Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 108

Some people climbed to the highest point of the God's Capital Building, wanting to see where Xiao Mo flew to.

Some people drove behind Xiao Mo, wanting to see what Xiao Mo was going to do.

Some people took out their mobile phones on the spot and searched for robot companions thousands of times. Obviously, they didn't know what a robot companion was before.

Xiao Mo caused a huge commotion when he flew over the Imperial Capital Square, and now he has alarmed some people.

The reporters and self-media people who were collecting materials near the Imperial City Square were chasing after Xiao Mo like sharks smelling blood, their flashlights flashing continuously.

The robot companion flies over the imperial capital, which is breaking news. As long as they can dig out the powerful information behind them, promotion and salary increase will no longer be difficult.

At the same time, on the other side.

Meihai East Road.

At this moment, the road collapse became more and more serious. The collapse in the middle expanded into a large pit several meters wide, and three cars were stuck in the middle of the hole.

The car body was completely sunken.

The rear of the car is basically invisible.

If it weren't for the cement slabs and steel bars exposed by the collapsed road, the three cars might have been swept away by the underground current.


Even so, these three cars are in danger.

If there were no accidents, the car would be swept away by the underground river in less than thirty seconds.


"help me."

"Please, help me, I don't want to die yet."

"I have an old man above me and a young man below me. I can't live without me at home. Please, is there any kind-hearted person who can help me?"

"I'm trapped and can't come out anymore. I don't ask you to save me, I just ask you to save my child. He is only three years old this year..."

The eight trapped people made desperate pleas underground, and there was a chorus of cries and despair.

93. Man-made robots shocked the West, and Lu Xingye set the trend for the times

At this time.

Underground, there was suddenly another faint cry of a baby.


Following the sunken ground, I looked through some gaps and saw a baby stuck in the baby seat due to his legs being pressed down, unable to move.

The parents in the car were trapped in the dented and deformed car body. The baby's father in the driver's seat seemed to be dead, with blood dripping down.

"We want to save him too."

"But, there is no way."

"Now the collapse is getting bigger and bigger, and we have no rescue tools."

"If I rescue you rashly, I will not only risk my own life, but also accelerate your sinking. This is a bit more gain than loss."

A sense of sadness spread unconsciously among the crowd.


It is the end of life.

But it is also what humans fear most.

This is especially frightening when people are witnessing death.


Suddenly there was an abnormal sound coming from the depression.

Immediately afterwards, the collapse position was like a landslide, and the hole continued to expand.

The depression in the middle is like a black hole, constantly swallowing the surrounding soil.

Of course...and those three cars.


If no accident occurred, the death of the eight trapped people would have been doomed.

The people around them closed their eyes in tacit agreement and couldn't bear to see this scene.

Just then an accident happened.


Suddenly there was a sound similar to the roar of a fighter jet, and then a flash of blue flames streaked through the air.

"Do not be afraid."

"Coming to save you."

"You're going to be fine."

These few words seem to give people endless power and inexplicable peace of mind. Because they were trapped too deeply, although the eight trapped people saw what happened outside, they heard those words.

Thank you stranger.

Thank you for risking your life to save me.

Xiao Mo started from the side of the hole, directly broke through the collapsed soil, and went around to the bottom of the three cars from below.

Then, two robotic hands stretched out and steadily supported the three sinking cars.

【Increase power...】

[Overload operation...]

[Be sure to complete the rescue mission...]

Lu Xingye was in the distance, pulling the remote control lever of the handle to the end to overload the robot's output.


Xiao Mo's simulated skin was already overwhelmed and cracked, revealing iron bumps with a metallic luster inside. But in the end, Xiao Mo still lifted the three cars.

Fortunately, Xiaomo is equipped with a nuclear power drive.

If it were ordinary energy, I'm afraid Xiao Mo would have no choice.


There was a sound of steady footsteps hitting the ground.

Lu Xingye controlled Xiao Mo to place the three cars in a safe place and left quickly.

Nowadays, robots saving people are enough to grab the limelight.

If she stayed where she was, something might happen.

Jarvis called the surrounding cameras and discovered that the border guards and armed police in the imperial capital had been alerted.

They have now assembled and are quickly heading to Meihai East Road.

Lu Xingye didn't think that the military headquarters dispatched so many troops to save people.

If it's not to save people, then it must be for the robot Xiao Mo.


If Xiao Mo is blocked by these people.

Lu Xingye couldn't guarantee what would happen.

Although Long Yingtian promised that he would protect himself, Long Yingtian did not have the final say in Jiuzhou alone.

along with.

After Lu Xingye left, everyone came back to their senses.

Although many people closed their eyes just now, they couldn't bear to see death coming.

But there are also those who are brave enough to open their eyes and witness the whole process.

Someone even filmed the scene.

"Oh my God."

"What did I just see?"

"A robot fell from the sky and held up three cars with both hands."

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