Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 164

They spent the morning in this office building.

But they didn't feel bored. Because there are many technologies in Suihuo Technology that they have never seen before, which is an eye-opener for them.


Lu Xingye finally came out of the laboratory.

He was going to meet these Internet tycoons for a while. This virtual reality summit was held on the tenth floor of the office building.

The original tenth floor office building.

It has now been converted into a somatosensory experience center.

There are hundreds of concrete sensory chambers placed inside to facilitate these big guys to experience virtual reality in person.

Suihuo Technology’s goal in the arms industry is monopoly.

But the goals in virtual reality are different. He wants to share the virtual world and make the cake bigger with everyone.

Suihuo Technology only acts as the rule setter and only charges handling fees.

Build a virtual platform in the global realm so you can make money...make a lot of money.

After all the Internet giants are in place.

Lu Xingye came late and stood on the podium and shouted:


"I am Lu Xingye, the chairman of Suihuo Technology."

"Now I announce the official start of the Virtual Reality Summit. Let us welcome the arrival of the virtual era together."

The voice just fell.

All the lights in the experience hall were turned off, and it was as dark as ink, making it impossible to see your fingers.

The occurrence of this incident made these big guys' expressions change and they exclaimed in surprise. I thought something unexpected had happened.

They were trying to do emergency response.

The lights on the stage suddenly came back on.



It’s not that the lights are on.

Instead, the stars in the sky lit up.

136. Is this the real virtual era? I'm really convinced

In order to allow them to experience virtual reality more intuitively.

Lu Xingye has built the entire tenth floor of the office building into a huge somatosensory warehouse where virtual reality can be performed.

The somatosensory cabin virtually creates a huge starry sky.

The starry sky is dotted with stars, sometimes bright, sometimes dim, sometimes like water droplets, sometimes unpredictable.

So beautiful.

Lu Xingye stood in the middle of the sky full of stars, looking like a trend-setter of the era.

He was looking at each other from afar with a group of Internet tycoons.

"This is……"

"What technology is this?"

"Is it a virtual projection? Or?"

"Director Lu, projected the entire starry sky?"

"so beautiful!"

"I expressed that I was impressed by the beauty."

Seeing everyone talking about it, Lu Xingye felt very satisfied. This Versailles felt good.

Then, with a slight smile, he explained:

"The technology is virtual projection."

"Virtual projection is one of the relatively simple technologies in the somatosensory warehouse."

"In order to allow everyone to experience the virtual era more intuitively, I specially changed the entire tenth floor into a huge somatosensory warehouse."

"simply put:"

"At this moment, we are in a huge somatosensory chamber. The scene you see now is the scene in the virtual chamber."

"In addition, we have also equipped each of you with a personal somatosensory cabin. It is right next to your seat."

"After I finish the introduction."

"You can experience it yourself."

Everyone heard this and looked at this scene in surprise.

The entire floor is a large somatosensory warehouse?

What a generous gesture.

It's unbelievable.

Before everyone could recover from the shock, Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.

"The virtual era has just arrived. I believe many people don't know what can be done in the virtual world? And how to do it?"

"In order to serve as a starting point."

"I will give you a simple example, hoping to give some inspiration to developers."

Speaking of which.

Lu Xingye paused for a moment, and after whetting everyone's appetite, the faint voice came again.

"The first application I want to introduce is virtual shopping."


He stretched out his right hand and swiped into the void. The stars in the sky suddenly disappeared, replaced by a decent women's clothing store.

——Yiyi store.

Yiyi store is a very popular brand in physical stores, but its sales online have not been very good. The main reason is that online shopping can be seen but not touched and cannot be tried on.

There is no difference between the virtual store and the real store.

Clothes that exist in reality are also available in virtual reality.

And there's a lot of variety.

To put it simply, the virtual Yiyi store is a replica of the real women's clothing store.

Not to mention it can be done exactly the same.

But it is at least 90% true.


“I would have my robot assistant simulate the entire shopping process.”

“For the big guys thinking about getting into virtual shopping, listen up.”

Lu Xingye's voice just fell.

The CEOs of Alibaba Group, CEOs Jingsheng, and Pinxixi... their eyes instantly became intense, and they all looked at the stage intently.

Even his breathing became much faster.

They themselves are engaged in online shopping.

Now the example Lu Xingye gave was related to their vital interests, so they couldn't help but ignore it.

At this time.

A robot walked out on the stage.

This robot is the first robot Lu Xingye built - Xiao Mo.


Xiao Mo was wearing ordinary jeans and a shirt.

Although the clothes are not very stunning, ordinary clothes cannot hide his appearance.

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