Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 166

Is it interesting to drive up prices like this?

For a while.

Everyone complained about the Penguin Horse Boss.

Group 79. 69! 42, 877?


Lu Xingye's offer surprised them.

"Can everyone please listen to what I have to say?"

"...Director Lu, tell me." Everyone was silent.

"Suihuo Technology is a company with sentiments. We won't talk about money this time, let's talk about the structure."


Everyone was confused.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xingye's voice came again.

"Suihuo Technology has decided to make virtual access available to the entire network for free."

Free for the whole network?

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then became ecstatic.

They were all prepared for a heavy hemorrhage. After all, Suihuo Technology was blocking their lives. Even if Suihuo Technology asks for a higher price, they can only give it.


Never imagined.

Suihuo Technology actually made the virtual access interface available to the entire network for free.

As a capital that eats people without spitting out their bones, Suihuo Technology actually opens up such a large piece of cake?

This is unscientific!

Unlike everyone else who showed joy, Mr. Xu of Huawei Company's face changed drastically when he heard this.

That's what it looks like.

That's the tone.

Director Lu tricked me like this last time.

The profiteer from before is back.

I wonder if you have ever heard a sentence?

The free ones are the most expensive.

Do you want to take advantage of Director Lu, a profiteer? There are no doors.


Mr. Xu just wants to ask Director Lu: I have money. I want to give money... please don't give it for free.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.

"No need to be surprised."

"There is no doubt that the access to the virtual world interface is free and open."

"It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. It is better for one person to make money than to make money together."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but stretched out their right hands and gave Director Lu a thumbs up sign.

Director Lu still has a pattern.

Just when everyone was overjoyed, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over, and an accident happened.

"It's just that for the transactions you make on the virtual platform, we will charge a part of the handling fee."

"Isn't this too much?"

"after all."

"I have tens of thousands of employees. If I don't make some money, I won't be able to pay wages."

Everyone was in tears.

Director Lu is so conscientious that he only charges a small handling fee.

"Director Lu. We all work on the Internet, and we all understand. There is no free lunch in the world. It is reasonable and reasonable for you to charge a handling fee, and we can understand it."


At this time, Mr. Hua Wei and Xu next to him had a bitter look on his face. Whenever he sees Director Lu like this, he knows that he will definitely be cut off.


"I would like to ask, how much is this one-point handling fee?"

Lu Xingye smiled slightly, showing his small white teeth. In fact, "raping" is really not my original intention. My original intention is just to make money.

"35 percent."


My day!


Too special is too dark.

How can any platform dare to charge a 35% handling fee? Tax collection in Kyushu is not that scary.

This is too high.

You must know that this 35% handling fee is not a one-time payment, but a 35% handling fee will be deducted every time you trade on the virtual platform.

For a long time.

This is simply an astronomical sum.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Suihuo Technology is given a few years, it will even be richer than the national treasury.

This is crazy?

"Director Lu, the handling fee is too high. Can it be lowered?"

"We can't accept such a good handling fee."

While everyone was bargaining with Lu Xingye, Mr. Xu of Huawei Group did something different from everyone else.

"Director Lu."

"I agree with the 35% handling fee."

"Where's the contract? I'll sign it right away."

Mr. Xu has dealt with Director Lu a lot, so he naturally knows his character.

It is said that the handling fee is 35%, which means the handling fee is 35%.

This cannot be changed even if the emperor comes.

on the contrary……

Trying to bargain with Lu Xingye was an unwise choice.

If Director Lu is angered, Director Lu will even raise the price.

Hearing Mr. Xu's voice, Lu Xingye smiled faintly.

Or President Xu will do the work.

As a leek, you will be cut off anyway. What are you still struggling with?


"Prepare a contract for Mr. Xu."

After saying that.

Lu Xingye turned his head, glanced at everyone, and put a faint smile on his face. This gave everyone a very bad feeling.

"As for everyone else...the handling fee will be increased by one percent."

"If they don't agree to sign the contract, then an additional one percent handling fee will be added after one hour."

"And so on."

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