Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 106

Kyushu is no longer the Kyushu it was before.

91. Three laws of robots, Xiaomo triggers the rescue procedure

the other side.

The camera turned back to the live broadcast room.

Xiao Mo's emotions have been greatly improved by interacting with fans. From the beginning, he stuttered, a bit like a baby learning to talk, and he was cute and cute.

I'm much more fluent now.

She can chat with LSPs in a pornographic manner, chat with gentlemen, and gossip about celebrities with girls.


Xiao Mo is now like a high-ranking heroine. No matter what topic humans talk to, she can follow it, and her emotional intelligence is extremely high.

This is the benefit of having smart algorithms.

In fact, Xiao Mo is already half an artificial intelligence. He can do some simple thinking and has an independent emotion module.

"Sister. Where is your master? I want to talk to him about how I can buy you home."

"Sorry! Xiao Mo is not for sale. Xiao Mo will always belong to his master only. If you want to buy other robots, please pay attention to the official website of Suihuo Technology. My master will put the latest robot companion on the shelves soon."

When Xiao Mo said that he would always belong only to his master, a rare blush appeared on the simulated face.


"Xiao Mo, are you still shy?"

"Do robots also understand love? Do you love your master so much?"


Suddenly, Xiao Mo's eyes kept flashing with blue light, his eyes lost their color, and his body became stiff.

"I go."

"Xiao Mo is dead."

"It seems that Xiaomo still has a bug."

"What do you know? Xiao Mo is stuck in the emotion module. She is analyzing what love is. Love is the most difficult thing to understand in the world. It is already very good for a robot to analyze love."

About thirty seconds passed.

Xiao Mo's eyes flashed with blue light, and his eyes gradually regained their color.

"Xiao Mo is just a robot."

"I don't know if I understand love."

"But I came to this world because of the master. The master is everything to me. I am willing to do anything for the master."

beep beep......

"F* partner...this is definitely the best partner. How much emotional intelligence does it take to say such a thing?"

"How does Xiao Mo not understand love? He simply understands love better than us humans."

"Big love...Xiao Mo. I also want a robot companion."

"How much does a robot companion cost?"

"Upstairs, you are the only one who cares about the price of the companion. What we care about is which companion will go on sale when. Because we have decided that no matter how much the robot companion costs, we will buy one. If the money is not enough, we will save money and sell it. Two kidneys should be about the same.”

"Little Mo is much cuter than my real girlfriend. I'm ready to break up with my current girlfriend and buy a perfect partner."

at the same time.

A comment from a gossip fan popped up.

[A ground subsidence occurred on Meihai East Road in the Imperial Capital, and three cars were sucked in by the collapse. 】

There is also a picture attached to the barrage.

It can be easily seen from the pictures that a large area of ​​​​the road surface on Meihai East Road collapsed, and the three cars that were driving were unable to avoid it and fell directly.

But it didn't fall completely.

Three cars were stuck on the cement slab at the entrance of the cave, teetering precariously.

Below the cave entrance is a bottomless underground river, which is terrifying. The soil next to it kept pouring downwards. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the car was washed away by the underground current.

The firefighters haven't arrived yet.

The surrounding people gathered together from a distance and were at a loss.

At this time, no one knew how to save people, and no one dared to save them.

We had to wait until the firefighters arrived.


"Fortunately, I drove a little slower in order to listen to Xiaomo's live broadcast. Otherwise, I would have fallen too."

"I love Xiao Mo very much."

"It feels so good to survive the disaster."

The brother who posted the pop-up patted his chest and spoke in the live broadcast room to thank Xiao Mo.

"Is there a street killer upstairs? Driving to watch the live broadcast? No, I think it's LSP."

"That's listening to the live broadcast. It's also awesome to listen to the live broadcast while driving. Xiao Mo's charm is really terrifying."

"Wait a minute, doesn't anyone care about those three car owners?"

"I was at the scene, and the three cars sank a few centimeters further. You could see the front of the cars just now, but now you can only see the butts. It is estimated that they will be washed away by the underground river in a while. "

"Where are the firefighters?"

"The police have been called, and it will take the firefighters ten minutes at the fastest to arrive. It's too late."

"Wait a minute, the car sank a little more."

"Hope for peace."

"May God bless..."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room changed instantly. From the happy and cheerful atmosphere at the beginning, it became extremely heavy.

Three cars, a total of eight lives.

A taxi driver was sitting in one of the cars, and a couple was sitting in the other car. The last black car took a family of five.

When people think of eight living lives disappearing immediately before their eyes, they become extremely sad.

No one noticed at this time.

The blue light in Xiao Mo's eyes kept flashing, and the chip began to heat up slightly. She was performing a huge amount of calculations.

When Lu Xingye designed the robot, he established the three laws of robots. To prevent the emergence of rebellions like mechanical public enemies when there are too many robots.

Law 1:

The manufacturer of the robot has a supreme status, and all orders are obeyed by the manufacturer.

Law two:

Robots should help humans within their capabilities.

Law three:

Robots cannot harm humans.


Xiao Mo suddenly triggered the second law of robots and helped humans within his ability.

[Discover humans in need of help...]

[Models are being built to help humans with the possibility...]

[The statistics are successful. It takes one minute to fly from here to Meihai East Road at full power. There is an 80% chance of saving humans. 】

beep beep......

[Due to insufficient human movement data on the body, remote control by the manufacturer is required. 】

beep beep......

[Rescue operations require authorization from the manufacturer, and authorization is being requested...]


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