Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 439 Find a way to upgrade your spiritual veins!

Gu Feng couldn't describe his feelings at all.

It's incredible to feel like you have an epiphany as soon as you think about it, and all the problems fall into place as soon as your thinking changes.

If he hadn't experienced this personally, he wouldn't have believed it.

You must know that the obstacle on the front line has been difficult to solve for a long time. He never thought that the problem would be solved in this way.

This made him subconsciously look inside the Taoist temple. It seemed that there was something incredible, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

In the world of scientific research, there was once a great man who spoke about science and theology, and there was even an epoch-making scientific giant who eventually believed in theology.

Did this former scientific giant discover something?

Gu Feng thought about it and immediately said to Mr. Chu: "Mr. Chu, I need to go back immediately to make this 7NM chip. Can you take me to burn a stick of incense before leaving?"

Obviously, his mentality is completely different from when he came.

"Academician Gu, of course there is no problem." Mr. Chu smiled and nodded.

He was naturally very happy, after all, the ancient academician had proved that his guess was right. .

This is definitely a huge discovery.

At this moment, the tourists surrounding the cliff exclaimed again:

"Someone went in again."

"He seems to be a piano master. I have seen news about him online before."

"It's already the second person! How can we get in?"



After Guo Lin explored the enlightenment platform, he returned to the office, and then looked at the sect's location information on the light screen in his mind again.

With this upgrade, in addition to the enlightenment platform and the increased area rewarded by the Qiankun Secret Realm, what attracted his most attention was the teleportation array.

But to build this teleportation array, not only is the spiritual energy insufficient, but also enough high-quality jade is needed.

When he thought of jade, he thought of one place, and that was Myanmar. That place can be said to be the richest source of jade.

I just came back from Myanmar, and it seems inevitable that I have to go out again.

However, the most difficult thing is to have enough aura.

Qingfengguan's spiritual energy is not enough now. If you want to continue upgrading, you need to upgrade your spiritual veins to level 3.

Only when the spiritual veins are upgraded, the spiritual energy will increase.

Moreover, not only the construction of the teleportation array requires spiritual vein requirements, but also the upgrading of the sect's station requires spiritual vein requirements.

Therefore, these three levels of spiritual veins must be upgraded.

There is no way to complete the 14 kinds of spiritual flowers and herbs needed to upgrade the third-level spiritual veins immediately, and even now there are only 3 kinds.

This still requires Su Mei's help.

The other party said before that he could summon demons, and he should be a little powerful now. The most likely reason is that he has unified the power of the Hidden Dragon Cave.

It would be best if Su Mei mobilized the entire power of Hidden Dragon Cave to help him.

However, if he wanted Su Mei to help, he couldn't let her help for free every time, especially if she had to mobilize the entire Hidden Dragon Cave to help him.

He remembered that Su Mei also had an uncle named Yu She.

This guy is also very ambitious. Maybe he asks Su Mei to mobilize the monsters in Hidden Dragon Cave to help, and this snake will hinder him.

Yu She is a weak and ambitious guy.

In Xian 2, when Wang Xiaohu is just a rookie, you can abuse him.

I don't know how much weaker than the snake demon in Xian 1.

Guo Lin thought about it, and also entered the Shushan Sect. Then he went to the martial arts field and sat down cross-legged, took out the talisman paper, and began to draw on the talisman paper.

He only has the peak strength of the golden elixir now, but he can use the source of the sacred tree to refine the talismans in the "Tianshi Talisman". Whether it is a fighting talisman or an attack talisman that summons wind or rain, he can definitely explode with terrifying power. , with enough numbers, even Nascent Soul can kill them.

Therefore, he planned to refine some talismans for the little fox so that she could protect herself.

How did her parents die after all? Wasn't it just that a pair of young heroes came in and killed them?

If another chivalrous and righteous young heroine comes to the Hidden Dragon Cave, the little fox will be in danger.

Refining the talisman for her will at least help her then.

Secondly, these talismans can also help her deal with the snake.

It is impossible for Yu She's power to be too strong. After all, Wang Xiaohu was able to kill him when he was still a rookie. This talisman is enough to deal with the opponent.

Guo Lin was very familiar with refining talismans. He refined them one by one. He spent a lot of time and refined more than ten talismans.

