Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 167

After saying that.

Lu Xingye left directly. He didn't have so much time to spend here.

When he was demonstrating the virtual world application just now, he discovered a major bug - that is, there were no NPCs in the virtual world.

Although it is possible to temporarily replace the NPC with Jarvis's wisdom code, this is not the solution after all.

138. Don’t you want to play with me? Excuse me! I want to earn foreign currency and come back to build a base.

After hearing Lu Xingye's words, the big guys' faces turned green.

I have seen people raising prices from the ground up, but I have never seen people raising prices from the ground up like this.

Directly increase the price by percentage points?

And it goes up by one point every hour?

What the hell is this?

We think it's expensive, so why don't you lower the price, but instead raise the price?


What kind of magical operation is this?

"Director Lu, did you hear wrongly? We asked if it could be cheaper?"


"Director Lu, we all think that the 35% handling fee is very expensive, and you are still raising the price? This is simply not life-saving!"

"Can you lower the handling fee? The famous fruit company's fruit tax is only over 20 points."

"How can you charge so much?"

Microsoft, IBM, Qualcomm, Amazon, Fruit... all asked for price cuts in response to Lu Xingye's back.

Director Lu.

We are all businessmen, can you be reasonable?


Lu Xingye ignored them.

He turned around and left without even looking back.

In addition to dealing with the bug that there are no NPCs in the virtual world, he also needs to develop drones.

Prepare to explore the gray fog area.

Where can I spend time with them here?

After Lu Xingye left, the bosses had no way to vent their pent-up emotions and quickly pointed the finger at Jarvis.

Jarvis is Lu Xingye’s smart butler.

The same goes for reasoning with Jarvis.

As long as he talks to Jarvis, Jarvis will naturally talk to Lu Xingye.

The 35% handling fee is too high, even a large enterprise like them cannot afford it.


Even if you can afford it, you will become a ruthless tool man. I spent everything to make money, but in the end the money I earned was not enough to pay the handling fees.

^_^Funny/comes from the deep malice of capital.

Capital will not make you starve to death, but it will never let you live well.


Their ideas were doomed.

No matter what they said, Jarvis insisted that the handling fee would be 36%, not even a cent less.

The big guys spent half an hour in the experience hall.

Jarvis is still the same.

No bargaining, no price reduction.

If you want to sign, just sign. If you don't, forget it.

Extremely simultaneous.

the other side.

Mr. Xu of Huawei Group successfully signed the contract, with a faint smile on his face, as if he had taken a big advantage by signing the contract with a 35% handling fee.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up and sign the contract!"

"Half an hour has passed now, and there is still half an hour left, and the handling fee has increased."

"If you don't sign now... don't regret it then."


Mr. Xu's kind words were spurned by the big guys before he could finish them.

Microsoft: "What the heck! Do you still have the nerve to say that? If you weren't a traitor among us, how could we be in this situation?"

IBM: "If you weren't a traitor. As long as we unite the front, even if Suihuo Technology controls our fate, there is no way to play the virtual world without developer support."

Amazon: "It's just... it's just... you should compensate us for our losses. Just forget it if you are willing to suffer this loss. Doesn't it mean that we are also willing to suffer this loss?"

When Mr. Xu heard this, his face paled.

To be honest, it was quite stressful for him to be denounced by so many big guys at once.



The pressure on his face disappeared without a trace.

United front?

Sanctions on Suihuo Technology?

Are you stupid?

Have you forgotten that Suihuo Technology develops 100 phenomenal games a day?

Are you going to fight against Suihuo Technology?

How stupid this must be!

Mr. Xu looked at them as if they were stupid, then left silently without saying anything.

He wants to go back and develop virtual applications.

If you can take the lead and release virtual applications, you will definitely be the first to seize traffic.

One step at a time.

Everyone struggled with Jarvis for another twenty minutes, and an hour was about to pass.

The handling fee is about to increase from 36% to 37%.

Everyone finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Give me a contract."

"I agree with the thirty-six percent handling fee."

Everyone looked at the source of the sound and found that the speaker turned out to be Mr. Ku from the fruit company.

This surprised everyone.

Aren’t fruits notoriously tough?

I think back then, the fruit tax was a big deal and was cursed by countless people, but the fruit company would not change it.

Implement the fruit tax to the end.

It is precisely because of Guoguo’s tough attitude that today’s trillion-dollar enterprise is possible.

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