Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 138

But what they fear most is encountering powerful technology companies.

This kind of technology company needs money and technology. Once they choose to enter the gaming industry, they are likely to shake their status as gaming hegemons.


Suihuo Technology launched ten games upon release.

Is this something a normal company can do?

Born in sorrow, died in happiness.

Boss Ma has already had a premonition that Penguin Group is about to face its biggest opponent in recent years.

"Secretary Huang."

"Book me a ticket right now."

"I'm going to the Imperial Capital to visit Suihuo Technology."

116. When Boss Ma comes to visit, you send a smart butler to receive him?

The operator of the game division is very fast.

After they received the game source code sent by Jarvis, they immediately began to discuss the operation plan and began to put the game on the shelves the next day.

Formal operation...

"Wild Brawl"


"Star Rise"

There are ten games in total.

Each game is a high-quality 3D masterpiece with movie-level graphics.

The plot is also based on Kyushu folklore and future imagination.


Players of every age group have their own sense of immersion.

Because the game division of Suihuo Technology was just established, it lacked its own promotion channels.


Games released by Suihuo Technology can only be posted on their official website and promoted through other platforms.

For example: Penguin Group wegame

For example: Blizzard game platform

Even so, with the blessing of Suihuo Technology's reputation, the game traffic these games receive is terrifying.

In just half a day after being released, these ten games have received tens of millions of traffic and millions of loyal players.

Players spend tens of millions of dragon coins.

Just based on the first day the game was released, this data is already astonishing.

On the first day when many companies release games, the data is very bleak. Not to mention reaching this figure, not even half of this figure.

As soon as Boss Ma got off the plane, he saw the news that Suihuo Technology's game was selling well, and his face became gloomy.

Suihuo Technology is a wolf.

The kind that scares everyone who sees it.

Boss Ma had a dark face and said nothing all the way until he arrived at the outskirts of the hive.

Secretary Huang behind him saw that the atmosphere was somewhat silent. He quickly walked to Boss Ma and asked anxiously:

"Boss, do you think Suihuo Technology will agree to distribute the game to us?"

"It's hard to say." Boss Ma thought for a moment after hearing this.

Other companies were easy to talk about, but Suihuo Technology was the only one he couldn't understand.


"If Suihuo Technology disagrees and gives us the game as an agent, then we will remove their game from Wegame."

At this time, Secretary Huang's faint voice came again.


Boss Ma sighed after hearing this.

If Suihuo Technology was so easy to deal with, he wouldn't have gone there himself.

Walk to the hive base entrance.

Looking up, he saw densely packed service robots. Boss Ma was deeply shocked by this scene.

These robots all wear simulated skin and are no different from humans.

It looks like a modern industrial park.

What the hell is high technology?

These are high technologies!

Boss Ma dreams of owning robotics technology.

"Hello, I want to see your chairman Lu Xingye. How should I go?" Boss Ma asked calmly to a robot at the door.

This robot is named Watt. It is a guard robot at the door. It has warning, early warning, defense and other functions, and it also has certain attack power.

Watt saw a stranger appear in front of the door, and a faint light shone on Boss Ma from his electronic eyes.

Through big data comparison.

Watt recognized Boss Ma as the boss of Penguin Group.

"Hello, Boss Ma."

"You have no reservation and no access permit. Please leave the hive."

When Boss Ma heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then he spoke again: "I have important cooperation to discuss with your chairman? Can I inform you?"

"Feel sorry!"

The red light in Watt's robot's eyes flashed, perhaps it had entered into a specific expulsion procedure, and if Boss Ma had not left, coercive measures might have been taken.


Suddenly, the Watt robot seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and the red light in its eyes suddenly lifted.

"Hello, Boss Ma."

"After hearing about your arrival, our smart butler is very interested in you. I wonder if it would be convenient for you to meet the smart butler?"

Jarvis is the hub of all robots. When Watt sees everything, he will share it with Jarvis through the Internet.

Therefore, Jarvis can also know what is happening here.

What a cunt Jarvis is!

He was born not long ago and was very curious about the world.

Now that a live person who can talk a lot has finally arrived in the hive, Jarvis will naturally not miss this opportunity.

"Smart butler?"

"What kind of character is this?"

When Boss Ma heard this, he was stunned for a moment and turned around in his brain. He just didn't think about the position of a smart housekeeper.

"The smart butler is similar to your secretary." Watt robot replied expressionlessly.


This time the boss fell into deep silence.

I am the boss of Penguin Group, and I am here to visit your Suihuo Technology.

As a result, you sent a secretary to receive you?

Am I not worthy?

Boss Ma was very unhappy.

But he was a person who kept his emotions secret, and did not show his unhappiness on his face. Instead, he showed a faint smile.

"Then meet your smart butler!"



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