Then he also looked at Yuyu Daoyuan.

Now I have to give this talisman to the little fox.

After just two days of waiting, the little fox did not appear in the game garden.

Therefore, we need to find another way.

He thought of the fortune teller.

The Qingfeng Temple in the game should not be far from the Hidden Dragon Cave.

After all, when the special statue was put into the game, it was Su Mei and her younger brother who did it.

Therefore, you can ask the fortune teller to send a message to Su Mei in Hidden Dragon Cave.

Thinking about it, he also controlled the incarnation of Shen Yuan and entered the game Qingfeng Temple.

The power of the incarnation of Shenyuan has increased a bit, because after the prefect of Hangzhou City led people to seek talismans, the reputation of Qingfeng Temple completely spread.

Now everyone in Hangzhou knows that there are real gods at Qingfeng Temple. Every day, an endless stream of believers come here to offer incense and pray, and the merits and virtues provided by this temple are also increasing rapidly.

It was already in the middle stage of foundation building before, and in these days, it will almost reach the late stage of foundation building.

Now it is just a city of Hangzhou, what if there are more people?

Even if the number of believers comes again last time, it is possible for the incarnation of Shenyuan to break through to the level equivalent to the golden elixir, right?

This is probably why the Emperor of Heaven is afraid of the human world and wants to send five gods to destroy it.

Because at the beginning, the human world basically worshiped the Nuwa Empress, and the incense in the world could make the Nuwa Empress powerful.

Therefore, if a few humans are disrespectful to the gods, it should not cause the Emperor of Heaven to send five gods to destroy the world. Just kill those few people.

The greater possibility is that they are afraid of human beings' belief in Nuwa.

If the death of Emperor Shennong Yan was the Emperor's plan, then the destruction of the world should also be the Emperor's plan against Nuwa.

Therefore, after the death of Empress Nuwa, the Emperor of Heaven never said anything about destroying the human world.

Guo Lin looked at the scene around the Taoist temple and was about to call the fortune teller, but saw that the fortune teller had already hurried in. He knelt down to his statue and said, "I have something to report to the immortal. It's better to come down the mountain than last time." There are so many people.”

"It was Governor Lin Cheng (Chapter 428) who saw the rain in Hangzhou and gave an order to a nearby magistrate to bring people to pray for talismans. People from Hangzhou City also came after hearing the news. They should be arriving soon. It’s up the mountain.”

When Guo Lin heard this, his face suddenly lit up with joy.

Just now I was thinking about what would happen if there were more people, but unexpectedly more people actually came.

What a great news.

Moreover, for him, spells like "Tianshi Talisman" are definitely a weapon to deceive believers!

This skill was created by the Jiujianxian by observing the spells of Nuwa's descendants. Only the Jiujianxian knew it, and even Li Xiaoyao's talent only learned a fighting talisman.

In other words, this spell is a spell with divine attributes. Even in the world of fairy swords, no one else knows this kind of spell.

This is also why the drought in Nanzhao lasted for so long. Even though the people of Saint Aunt were so strong, they could not change it. The situation was changed only when Zhao Ling'er, a descendant of Nuwa, returned to Nanzhao to pray for rain.

You need to know that a governor-general is in charge of several governors, how many prefects are under the governor, and how many people are under the jurisdiction of these prefects?

Governor Lin Cheng would let one prefect do this, and he would let another prefect do the same.

If this is the case, it is all due to his great merit.

However, since the governor is here, it is natural to give him a good show and shock him.

At the same time, there was indeed a dense flow of people at the bottom of the mountain rushing up the mountain. The number was indeed terrifying. At a glance, they were so densely packed that they formed a sea of ​​​​people.

It was the three people walking at the front.

One of them is Li Ruoxuan, the prefect of Hangzhou who came before. One step in front of him is Governor Lin Cheng, and next to him is another prefect. The state capital he serves is right next to Hangzhou City.

"Prefect Li, are you sure it's okay to be sincere?" Lin Cheng was still a little worried and asked Li Ruoxuan.

Everyone knows that he is bent on seeking immortality. This time he will naturally seize the opportunity, so he must be cautious.

Li Ruoxuan hurriedly said: "Mr. Governor, this is what I did before. I called on the people of Hangzhou Prefecture to come and ask for the rain talisman."

