Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 107

Lu Xingye, who was doing experiments in the laboratory, suddenly received a request from Xiao Mo.

Save people?


Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Mo is really a bit of a holy mother. With so many people dying every day around the world, there is no time to save them all.


He didn't blame Xiao Mo, after all, this was a program he set himself.

It seems that Law 2 will need to be modified in the future.

Xiao Mo is Lu Xingye's personal robot. He is not a great hero. There is no need to trigger the rescue procedure every day.


If Lu Xingye saw it, he would still help others within his ability.

After all, it doesn't take much effort.

"Authorize rescue operation."

Lu Xingye hesitated for a moment and gave the authorization order. Although robot rescue will bring some trouble to itself, it will form a reputation.

This reputation will greatly benefit future robot sales.


Lu Xingye began to manually control Xiao Mo's actions.

92. Is this Kyushu’s secret weapon? Xiao Mo appeared in Imperial Plaza

Lu Xingye returned to the operating table.

In fact, this console is made of Tony computers and several display screens, and it looks quite technological in appearance.

On the display screen, Lu Xingye observed Xiao Mo's movements in real time.

Moreover, Xiaomo's actions can be controlled remotely through the smart handle.

It all seems complicated, but it's actually just like playing a game.

As long as you operate the smart controller, it will show off.

Although Lu Xingye is a novice and it is his first time remotely controlling a robot, because he took NZT_48, his body's reaction ability, coordination ability, and emergency response ability are all inhuman.


He controlled the robot remotely, although he was a bit lame and not very skilled at it. But after trying it for a while, I felt comfortable.

[The booster is ignited and flight mode is activated. 】

[Run at full power...]

Two bazooka-like objects suddenly stretched out from the soles of Xiao Mo's mechanical feet. Following Lu Xingye's command, they fell down and blue flames shot out from the bottom.


A sound broke through the air.

Xiao Mo burst out of the window instantly like a rocket.

The robot was flying in mid-air. In order to avoid triggering Kyushu's air defense radar, Lu Xingye carefully controlled Xiao Mo to fly at low altitude.

Meihai East Road is next to Imperial Capital Square.

Imperial Capital Square is one of the most prosperous places in the Imperial Capital.

Because of its complete supporting facilities and its integration of catering and entertainment, Imperial Plaza has millions of visitors every day.

However, this position is still a position that Xiao Mo must pass through.

Because as long as Xiao Mo flies over the Imperial Capital Square, he will definitely be seen by the people below.

"It seems there is no way to keep a low profile."

Lu Xingye murmured, not caring whether he disturbed the people or not. Now that you have decided to save people, then go all out to save people.

It's past eleven noon now.

It was almost lunch time, and the Imperial Plaza was even more crowded and lively.

at this time.

In an instant.


A violent roar sounded over the Imperial Capital Square.

This sound is somewhat similar to that of a fighter jet, but different. The sound is louder, clearer and deafening than that of a fighter jet.

"What is this sound?"

"An air raid siren?"

"I haven't heard of any military activity lately."

"The sound of fighter jets? The sound of passenger planes? No. Planes usually fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and there will never be any sound of planes here."

"What's that sound again?"

People looked up in shock and confusion, trying to find the source of the sound.

In the center of the crowd stood a little girl wearing a white dress. She looked about seven or eight years old.

At this moment, she was holding a small red flower in her hand.

He raised his head and saw Xiao Mo flying in the sky. Her eyes widened and she made an innocent sound.

"Mom, come and look! There is Ultraman in the sky."

"Baby, there's no Ultraman in this, don't talk nonsense." Her mother scolded, and just as she was about to take the little girl's hand in to eat, she suddenly saw a scene she would never forget.

There is a person flying in mid-air.

The man was soaring in the sky like a plane, with blue flames erupting from his legs.

Is this human?

When will humans fly?

Or is it like the little girl said Ultraman?

The little girl's mother looked at Xiao Mo in the air, and her body froze for a moment.

It's like time has been paused.

"Oh my God."

"This must be a robot."

"Our Kyushu robot is flying into the sky."

A few technology fans nearby were quite discerning. From the boosting flames under Xiao Mo's feet, they deduced that Xiao Mo was a robot.

"We actually have robots in Kyushu."

"What are you talking about? You actually used the word "Ji Ran". What's wrong with our vast country of Kyushu having robots?"

"What you should be concerned about is, what is happening now? Why would Kyushu use a secret weapon robot?"

At this time.

Standing next to him was a little boy, Cao Cheng.

He was the fan who said in Xiaomo's live broadcast room that he wanted to buy a partner with all his money.

Because he had been watching the live broadcast, when he saw Xiao Mo now, although it was a little blurry, he recognized it at a glance.

"It's Xiao Mo."

"Robot Xiaomo." Cao Cheng exclaimed.

"Robot Xiao Mo? Little brother, your tone sounds like you know this robot very well. Can you help with some popular science?" Passerby A turned his head, glanced at Cao Cheng and asked.

"Xiao Mo is a sex partner produced by Suihuo Technology."

Sex partner?

Upon hearing these three words, everyone around them instantly broke their guard.

What appears in the emotional sky is not a combat robot or any military activity, but a sexual partner.


Everyone let out a knowing smile.

Although Xiao Mo is a robot companion, why she appears in the sky and what she is going to do also attracts people's curiosity.

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