Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 438 Is this too fast? Absolutely outrageous!

When Mr. Chu finished the call, he seemed to realize that he was too excited and it was rude to speak so loudly.

He quickly put down his phone and apologized to Guo Lin: "Daozhang Guo, I'm very sorry. I suddenly thought of something very important and couldn't help but make this call."

"No problem!" Guo Lin smiled and shook his head.

He is not stupid and naturally knows the purpose of Mr. Chu's call.

He actually thought about this issue too.

If we want to be the best, who can compare with those who devote themselves to scientific research?

These people are definitely carrying the soft power of the entire country forward.

According to the attributes and functions of the enlightenment platform, it should be able to have an effect on these people.

However, as a monk, he would not take the initiative to say anything to these people, but if Mr. Chu wanted to arrange for such people to come, he would not stop them, and he even wanted to see what the consequences would be.


In a laboratory, Gu Feng tugged at his little hair.

There is no way, the chip research he is responsible for is already at its most difficult moment.

Coupled with the current high level of attention from above, he is under great pressure.

But for some things, the gap is just a gap. It takes time to catch up, and it is very difficult to overtake in corners.

Because you make progress, the other person also makes progress.

For example, their chip research is not as optimistic as the outside world says. Although there are some results on 7NM, it has not been fully researched yet. In fact, they are still using 14NM.

Compared with other countries in the world, the gap is not one or two points. You must know that beautiful countries have developed 1NM chips.

They are completely unqualified to compare with others, or even with a dog supported by others.

The chip technology in Kewan is stronger than theirs with the support of their owners.

To put it simply, when their 7NM chip did not make progress before, it was almost 4 years behind Hakka in technology.

On the contrary, now they have made progress in 7NM research. With the help of the owner, Renjia Hakka is making rapid progress. With 3NM chip technology, it is definitely the world's leader.

According to the gap ratio of 0.7 times at each level, their current technology is 8 years behind Hakka. If the 7NM problem is not solved quickly, the gap will be even greater.

But they didn't dare to let the optimistic people outside know about this. After all, being behind Hakka Bay was such a slap in the face, and there was an unacceptable psychological gap.

But this is the current state of their chip technology.

Moreover, problems such as scientific research cannot be solved by just trying to solve them, especially research on chips. Sometimes there is only one thing missing, and it may always be stuck.

When Gu Feng was distressed, he suddenly received a call from a leader. After answering the phone, he said in disbelief: "Director, what you said is true. Did Mr. Chu really say that? Over there in Youcheng How is this possible when there is a solution to the problem?”

After hanging up the phone, he was a little confused.

If their lab can’t solve the problem, can it be solved elsewhere?

And where is Youcheng?

He has been in the laboratory all year round and doesn't know much about the outside world. He has never heard of this place.

Is it possible that there is some chip lab there, or that chip research talent has been discovered?

He rarely returned to the office, used a computer to surf the Internet, and checked You Cheng's information, otherwise he would not waste time surfing the Internet at all.

When he saw that Youcheng was just a small county town, he was stunned for a moment.

It is impossible for such a small county to have any laboratories, let alone any talents.

But the following news made him frown.

Youcheng is actually very famous, mainly because Youcheng created the Qingfeng Temple.

This Taoist temple is rumored to be amazing on the Internet.

It can even be said that much of Qingfengguan’s propaganda is anti-scientific.

For researchers like them, this is a bit offensive.

Not long after, a group of people came to pick him up. When he saw the other party's ID, he did not refuse and followed him.

He knew that Mr. Chu was in a high position. Since the other party arranged this, there must be a reason.

Just when Gu Feng was taken to Youcheng, the Internet was once again attracted by the news about Qingfengguan.

"A magical platform appeared out of thin air in Qingfeng Temple. People seem to become smaller when they enter it... But no one currently knows how to enter that place! 》

This is of course news about the Awareness Channel. As soon as the news came out, it attracted the attention of many netizens.

In the past, visiting Qingfengguan was just for fun.

Now many people know that when you see the Qingfengguan news, you can't just treat it as a joke.

It's just a pity that this video does not have a video accompanying the picture, only a text description, because it cannot be filmed.

Whether it’s a mobile phone or a camera, when you shoot that platform, it’s the state of exposure.

But even so, many people even rushed to Youcheng immediately, wanting to see how magical the new platform of Qingfengguan is. Can they enter it?

time flies.