The magistrate next to him looked at them with suspicion when he heard what the two said. He had naturally heard about what happened in Hangzhou City, and it was really hard to believe.

However, the governor has seen it with his own eyes and will definitely not lie.

Therefore, they are really going to seek the blessing of an immortal today.

Soon, Li Ruoxuan and his party arrived in front of Qingfeng Temple and saw the two peach trees. .

Just as Lin Cheng was about to ask something, he suddenly looked up in shock and saw a huge figure suddenly appearing behind Taolin. The figure was getting bigger and bigger, like a giant reaching the sky, overlooking them.

"Greetings to the Immortal!" Li Ruoxuan saw this scene again and hurriedly kowtowed devoutly.

Lin Cheng, seeing it for the first time, was almost stunned, but stood still for a while.

At this moment, one after another light points were seen falling. After these light points fell on the ground, they turned into soldiers wearing golden armor.

Moreover, soon there was a second batch of light points, and a third batch of light points... fell one after another.

Guo Lin held the medium jade tablet of the old immortal Nanhua in his hand. After the energy stored in it was exhausted, he input it again and used it one after another.

Therefore, in an instant, densely packed soybean soldiers appeared in the open space around them, and the number could not be counted at the moment.

In the eyes of people like Lin Cheng, this scene showed that the soldiers in golden armor were extremely majestic, as if they were the same generals from the sky, full of majesty.

And, it’s so scary, it happens in the blink of an eye.

"Governor, please pay your respects..." Li Ruoxuan quickly reminded Lin Cheng of the governor.

This time the Immortal summoned more golden-armored heavenly soldiers than last time!

Lin Cheng came to his senses and hurriedly kowtowed devoutly: "Greetings to the Immortal! Believers sincerely ask the Immortal to give you a talisman to reduce the rain!"

The other prefect did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately kowtowed after him. When the people who had been summoned saw the huge figure, their hearts beat faster in fright, and they hurriedly kowtowed after him.

For a moment, the sound shook the entire mountain.

In the same way, a torrent of aspiration and merit also rushed towards Guo Lin crazily.

After Guo Lin absorbed the merit of this wish, he could clearly feel the rapid increase in the power of the incarnation of Shen Yuan. This time, the amount was greater than that of the people in Hangzhou City before, and the increase in power was more obvious.

When this wave of wish power and merit is absorbed, it has almost reached the peak of foundation building.

Therefore, after today's wave of believers is cleared, it is definitely possible to break through again.

Thinking of this, he used Buddhist calligraphy again and condensed a line of words:

"I understand what you want!"

After that, he also flew out a green light package containing a rain-calling talisman and condensed Buddhist calligraphy, and it fell into the hands of the fortune teller who came out.

This was not the first time that the fortune teller opened his business. He immediately held up the talisman and shouted: "The immortal will give you the talisman. Kowtow three times and send it to the immortal!"

Governor Lin Cheng's face lit up with joy when he saw that the talisman was really gifted.

It really can.

Li Ruoxuan didn't lie to him.

Without any hesitation, he immediately led others to kowtow in Guo Lin's direction.

Once, twice, three times.

Continuous torrents of wish power and merit rushed towards Guo Lin, even if the amount was smaller than the last, but when the third torrent surged forward, he finally felt that the incarnation of the divine essence was about to break through.

This time, at the moment of breakthrough, the colorful light emitted from the incarnation of Shenyuan was stronger than before.

Moreover, the seven-colored light was almost out of his control, filling half of the sky above Qingfeng Temple. This attracted everyone's attention, and a series of exclamations sounded out.

"It's Xiaguang!"

"Or fairy light!"


Although Guo Lin was in the midst of a breakthrough, he also heard these exclamations. Was the colorful glow of this breakthrough seen by ordinary people?

This shouldn't be right, I couldn't see it before.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he thought of something. Perhaps for this reason, these ordinary believers could also see it.

With the breakthrough of Shenyuan's incarnation, he finally confirmed that it was indeed the case.

When the incarnation of Shenyuan broke through, his figure instantly jumped out and flew up, and the huge shadow he cast that was condensed with Buddhist calligraphy also followed him and flew up into the sky.

This scene fell into the eyes of Lin Cheng, Li Ruoxuan and the dense crowd of people, and they all kowtowed and prayed crazily.

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