Guan do this.

Thirdly, he knew that even if he joined Qingfeng Temple, he would still be just a young disciple.

If he helps his father achieve his goal, then his father will have a reason to accept him as his disciple openly and openly, and become the future successor of the Taoist holy land of *Martial Arts Temple.

"Liu Ping, I believe in you." Heavenly Master Ping Shang had great trust in this illegitimate son. He was a smart and very capable person.

Liu Ping hung up the phone and walked towards the Seven Star Tower, waiting like other believers.

time flies.

More and more believers gathered outside the Seven Star Tower, densely packed and crowded.

All believers who received the news rushed here.

Finally, while everyone was waiting, Zong Wan walked out.

Zong Wan is a female crown. There are very few female crowns in the Taoist sect, and there are even fewer such beautiful female crowns.

Therefore, many believers' eyes lit up.

"Taoist Master Zongwan is really beautiful." One of the Taoist disciples was full of expectations: "If you can join Qingfeng Temple and Taoist Master Zongwan as a Taoist couple, you will live up to your experience in this world."

Liu Ping glanced at the Taoist disciple next to him and felt disgusted.

I don’t know which Taoist temple this guy came from. It’s really sad that the Taoist sect has such people. Or maybe the Taoist sect has too many people like this, so it is declining now. There is no Taoist reason at all.

However, after he lurked into Qingfeng Temple and obtained the skills, he would be able to work with his father to revive the Taoist sect. At least, he could become the second Taoist sect outside Qingfeng Temple.

After Zong Wan came out, she also spoke out: "All believers and fellow Taoists from the Taoist sect are here today to join Qingfeng Temple and become outer sect disciples. Today, the Seven Star Tower is the place of assessment."

"However, due to the large number of people, please enter the Seven Star Tower in an orderly manner and avoid crowding!"

Following Zong Wan's words, Zong Ye also opened the entrance so that others could enter.

Therefore, after Zong Wan entered the Seven Star Tower, believers and Taoist disciples immediately entered the Seven Star Tower.

Liu Ping was among the first to enter the Seven Star Tower.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng arrived early and entered it as well.

The first floor of the Seven Star Tower is a very large hall with no furnishings.

Zong Wan added at this time: "The test will be on the second floor. However, due to structural problems, the space on the second floor is smaller, so everyone has to come up in batches."

After that, she also started to organize the test people to go upstairs in front of the stairs.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng might be acquaintances, so Zong Wan was surprised and let them go up first.

Liu Ping was also among the first to go to the second floor.

It was still empty above, but a female Taoist priest could be seen on it.

It was Xiao Deng who was arranged and guided by Guo Lin.

When they saw the small lantern, the believers who came up were even more attracted, because this female Taoist priest was more beautiful than the Taoist priest Zongwan.

Liu Ping couldn't help but take a look, surprised at why there were so many beautiful female Taoist priests in Qingfeng Temple.

Only Qin Hong and Lu Feng knew very well that this Taoist priest Xiaodeng seemed not to be a human being.

Sure enough, someone soon discovered the problem and whispered: "She seems to be floating."

These words immediately attracted the attention of those around him.

Liu Ping looked at it for the first time, and sure enough he found that the female champion's legs were floating instead of touching the ground. This made everyone feel numb.

what's the situation?

If it weren't for the Qingfeng Temple, if it wasn't for the Qingfeng Temple assessment, they might have fled.

But even so, they could only pretend to be calm at this time.

Xiao Deng glanced at the believers with interest. She was very motivated for the job assigned by her master.

After all, she is not a vase.

Therefore, she also said: "Here, I will also tell you about the test. This test is also very simple. As long as everyone sincerely joins the Qingfeng Guan practice, you can pass the assessment."

Such a simple sentence has already caused guidance, and everyone's thinking is already on 'As long as you sincerely join Qingfeng Guan'.

As long as this idea always exists in the mind, if it is not joined sincerely, it will be uncontrollable and emerge in the mind. If it enters the illusion of the demon spirit painting, the relevant illusion will be constructed.

Indeed, everyone who came up was attracted by Xiao Deng's words. At the next moment, something happened that made everyone unable to look away. A ray of light suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

As the light stretched, a light gate appeared in front of everyone.

This method is too magical.