Under the arrangement, Gu Feng quickly arrived in Youcheng.

Mr. Chu personally led people to greet him: "Academician Gu, you are finally here. I wonder how your research on the 7NM chip is going?"

Gu Feng sighed and said: "It's still so close that it's difficult to solve. Mr. Chu, didn't you ask me to come here just to find a way to solve this problem? Please give me some advice."

Mr. Chu smiled and said: "Academician Gu, please go to a place with me!"

Gu Feng was confused and got into a car at the invitation of Mr. Chu. The car started and drove out.

"Mr. Chu, I don't know where you want to take me?" Gu Feng asked doubtfully.

Mr. Chu did not hide anything and said: "Academician Gu, we are going to take you to Qingfeng Temple now. There are places above that can help you understand."

"What?" Gu Fengfeng's face was stunned.

When he came here, he investigated the information on Qingfeng Guan and saw a lot of news information on Qingfeng Guan, which was too anti-scientific.

Who knew that the place Mr. Chu wanted to take him to was Qingfeng Temple.

This made him somewhat resistant.

Mr. Chu naturally saw what this person was thinking, and immediately said solemnly: "Academician Gu, you must be an academician who is immersed in research all day long. You don't understand the news on the Internet, and you won't pay much attention to it except for research. There are other things, but what I want to tell you is that the rumors about Qingfengguan on the Internet are all true."

"Ah?" Gu Feng was immediately dumbfounded.

Are those all true?

Mountains floating in the sky, spiritual springs, mazes...and more!

If the person in front of him was not this Mr. Chu, he would definitely think that the other person was insulting his IQ, but he knew that this person's status could not be made unreliable.

If those are true, how is that possible?

He only felt that his world view had been impacted.

He is a scientific researcher.

Mr. Chu hurriedly said: "Academician Gu, I know it is difficult to accept it with your status and profession, but I still ask you to go up the mountain with us. We will know when the time comes."

Hearing this, Gu Feng could only nod, but his heart was already in turmoil.

The car quickly arrived at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain. After Gu Feng got off the bus, he saw the fog surrounding the foot of the mountain. There were many tourists entering and exiting in front of the fog, seemingly experimenting.

“I really can’t even get in!”

"I was obviously going up, but in the end I ended up back where I was."

When Gu Feng heard these words, he subconsciously pulsated his steps and walked towards the mist. He took firm steps and kept moving forward. With such an action trajectory, it was impossible to return to the original place.

But when he walked through the fog and was completely stunned, he saw Mr. Chu and the others outside the fog.

He's really back to where he was.

He didn't believe in evil and went inside again, but still came out again.

Gu Feng was stunned for a moment, as if such a thing really happened.

"Academician Gu, where should we go up the mountain now?" Mr. Chu also took the opportunity to step forward and ask.

"Yeah!" Gu Feng didn't refuse at this time and followed Mr. Chu up the mountain. The moment he entered the mountain, he also felt the shock of the sudden increase in the mountain's area, and he was stunned: "This mountain..."

After that, he opened his mouth and followed Mr. Chu up the mountain almost numbly.

The group quickly arrived at the platform in front of Qingfeng Temple.

Mr. Chu found that there were more people around here. They were all tourists who were rushing here. They were all trying to see if they could enter the passage.

Moreover, at that place, Mr. Chu and the others also found an extra stone tablet with the words "Sentiment Platform" written on it, and there was also an introduction on it.

"Mr. Chu, what you said can solve the problem is this enlightenment platform?" Gu Feng was really surprised when he saw the stone tablet. If what Mr. Chu said about Qingfeng Temple is true, then isn't this enlightenment platform Can it really make him gain insights into 7nm chip research?

Inexplicably, he felt his heart beating faster and his body trembling a little.

After all, he had already seen the magic of the mist at the foot of the mountain, which made him look forward to it.

Mr. Chu nodded and said: "However, not everyone can enter this enlightenment platform. Academician Gu also asks you to give it a try."

Gu Feng also looked at the tourists, and sure enough he found that many people tried to enter the passage, but they seemed to be blocked by something invisible and could not enter at all.

This made him hesitate even more and walked that way.

He followed a tourist, and after the tourist tried it, he reached the edge of the cliff and looked seriously at the passage and platform in front of him.

