Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 124

Even some construction workers have been replaced by robots.

This is a base full of high technology.

Despite their gentle appearance, these service robots are just a few.


In fact, they are all invisible guards of the hive base.

In addition to monitoring functions, service robots also have the power to kill intruders depending on the level of threat.

Moreover, these robots are all supervised by artificial intelligence Jarvis and run fully automatically 24 hours a day.

With these service robots around, the Hive is undoubtedly the safest place in the world. Even if the most powerful organization in the world invades the hive, it will be very difficult.

105. Lu Xingye rectified the arms business and developed the "Terminator" T800

Regarding the "Star Chain" project, Lu Xingye arranged for the Hive Laboratory to start research and development and manufacturing.

As for today's meeting.

He mainly announced to everyone the news of Suihuo Technology's transformation into a military enterprise and the establishment of a game division and a weapons division.

In the conference room.

Lu Xingye deservedly sat in the main seat.

Sitting next to him were Zhao Dawei and other senior executives.

With the development of Suihuo Technology, it has become a first-class technology company in Jiuzhou, with more than 300 core and senior management personnel.

More than 300 people were all crowded into this conference room, which seemed a bit crowded.

"Hello, senior executives."

"I'm Lu Xingye."

"Although I don't come to the company many times, none of you should know me as an unreliable chairman, right?" Lu Xingye broke the silence with a humorous voice.

When those stern-faced executives heard this, a rare smile appeared on their faces.

"Director Lu."

"You're joking."

"Although you come to the company less frequently, you have always been the person behind our company."

"It has always been our spiritual support."

"Because of you, our Suihuo Technology can continue to move forward."


"Director Lu, do you have any important tasks to assign when you summon us to a meeting this time?" Zhao Dawei agreed with a smile.

Lu Xingye glanced at Zhao Dawei and realized that his roommate was becoming more and more like a bitch.

Perhaps, the two have different statuses, which has also caused a huge change in the way the other talks.

Lu Xingye vaguely remembered that the other party would not speak in this way when he was a student.

When he was a student, Zhao Dawei had a very high emotional intelligence. He spoke carelessly and had no taboos. He would not flatter anyone or flatter anyone.

What now?

He looks like a bitch.


The days of student innocence are over.


Regarding Zhao Dawei's transformation, Lu Xingye had nothing to say. After all, that's how it is in the workplace.

"Is such that."

"I came here mainly to adjust the company's business."

"Yesterday, I received the military industry license from the Ministry of Military Affairs. To put it simply, from now on, our Suihuo Technology will be a military industry enterprise."

Military industry?

The executives were puzzled when they heard this, and then burst into ecstasy.

If Suihuo Technology obtains a military license, then Suihuo Technology will become an arms dealer in the future.

This is a great honor for everyone here.

The meaning of an executive of a commercial company is completely different from that of an executive of an arms dealer.

Business executives represent money.

Arms dealer executives represent strength and power. Depending on who is unhappy, you can also quietly destroy them.

The senior executives of arms dealers have a much higher status in the world, and ordinary people cannot afford to offend them.

"is this real?"

"That's great." The executives were overjoyed.

Lu Xingye nodded and then placed the steel-stamped military license plate on the table.

"it is true."

"This is the military industrial license plate."

"In the future, our Suihuo Technology will focus on developing into the military industry."

As soon as he finished speaking, the executives present applauded unconsciously.

Bang bang...

The applause was endless, so enthusiastic.

Lu Xingye stretched out his right hand and tapped his knuckles lightly on the table, making a "clucking" sound.

The executives of Suihuo Technology stopped their applause knowingly, and then Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.


"We will focus on establishing three departments, namely: Starlink Business Department, Weapons Business Department, and Game Business Department."

"I am directly responsible for the Starlink Business Department."

"Its main function is to develop communication satellites and launch satellites into space to form the so-called star chain."

"As for the weapons division and game division, they are appointed by Zhao Dawei and are directly responsible to me."

"Weapons Division: Its main function is to develop arms and produce various weapons."

"Game Division: The main function is to develop games and transfer the money earned to the Starlink Division and the Weapons Division."

Ignoring everyone's shock, Lu Xingye issued orders one by one.

As long as he gives an order, regardless of whether they have any objections, they must be executed faithfully

This is the advantage of a sole proprietorship. Lu Xingye holds all the company's stocks in his hands.


Suihuo Technology is Lu Xingye’s one-stop shop.

Zhao Dawei was also very surprised. The fourth child is still more powerful than Heifer. Every time he comes to the company for a meeting, something major happens.

"Director Lu."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Say." Lu Xingye raised his head and glanced at Zhao Dawei.

"Fuinhuo Technology has always been a commercial company. In the field of arms, there is no foundation and everything has to start from scratch."

"I wonder if Director Lu has any technical support?" After Zhao Dawei finished speaking, he smiled slightly.

After spending a long time with Lao Si, he gradually figured out how to get along with Lao Si. The fourth child needs a loyal executor of orders, not a questioner.


Zhao Dawei no longer questions anything, he only thinks about how to fulfill the fourth son's order.

"You don't have to worry about this."

"At that time, I will provide the weapons design drawings to the weapons division, and all you have to do is produce them according to the drawings. Then you can sell these arms to the battlefield."

"The same goes for the gaming division."

"Wait a moment and I will send the packaged game source code to your email. You only need to be responsible for the operation of the game."

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