Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 114

They are confused and hesitant.

None of them knew what had happened or what was about to happen.

"Mr. Zhao, why did you call us here in such a hurry? I was at the critical moment of the experiment just now."

"Did something big happen to the company?"

"That's not right! Even if something happens in the company, it has nothing to do with our research and development! The company's decisions are just made by your senior management. We can just concentrate on research and development."


Zhao Dawei raised his hands slightly, interrupting the scientists' conversation.

"I know you are curious as to why I gathered everyone here in such a hurry."

"But... I'm sorry."

"I don't know why we called everyone here."

"Because this is Chairman Lu Xingye's order."


Lu Xingye?

When the scientists heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then a look of joy appeared on their faces.

Most employees of Suihuo Technology admire the chairman very much. Especially scientific researchers like them are die-hard fans of Lu Xingye.

The Kunlun system, nano-batteries, robot companions, etc. developed by Lu Xingye were enough for them to study for a lifetime.

There is no doubt that……

Lu Xingye was their goal, their pursuit, and their scientific belief.

Now the scientists suddenly heard that Lu Xingye was going to summon them.

They were a little ecstatic.


"Director Lu, you are my fan...I still don't understand many of his inventions."

"Director Lu wants to see us? That would be great. I happen to have a few questions that I don't understand and I want to ask him!"

Seeing the reactions of the scientists, Zhao Dawei knew that the matter was done. With the current state of scientists, even if you use a broom to drive them away, they will not leave.

Because they want to meet their scientific beliefs.

About half a minute passed.

Lu Xingye finally arrived.

He was wearing a set of casual clothes, and he didn't have anything particular to wear. He did whatever was comfortable for him. With his style, instead of looking like a boss, he could easily pass for a student.

But no one among the scientists present dared to ignore Lu Xingye. Because this man is too far ahead of them in the field of science and technology... too much...

"Director Lu."

"Director Lu..."

"Director Lu..."

Mo Ruxue and other scientists stood up unconsciously and greeted Lu Xingye politely. However, their eyes always stayed on Lu Xingye, as if they were seeing their idol.

"Don't be polite, everyone."

"Just be casual."

"Call me Xiao Lu, or Xiao Ye." Lu Xingye waved his hand, laughed dryly, and sat directly on the main seat of the conference room.

"Director Lu...that can't be done..."

"If I call you Xiao Lu... then we... hey, no. We can't call you that."


"Director Lu, you are trying to defeat us."


Lu Xingye knew that some scientists were quite stubborn. He didn't dwell too much on this issue, the title was just a code name. They can call it whatever they want!

There was a pause.

He went straight to the point:

"Hello everyone."

"I believe you are all very curious as to why I have summoned you all here. Then I will stop talking and go straight to the topic."

"I brought everyone here because of a genius plan."

"To put it simply."

"The company is preparing to cultivate a group of core talents, and you were selected."

Lu Xingye didn't say it was a genius plan for mass production, but used an implicit term. Because directly talking about the mass production genius plan, it is too scary.


This is not unsaid.

After all, they would all find out sooner or later.

But it’s important to let them know when.

Lu Xingye decided to wait until each of them signed a confidentiality agreement before telling them the truth.

98. The genius of batch manufacturing of NZT-48 solution, 32 genius scientists were born

"Talent development plan?"

"Director Lu, we support the talent training plan you mentioned and are willing to participate."

"But can you tell us what the plan is first? That way we can be mentally prepared."

At this time, scientist Mo Ruxue stood up straight, looking directly at Lu Xingye.

Lu Xingye was somewhat impressed by this employee.

Mo Ruxue has a Ph.D. in both chemistry and biology, and is a Ph.D. returned from overseas. Her scientific research ability is outstanding.

Now he is in charge of the research and development of nano-battery supporting products and has achieved many scientific research results.

This is a very good scientist.

He is also one of the scientists Lu Xingye plans to focus on training.

Lu Xingye looked at Mo Ruxue and couldn't help but nod.

This girl is pretty good.


Have brains...

The key is that he is not ugly and looks good on the eyes. seems that the other party is also quite loyal to Suihuo Technology.

"As for the content of the talent development plan."

"I will tell you naturally, don't be impatient."

"But before that, you have to sign a confidentiality agreement."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly while taking out a stack of confidentiality agreements from the safe.

"Here's the confidentiality agreement."

"The confidentiality clause is relatively strict, so you can take a look at it first."

"If anyone wants to withdraw from the talent training program after reading it, just go out and turn left."

"I promise that I will not punish you in any way, nor will I change your original positions."


Lu Xingye issued the confidentiality agreement one after another.

The agreement mainly describes the confidentiality content and the penalties for violating the agreement.

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