Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 128

After hearing this, Long Yingtian was silent for a moment, and his face turned completely livid.

What the heck... you can do it, you can do it?

Are you going up with the Blade Special Forces?

I will give you the position of chief instructor.

Damn it!

It really hurts my back to stand and talk.

At this time, Long Yingtian regretted a little. He had done a good job in the special department, so why did he have to go into battle personally with a knife?

If real people fight against this kind of thing, just let your own men do it.

When the time comes, it will be my subordinates who will be embarrassed. What does it have to do with me, Long Yingtian?

However, it was too late.

Yanhuang and Sharp Blade are both old rivals, and the two captains often hurt each other. If no one else started the fight, they might have been arguing all day long.


Dong Sicheng, a weapons expert at the arsenal, couldn't stand it anymore and quickly spoke to smooth things over:


"Two colleagues, your main task now is to watch the T800 test. If you want to quarrel, please go outside and quarrel."

Yanhuang and Sharp Blade glared at each other again, finally reaching a tacit understanding and temporarily stopped.

His eyes returned to the monitoring monitor.

Now the test has entered the next stage: the T800 obstacle-crossing test.

This is the so-called flexible testing.

Through various complex geographical environments, the T800's mobility and individual combat capabilities were tested.

The testing location is still the tactical jungle.

But this time the test place was not a forest, but a rugged mountain in the forest.

This peak is named Tactical Peak.

After artificial transformation, various obstacles and traps have been added. T800 needs to reach the top of the mountain and take down the small flagpole within the specified time.

Then return the same way.

The best time on the special teams agility test was ten minutes.

These are already the best results.

As for the test results of T800? let us wait and see.

【T800 Flexibility Starts:】

As the password fell, T800's eyes suddenly glowed with a faint red light, and finally the visual frame was fixed on the small flagpole.

[Analysis of the best solution:]

[Option 1: Walking test]

[Use the flexibility of the body to land directly on the top of the mountain, and then return the same way. It takes 5 minutes. 】

[Option 2: Leap over the obstacle. 】

[Fly directly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and then fly back to the foot of the mountain from the top of the mountain. Perfectly avoid all obstacles and traps. Time taken: 10 seconds. 】

[Option 3: Destroy the tactical mountain. 】

[Use air cannons to level the mountains. If the target is no longer there, then naturally the so-called test will no longer exist. Time taken: 0.5 seconds. 】

Plan 1 took too long - discard it.

Option 2 takes too long - discard it.

After analysis, T800 finally adopted plan three, using air cannons to connect tactical mountain peaks to flat ground.

That is, only robots like the T800 dare to adopt such an exaggerated plan.

If it were a human being, even if Plan 3 was thought of, Plan 3 would not be adopted.

Because directly leveling the mountain is such an exaggeration that it is not allowed in reality.


If the test target is forced to marry, the test task will naturally not exist. Only an old bastard like Jarvis could come up with this idea of ​​light bones.


[The air cannon is starting...]

The recoverable liquid metal on the T800's chest instantly melted away, revealing a muzzle as thick as a bucket.


"What the hell is this? Such a large caliber?"

"Isn't this a cannon?"

"I asked you to cross the obstacle and you stretched out the muzzle. What the hell is this?"

"What's happening here?"

Everyone present looked confused. Only Lu Xingye roughly knew what was going on.

The T800 definitely wants to directly destroy the tactical mountain.

If the test target and test site are gone, then the test will naturally no longer exist.

This is also very reasonable!

Although Lu Xingye knew what was going on, he didn't want to stop T800.

Because he came to the military department to test the T800 to show off his high-end weapons.

Suihuo Technology’s development of the “Starlink” plan lacks a large amount of funds.

In addition, Suihuo Technology, as a qualified arms dealer, promotes its own weapons during the T800 test. Isn't this too much?

The air cannon was the weapon that Lu Xingye planned to promote.

He was worried that he wouldn't have a chance to show off the power of the air cannon! Unexpectedly, as soon as I dozed off, someone sent me a pillow.

"T800 will choose the optimal solution based on the specific conditions of the test."

"I don't know exactly what it wants to do."

"And...I am not controlling the T800 now. This is completely operated by the T800."

Lu Xingye laughed dryly, and in just two sentences, he completely dismissed his relationship.

What if I get blackmailed by the military? What if he has to pay for a mountain?

Now comes the autonomous behavior of the robot.

Even if the tactical mountain is razed to the ground, it is still the behavior of the robot itself. What does it have to do with me, Lu Xingye?

If you can, just ask the robot to compensate you.

"the best solution?"

"What the hell is this about creating a large-caliber muzzle?"

"Destroy the target with artillery?"

Everyone made guesses one after another. Not to mention, there were a few bold guessers who got it right.

I saw the large-caliber muzzle of the T800 chest, the white light flashed, and an air cannon shell that was compressed to the extreme flew out like a rocket.

The air cannonball landed at the main load-bearing point halfway up the tactical mountain peak. Under the huge attack, the mountain peak instantly sunk in.


There was a loud noise, the mountain peak continued to collapse, dirt flew, gravel, and smoke flew into the sky.

When these dust tactics.

People were shocked to find that the entire tactical mountain had disappeared.


Disappearing together with the tactical mountain peak was the small flagpole.

Only the T800 stood in the open space like a god of war, with a faint white smoke glowing from the muzzle on its chest.

The blow from the air cannon was so terrifying!

at the same time.

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