Xiao Deng also said again at this time: "Everyone has seen that this light door leads to a trial place. As long as everyone sincerely joins Qingfeng Temple, you can pass the assessment of this trial place. Now, we are in groups of three at a time. Enter it for assessment.”

These words made everyone more curious.

After all, this situation seems to be similar to some Taoist fairy novels. The sect assessment will send people to a secret place to complete the tasks there.

But think about the magic of Qingfeng Temple. There are illusions on the stone wall, and there are things about overcoming tribulations. It seems that Qingfeng Temple is a sect of immortals, not a Taoist sect in the conventional sense.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is such an assessment, but it also proves that Qingfeng Temple is incredible.

But no one knew what was going on behind the light door, let alone what the test was like.

Therefore, no one wants to enter first and become cannon fodder.

Generally, this kind of assessment is just like those in novels, and the one who enters first will definitely not pass.

"A bunch of cowards." Liu Ping walked in confidently. He wanted to see what the Qingfeng Temple's assessment was like.

Moreover, he believed that he would definitely be able to pass.

Since Qingfeng Temple is to assess and recruit outer disciples, there will be a standard for the assessment, just like those who are pious enough at the foot of the mountain can enter the mountain.

As long as there is this standard, he believes that he can do it, and he is no worse than anyone else.

As Liu Ping entered, others also made a commotion, and someone immediately followed. However, after two more people entered, the others were blocked and could not enter.

This was naturally set up by Guo Lin, with three people at a time, making it easier for Xuan Yang and the others to check, otherwise they would lose sight of one thing.

At the same time, on the seventh floor of the Seven Star Tower, Xuan Yang, Xuanyun, and Xuan He were also sitting cross-legged, already holding the jade plaque authorized by the Demon Spirit Painting in their hands.

Almost when Liu Ping and the others entered the illusion of the Demon Spirit Painting, the three of them also sensed it. Although their eyes were closed, their spiritual thoughts saw the scene of Liu Ping and the others entering the illusion of the Demon Spirit Painting through the authorization jade tokens in their hands.

But after a while, Xuan He sighed and cursed angrily: "How can there be such a deceitful believer?"

The illusion he saw was that after a believer joined Qingfeng Temple, the picture turned out to be a somewhat chaotic scene.

Either with Zongwan, or with fellow Taoist Xiaodeng.

Is this guy a Taoist or a Buddhist Buddhist?

Xuan He directly activated the authorization of the jade identity card to close the believer's illusion. At the same time, a light door appeared around the believer and trapped him directly.

To put it simply, this believer was thrown out of the demon painting by Xuan He, and the door leading to this door was the first floor.

Seeing this, Zong Wan on the first floor also said to the believer: "Good believer, if you fail the assessment, please take the initiative to go out and leave the Seven Star Tower!"

The believer was a little confused. Hearing Zong Wan's words, he thought of those scenes. He felt inexplicably embarrassed and hurriedly escaped from the Seven Star Tower.

This also caused the believers around to be startled by the light door at first. After all, the light door appeared too unexpectedly and was even more magical and difficult to understand.

However, they now also understand that if they fail the assessment, they will be sent back to the first floor by this light door.

Demon spirit painting.

The first time Liu Ping entered, he found that there was already a forest around him. The surroundings were indeed filled with fog.

He knew that this was another test of Qingfeng Temple, so he hurriedly walked into the fog. Since it was an assessment, he just had to pass through the fog.

He thought that the same fog test would be more difficult than the one at the foot of the mountain, but what he didn't expect was that after he entered the fog, it didn't take long for him to pass directly through the fog and appear in an empty place in the forest. place.

Here he saw a figure, wasn't it Taoist Master Xuan Yang who had gone through the tribulation before?

It's just that the other party used to be very old, but now he is middle-aged and easy to recognize.

Xuan Yang looked at Liu Ping and said with a smile: "Good believer, congratulations on passing the examination of our Qingfeng Temple. Now you are an outer disciple of Qingfeng Temple. I hope you can practice Taoism devoutly after entering the Taoist temple."

"Thank you, Taoist Priest. I will definitely follow the Taoist Priest's teachings from now on." Liu Ping hurriedly saluted, and when he bowed his head, a smile appeared on his lips.

It turns out that the assessment of Qingfengguan is so simple.

In this way, his first step in acquiring the Qingfeng Guan technique was considered a success.

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