Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 139

"Boss Ma, your passage has been authorized."

"But your access area is limited to the eighth floor area of ​​the eastern office building. Except for the access area, other areas are your restricted area."

"Don't wander around."

"Otherwise there will be unpredictable dangers and you will bear the consequences at your own risk."

Watt's slightly warning voice gave Boss Ma a chill in his heart. Is the hive so heavily guarded?

The hive base appears to be unmanned.

But every robot is a modern guard.


Along the way, as far as the eye can see, there are all these robots.

There is a sentry at ten steps and a post at five steps.

I'm afraid the ancient emperor's palace defenses were not that tight!

Boss Ma and Secretary Huang followed the robot's guidance and arrived at the eighth floor of the office building.

As soon as he entered the gate, he saw a square, middle-aged man sitting on the boss's chair, with his feet crossed and his back facing him.

This person is Jarvis, who has a fragrant mouth.

Maybe he heard footsteps coming from behind. Jarvis slowly turned his head and smiled at Boss Ma:

"Hello, Boss Ma."

"Please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Jarvis, and I am Lu Xingye's smart butler. I led the research and development of the ten games that were just launched."

Originally, Boss Ma looked down upon Jarvis.

But after hearing the last sentence, his face suddenly changed and became very unbelievable.

You led the development of these ten games?

That, that, that...

Then he accidentally met a big shot from Suihuo Technology?

Boss Ma suddenly had an idea in his mind, an idea to poach Jarvis.



"Nice to meet you."

"I heard that you are very interested in me. How can I help you?"

"No. I'm just cramped with idleness and want to find someone to talk to." Jarvis replied calmly.

117. Jarvis and the Penguin Group faced off, the fearless Suihuo Technology


Boss Ma was silent for a moment after hearing this. He didn't know how to answer this sentence.

There was a pause.

He forced a smile on his face.

"Ha ha……"

"Jarvis, you are really a funny person, you always speak with such humor..."

Jarvis imitated Boss Ma and smiled, but the smile looked a bit stiff.

He is an artificial intelligence, and this is a robot body, so it is naturally difficult to imitate the smile like a human being.

"Boss Ma."

"Say it."

"What's the point of coming to the hive?"

When Boss Ma heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched. You are just a smart butler. Is it helpful if I tell you? You don't have the right to decide.

"Jarvis, I'm here to talk about game agency. I wonder if you can introduce me to your boss."

"No. My boss is very busy and can't see you." I don't know if Jarvis wants to prank Boss Ma or what.

At this moment, Jarvis's performance is simply a topic stopper.

Then he added:


"You told me the same thing."

"I can make decisions about small things in Suihuo Technology."

"As for some big things, although I can't make decisions, I can ask my boss for advice." Jarvis affirmed loudly.

In fact, he wanted to find an excuse to chat with Boss Ma for a while.


He would not tell Boss Ma this idea.

Upon hearing this, Boss Ma hesitated for a moment before revealing his purpose this time.

"Is such that."

"I'm here to talk to your boss about game agency rights and related cooperation."

"We at Penguin Group are not said to be the number one gaming platform in China, but we are also among the top three. We have a lot of promotion resources at our disposal, and if the games are represented by us, they will definitely play a corresponding role in the games."

"You won't lose anything by cooperating with us."

Perhaps because he was afraid of Jarvis's rejection, after Boss Ma finished speaking, he added:


"We'll pay a lot of agency fees, as well as a hefty share of the game."


"If I remember correctly, our game has only been online for a day, right? You haven't had time to test our game and do market research, right?"

"You are so anxious to buy the game agency rights from us? Aren't you afraid of losing money by then?"

"Personally, I believe in Suihuo Technology. From a company level, Suihuo Technology has a good reputation. In addition, I saw the traffic of your company's game on the first day. It is very good and has the potential to be a big hit." Ma The boss sat opposite Jarvis and glanced at the teapot next to him, perhaps wanting to drink some water to soothe his throat.

However, no one served him tea here.

Boss Ma had no choice but to go up by himself.

To sum up, Boss Ma said one sentence: I believe in the reputation of your Suihuo Technology.


You really think highly of us.

"Excuse me!"

"We are going to go it alone and will not sell game rights to anyone."

"Or, you can ask other game companies to see if they can give you agency rights. For example: Jiuyou Games... They are all very gamers." Jarvis laughed dryly and refused directly.

In this game, the winner takes all.

Only by becoming the leader in this industry can you make big money.

The reason why Lu Xingye established the game division was to grab Penguin Group's users, so it was naturally impossible to give the agency rights to Penguin's father.



The scene was silent for a while.


"Jarvis, is there really no hope at all for game agency rights?"

"There's no hope."

Listening to Jarvis's voice, Boss Ma's face darkened for a time, and he even felt a little unhappy.

He has lowered his posture, and even has the feeling of lowering his head and wagging his tail, but Suihuo Technology still has no intention of giving him the agency.

This is so abominable.


Boss Ma still endured it again and again and did not express the emotions that burst out from his heart.

"Oh well!"

"A gentleman never takes away someone's love."

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