Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 163

In fact, these guidance robots not only serve this group of Internet giants.

There is another function, which is to monitor these big guys.

Prevent them from going to places they shouldn't go.


Jarvis was not worried that they would run around and see some secret.

It’s about worrying that they’ve gone somewhere they shouldn’t have gone.

It was directly dismembered by the hive defense system.

Not even the scum can be found.


They followed the robot's guidance to the eastern office building of Hive.

Standing in the center of the office building is a spherical smart screen.

The smart screen has an intelligent program by Jarvis that can independently handle visitors' problems.

To put it simply:

This ball is a reduced version of artificial intelligence.


"Please take your time and visit here."

"I still have some unfinished work, so I won't accompany you."

After saying that.

Jarvis left without caring about their reactions.

Now that the game somatosensory warehouse is about to be launched, he still has a lot of things to do, so how can he have time to accompany these people.

Seeing Jarvis leaving, the mouth corners of the Internet tycoons twitched again.

Damn it!

Are we being disliked again?

As for what?

God has to deal with work?

I think you just don't want to receive us.

Are we so annoying?

It was a bus just now...and now it's leaving us here...

A group of Internet tycoons only dare to complain in their hearts, but on the surface they never dare to say it out loud.


They began to visit the office building of Suihuo Technology.

The most eye-catching thing in the office building is the ball in front of you.

Mr. Xu of Huawei Group is engaged in mobile terminals and has deep knowledge in artificial intelligence and software development.


He is more interested in products such as round balls.


Then he walked up to Yuanqiu and asked calmly:

"Hello what is your name?"


The green indicator light of the ball flashed, then suddenly turned around, and Mr. Xu was recognized through facial recognition and big data comparison.

"Hello, President Xu of Huawei Group."

"My name is Xiaozhi. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time."

Damn it!

The conversation between Mr. Xu and Xiaozhi instantly attracted a crowd of big guys to watch.

"What's this?"

"Intelligent guidance assistant? Or artificial intelligence?"

"Mr. Xu, try its functions quickly."

Hearing the voices of the people around him, Mr. Xu laughed dryly and without any politeness, stood there and started studying directly.

"Xiao Zhi... Xiao Zhi..."

"Where is the bathroom?"

"Xiao Zhi... Xiao Zhi..."

"How do I get out of here?"

"Xiao Zhi Xiaozhi..."

"I want to contact your Director Lu."

Xiaozhi's performance did not disappoint them.

No matter how difficult questions people ask, Xiaozhi can always answer them perfectly.

And it is completely invisible to people that it is an artificial intelligence.

"This is awesome."

"If this artificial intelligence technology is applied to the smart voice assistant of a mobile phone, wouldn't it be... killing indiscriminately?" Mr. Xu suddenly had an idea and suddenly thought of something that could increase Hua Wei's core competitiveness.

I secretly thought to myself that after the virtual reality summit is over, I will talk to Lu Xingye about licensing this technology.

At this time.

The CEO of Samsung Group put his head over and interjected:

"Your Penguin Group is the boss of Jiuzhou Internet Company. I would like to ask Boss Ma, can you implement this function?"

Upon hearing this, Boss Ma shook his head, his voice a little lonely.

"We can't do it."

"Penguin Group is no longer the most powerful Internet company in Kyushu."

The CEO of Samsung Group took a look at Boss Ma and felt that Penguin Group was somewhat in vain.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the CEO of Microsoft.

The meaning is very obvious, that is, can Microsoft implement this technology?

"I'm afraid we can't do it either."

"The technology of the round ball seems simple, but it contains too much content...artificial intelligence, intelligent positioning, face recognition, intelligent algorithms... and other high-end technologies."

"It would be too difficult to link all these technologies together..."

Microsoft's answer is similar to Penguin's.

They all said that this technology is too advanced and they cannot do it at this stage.


Suihuo Technology!

Although they originally thought Suihuo Technology was awesome, they didn't expect Suihuo Technology to be so awesome.

Just a simple piece of technology placed in the hall.

It turns out that none of the Internet giants can do it.


This is really a heifer carrying awesome that it can fly into the sky.

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