Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 127

Launch in seconds?


Dong Sicheng never expected that the T800 robot did not need to be loaded or aimed.

And he still hits every target...

(The robot is like playing a game. You can check out the game below. It’s very fun.)

Dong Sicheng was silent for a moment, and suddenly discovered another problem that shocked him - there was no flame ejected from the hole of the T800 weapon.

This is a bit unreasonable.

As long as the chemical weapon is made of gunpowder and other things, the muzzle will inevitably emit flames.

Why does the T800 gun have no flame?

Is it a dud?

Is it a blank?

Or are you talking about transparent bullets?

Dong Sicheng was confused.

While everyone was puzzled, the bullets flew in a straight line in front of the three moving targets.

The moving target was hit instantly.

Bump bump bump...

The three moving targets seemed to be hit by an unknown force, and were instantly smashed and crushed into powder.

Looking at this scene...

Long Yingtian: "..."

Dong Sicheng, weapons expert at the arsenal: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone froze instantly and stared at the display screen dumbfounded.


What kind of weapon is this?

How does a gun barrel as big as a thumb produce the effect of a cannonball?

The moving target test was originally used to test the shooting accuracy of the T800, but now you have beaten the entire target into powder?

What about the red dot?

Does it count as a hit? Still a miss?


How does this count?

I asked you to shoot at the enemy's vital points, but you blasted the entire enemy into rubbish?

This weapon does tons of damage.


By the way, what kind of weapon is this?

Why do I feel like I can see weapons in future time and space?

At this time.

All the big guys' eyes were focused on Lu Xingye, their eyes were very intense, as if they were looking at a treasure.

Their meaning is very obvious, that is, they are asking what kind of weapon it is, so tell them quickly.


"The T800 robot is equipped with the latest strategic weapon developed by Suihuo Technology."

"Name: Air Gun."

Air gun?

At this time, not only Long Yingtian was stunned, but also the arsenal weapons expert Dong Sicheng was stunned.

Air gun?

What the hell is this?

A gun made of air?

Or use air as bullets?

Dong Sicheng has studied military weapons for decades, and this is the first time he has heard of such weapons.

The key is that this weapon looks very powerful, and it is also environmentally friendly and pollution-free.

Perhaps realizing their doubts, Lu Xingye chuckled and slowly explained:

"Air guns, as the name suggests, are modern weapons that use "air" as a firearm."

"Through the powerful power of the Ark reactor, the air is continuously compressed into bullets that can break gold and stone."

"This kind of air bullet is dozens of times more powerful than traditional gunpowder bullets. And theoretically, the bullets of the air gun are unlimited. Not only does it not need to change the bullet clip, but it can also be fired in unlimited bursts."

Lu Xingye's current explanation has not yet brought them back to their senses.

The next move of the T800 robot refreshed their understanding of modern combat weapons.

I saw that the T800 robot had adjusted its target shooting mode to extreme mode.

Hundreds of moving targets instantly appeared in the tactical jungle.

Originally, they thought that even the most powerful robot would not be able to hit hundreds of moving targets in an instant.

But they were wrong.

They mistook the robots for humans.

What humans cannot do, robots may not be able to do.

Their understanding of robots still needs to be refreshed.

I saw that the liquid metal all over the T800 melted away, revealing the dense gun holes inside.

They are so densely packed that one can hardly count them at a glance.

Bump bump bump...

Hundreds of air guns fired in volleys, instantly shattering all the moving targets.

Moreover,...he hit every target without missing a beat.

Long Yingtian, as the representative of the military today and the chief instructor of the real-life simulated confrontation, was now stunned by the actions of this T800 robot.

Oh shit.

Is it necessary to simulate a real-person confrontation?

Although the soldiers under his command are special forces, each one possesses eighteen kinds of martial arts skills and can defeat any enemy no matter how powerful they are.

But...what the hell!

T800 is not a human being!

The whole body was covered with dense bullet holes, and every shot hit without missing a beat.

Long Yingtian was a little worried. His special operations team had been wiped out by this group of non-human robots before they even started.

108. Air cannon? What the hell? Flatten the entire mountain?

"Mr. Long, why does your face look so ugly? Are you worried about the real-life simulated confrontation later?"

A big boss from the Blade Military Department next to him raised his head and glanced at Long Yingtian. He didn't think it was a big deal, he laughed dryly and joked.


"The Yanhuang team that I lead is the most powerful special operations team in Kyushu."

"Am I afraid? This doesn't exist." Long Yingtian blushed and quickly denied it.

He was a little timid at first, but after being stimulated by the sharp words, he suddenly became hardened.

There was no way he would admit defeat before the game even started.

"Ahem...I think you're just scared."

"Otherwise, why would your face be so ugly?"

"If you are afraid, you can surrender. Surrendering will only lose half of the battle. Our sharp blade special warfare team will not laugh at you."

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