Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 125

Things that were originally very complicated, for some reason, became extremely simple in Lu Xingye's understatement.

Is this still possible?

Does the weapons division not need R\u0026D? The chairman directly provides the weapon drawings.

The game division doesn’t need to develop games? The chairman directly provides the game source code?

Director Lu.

It would be great to be your employee!

This is simply a win!


Since Lu Xingye made it so clear, they would naturally have no more problems and issued military orders one after another, saying that they must complete the mission.

After the meeting.

Lu Xingye did not leave the Hive Base, but stayed on the top floor of a certain office building in the Hive Base.

He transformed it into a makeshift laboratory.

The laboratory was much more advanced than the one in the Sea View Villa, so Lu Xingye decided to stay here for experiments from now on.

After all ~

The hive is his true home base.

Here, both security and confidentiality are tens of millions of times higher than that of a sea-view villa.

"Yu Bing."

"After you drive back to the sea view villa, help me move all the things inside." Lu Xingye turned his head and ordered Long Yubing.


Are you asking me to move?

I'm your bodyguard, not your moving company?

Perhaps he was a little dissatisfied with this order, Long Yubing's cheeks bulged slightly. But for some unknown reason, she hesitated for half a second, and finally nodded in agreement.

"All right."

After seeing the bodyguard leave, Lu Xingye passed the fingerprint recognition, iris recognition... and other layers of authentication.

Enter the new laboratory.

Lu Xingye is preparing to build a combat robot.

As for what kind of combat robot it is, he also has an idea in his mind, and it is the T800 from the "Terminator" movie.


It's not quite the T800.

Lu Xingye is an improved new generation of robots based on civilian robots and inspired by the "Terminator" movie.

It's just that the function and appearance of this robot are somewhat similar to the T800.

So Lu Xingye named it T800.

106. Terminator T800 test to build a mechanical army for Kyushu

Lu Xingye began to do experiments. Under the influence of NZT-48, his brain entered an overclocking state, and all his mind was focused on the experiment.

With civilian robots as the basis, it is not difficult to develop military robots.

Under the influence of NZT-48, various inspirations came one after another, and Lu Xingye soon found inspiration for improvement.

It should be like this...


If this happens again...

Finally like this...

Special liquid material is used as the skin of the combat robot.

Use recoverable metal materials as the skeleton of the combat robot.

Using advanced weapons and weapons from Stark Industries in the Iron Man world...

According to the inspiration in your mind.

Lu Xingye was on the console, constantly improving the drawings of the combat robot.

Because he is only responsible for the design of the core parts, and all other necessary designs are left to Jarvis, his efficiency is very high.

In just three hours, the design of the robot drawings was completed.

The robot is equipped with a lot of black technology, which is definitely beyond this era.

It is no exaggeration to say:

The birth of this kind of robot that transcends the times is a devastating blow to modern soldiers.

This is a terrifying automated combat weapon.

A single battle robot can annihilate an entire division, and even the special tactics team will cry when they see it.

All products produced by Suihuo Technology are of high quality.

Lu Xingye plans to use this battle robot to completely establish the name of Suihuo Technology and Military Industry. If Suihuo Technology can become a hit this time and make a name for itself in the military, there will definitely be a steady stream of military orders in the future.

Lu Xingye completed the design drawings of the T800 robot, and the next step was production. According to the drawings of the military robot, Lu Xingye began to order the Honeycomb Factory to produce the accessories one by one.

at the same time.

Long Yubing also moved all the experimental equipment from the Seaview Villa.

Of course she didn't move it alone.

There are many cutting-edge equipment in the laboratory. If Long Yubing had to move them all, she would be exhausted.

Long Yubing was not a rigid person. Considering that Lu Xingye's experimental equipment was confidential, she did not find a moving company to move it.

Instead, he suggested his comrades who had served before.

With a group of soldiers driving green Dongfeng trucks, although there were some twists and turns, all the experimental equipment was finally moved over smoothly.


During the past three days, Lu Xingye spent all his time at the Hive Base, building combat robots in the laboratory during the day, and watching science fiction movies with Long Yubing at night.

End of the third day.

He finally built a prototype combat robot.



"I really like this T800 you are making now. Is it the body you made for me?"

At this time, Jarvis's cold electronic synthesized voice sounded from Tony's computer speakers, and the indicator light kept flashing. It can be seen that Jarvis longed for a new body.

"This body is not for you."

"Boss, you... this body is obviously suitable for me... why don't you give it to me?" Jarvis complained like a resentful woman.

This combat robot is full of black technology, and it is full of cutting-edge offensive weapons. Moreover, the mechanical body uses restorable metal, which is exactly the body Jarvis dreamed of.


how to say!

Lu Xingye hoped that Jarvis's new body would be a comprehensive robot that could assist his experiments. Not this kind of military robot with incredible combat capabilities.

He explained it to Jarvis for a long time.

He also promised to help Jarvis create a new body in the next few days.

Jarvis reluctantly agreed to Lu Xingye's suggestion.

The T800 has been produced, and the next step is to send it to the Military Research Institute for actual combat monitoring.

In front of the Military Academy.

Long Yingtian and other big shots greeted Lu Xingye at the door.

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