There is no support below the platform and it is completely suspended outside the cliff. This seems to violate the basic laws of architecture.

The tourists around him also looked at him, and some even urged him.

Now no one believes that Gu Feng can enter, everyone is waiting to try.

Gu Feng also walked towards the passage. He entered the passage smoothly. After taking two steps inside, his figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

When the tourists around saw this scene, they immediately started making noises.

"He actually went in!"

"If you really go in, he's there, and his figure becomes very small inside!"


All of a sudden, the tourists were excited. They kept trying in turns, but no one could get into the enlightenment stage, and they all thought it was a fake.

Now they finally saw someone enter, and they also saw Gu Feng's tiny figure, and couldn't take their eyes away.

Inside the enlightenment platform, Gu Feng took two steps and found that the small passage in front of him suddenly turned into a broad avenue that could allow several cars to pass side by side.

This made his eyes widen in shock.

So magical?

He couldn't help but think of a scientific fantasy, that is, space technology, which can turn limited space into an inner infinite space.

It's just that the technology in this area can only be imagined. There is no discipline that can complete this kind of technical research, at least not yet.

But wasn’t this kind of space technology what he saw in front of him?

It looks like a small place from the outside, but it's so wide inside, especially the platform. From the outside, it's only the size of a dining table, but from here, it's probably as big as a football field.

Qingfengguan already has technology that is difficult for all humans to set foot on?

In other words, this is not technology, but the magical magic of Qingfengguan?

"This..." Gu Feng opened his mouth blankly, and an inexplicable sentence came out: "The end of science is theology?"

He walked forward numbly, and soon entered the playground-sized platform. Here, he saw a tea table, and on the tea table there was a Taoist priest making tea.

The Taoist priest is Zongze, who was arranged to make Taoist tea.

When Zongze saw Gu Feng who was the first to come in, he also smiled and said: "Since this good believer has entered this enlightenment stage, please drink a cup of enlightenment tea."

When Gu Feng heard this, he was still in shock. He stepped forward almost numbly, picked up the tea cup and drank it.

The tea seemed to be surprisingly fragrant, and after drinking the tea, a strange feeling enveloped his whole body and mind.

There seem to be two kinds of this wonderful feeling. It is very magical. It seems that the whole person's condition has become very good, and it is a double blessing.

Gu Feng couldn't help but ask Zongze: "Taoist Master, the tea is finished, what now?"

Zongze smiled and said: "Good believer, since you have come here, you must have something to understand. You just need to understand yourself."

After that, he went to the side and sat down to practice and comprehend his own skills. The degree of understanding of his own skills here was much better than other places.

Therefore, he kind of likes the job of making tea here.

After Gu Feng heard Zongze's words, he almost subconsciously thought about the 7NM chip problem. You must know that he was stuck here for a long time without a solution.

But this time, when he thought about this problem, he suddenly froze, and then a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

This issue just came to his mind, and he suddenly found himself thinking like a fountain, and some ideas suddenly emerged. He thought clearly about the problems that had been stuck before, and even started to work out crazy transportation formulas in his mind.

The more I think about it, the crazier my mind becomes.

"That's it, yes, the formula must be like this!" Gu Pengpeng's face was happy, he touched his body, and he rushed out in a hurry. After getting out of the enlightenment stage desperately, he looked anxiously Mr. Chu urged: "Pen, paper, hurry up... hurry up..."

This made the surrounding tourists look confused.

When Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin saw this, they seemed to have thought of something, and they suddenly looked shocked. Is it so fast?

Is the effect of the enlightenment platform so strong?

Mr. Chu quickly asked someone to find paper and pen and handed it to Gu Feng.

Gu Feng immediately sat down cross-legged and began to write on the paper with a pen, handwriting calculation formulas. At the same time, he did not forget to take out his mobile phone and contact the laboratory to ask them to help check the calculations.

Seeing this, Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin hurriedly asked the men they brought to guard the surroundings to prevent the attracted tourists from getting closer and to keep them out of a certain range.

This process took some time.

Suddenly Gu Feng stood up excitedly and shouted: "It's done, it's done, the laboratory said the calculation was successful."

Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

Is this really that fast?

Gu Fengdu shouted excitedly: "Mr. Chu, you can't believe it. As soon as I entered, my mind suddenly became clear. This enlightenment platform is simply unbelievable."

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