Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 115


Lu Xingye knew that a confidentiality agreement alone could not completely win over these scientists.

Especially after they take NZT-48 solution, their IQ will increase significantly.

Once people's IQ increases, various ambitions will follow.

There are too many secrets hidden in Lu Xingye.

Once these scientists become ambitious, they may turn against them directly.

In turn, he plots his own secrets.

This is not allowed by Lu Xingye.

To prevent this from happening, he took two sets of defensive measures.


The IQ of those taking NZT-48 is monitored.

Lu Xingye would not let them take the full version of NZT-48.

He would dissolve NZT-48 in water, and then extract approximately one percent of the NZT-48 solution for these scientists to use.

This way you can ensure that you will always be smarter than this group of scientists. Even if this group of scientists wanted to compete with themselves in a battle of wits and courage, they couldn't compete with them.


Supervise relatives of scientists taking NZT-48.

Once the scientists choose to take NZT-48, then... they must move to the hive with their parents.

Binding their families to Suihuo Technology.

Suihuo Technology is their home.

Theirs is Suihuo Technology.

If they get to this point, Lu Xingye doesn't believe that they still haven't returned home.

Lu Xingye didn't believe in kindness or kindness.

He always believes in only his own strength.

As long as the Suihuo technology becomes more and more powerful, it will be so powerful that it is scary and powerful enough to make people tremble.

Then naturally no one will betray him.

Scientists are certainly not stupid people.

When they saw the contract, their expressions changed.

This confidentiality agreement is too strict!

Once you sign, you will basically be bound to Suihuo Technology for the rest of your life.

Some people chose to reject the talent training plan on the spot and turned left immediately.


There are still some scientists who remain.

Where is the free lunch in this world?

If you want to gain something, you have to lose something.

For example - freedom.

Lu Xingye trained them, and they gave a little bit of freedom.

That is of course fair.

Although scientists in the conference room successively chose to launch talent training plans, Lu Xingye did not blame them.

After all, everyone has his or her own ambitions.

He can't force them to sign.


Lu Xingye believes that those who choose to withdraw from the talent training plan will definitely regret it in the future.

Because they missed the opportunity to stand on top of the world with themselves.


After more than a dozen people left the conference room, no one finally chose to withdraw.

Lu Xingye glanced down and found that there were still 32 scientists staying in place, firmly following his footsteps.

About one-third of the scientists are left.

This was beyond Lu Xingye's expectations.

"First of all, congratulations on your choice to participate in the talent development program."

"This is an absolutely wise choice."

"I can assure you that you will never regret your choice today in the future."

Lu Xingye looked at them, grinned, and smiled.

After all the scientists signed a confidentiality agreement.

Lu Xingye took out another lifetime employment contract from the safe.

This lifetime employment contract is more stringent than a confidentiality agreement.

It is no exaggeration to say:

Once they choose to sign this contract, they will be people of Suihuo Technology in life and ghosts of Suihuo Technology in death.

No one dares to betray.

No one will betray you either.

To put it bluntly, even if someone chooses to betray, they will be retaliated by Suihuo Technology's thunderous methods.

"This is a lifetime employment contract."

"After you choose to participate in the talent training program, you will become the core members of Suihuo Technology."

"Not only can you enjoy the convenience brought by the rapid development of science and technology for free, but you can also participate in the space program and travel among the stars in the future."

"Lifetime employment contract? And the employment price is ten times higher than the market?"


"Director Lu, you are so heroic."

No one can resist the temptation of such a high salary.

Plus Lu Xingye’s painting cake.

These scientists gradually became enthusiastic.


Suihuo Technology has always been at the forefront of technology.

When they stay here, they have access to the most cutting-edge technology in the world.

For a scientific researcher, scientific research is the most important thing, and this is a temptation they cannot refuse.

"I'm willing to sign the contract."

Mo Ruxue glanced at the contract briefly, then picked up a pen and wrote down her name and put her finger prints next to it.

Her parents died young.

I have always lived alone.

She has worked at Suihuo Technology for so long and has long regarded Suihuo Technology as her home.

"Then I'll sign it too."

"I'll sign too."

"I'll sign too..."

With Mo Ruxue taking the lead, other scientists in the conference room did not hesitate anymore and signed their contracts one after another.

About ten minutes later.

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